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RE: I am literally betting the house!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Haha, you definitely took a big risk, but the reward could be even bigger (And most likely it will).
I also have the same mindset about red markets... If it's red, then it's time to buy. This way you can make huge profits, because everything is undervalued when this happens.
I've invested in a few coins throughout this crash, but I'm hoping we will see one last dip, so I could invest into one more coin at even lower prices.


Exactly my friend! I am actually holding out on another dip right now too.. ive been laddering in all my buys and hoping to see bitcoin go as low as 5000... even tho i think it is gonna swing lower i still bough quite a bit at these prices cuz they are still great and i dont wanna get too greedy and miss out..

Yeah, I also didn't want to miss out on this so bought a little bit in case the prices continue to go up. If it went down below 5000, I would be more than happy in that situation!

I bought my bitcone on 6200 and 6800k a was thinking to hold a bit more but was and the price went up. so am happy whit the price but maby is going down more.

Shit, id be happy as hell to pick it up at 6200.. i had the money in the bank on that day but they were holding it to make sure it cleared for 24hour.. as if another banks check would bounce or something? Fucking assholes.. so by the time i had access to my money it was already into the 7 range :( thats why i am holding off to buy.

yes i was stressing like crazy to get the money out of the bank to.
its sucks when the tell u 48 hours it's 2 years in crypto

Yeah it is!! LoL.. my stomach has been in knots hopeing to see one more swing down so I can catch a good price (weird feeling to want the market to fall more lol).. Not trying to hate on you or anything, the market will definitely be fine.. I just would love to grab a 5k or 6k bitcoin and $100 litecoin.. Either way we will both win from our decisions! I am so happy to be in this with someone else.. makes it even better! ;)

a now. I was so happy when the market went down.
then a had a chance. a can take a drop to 5k. in the long run like u say its going to be find.

Right!! Even 6000 a piece is a deal.. but 8700 is a bit more than i want to spend on it.. id rather pick up more alts than pay that..

Me too! I have been laddering in my buys, but i have been holding out on a purchase of a few full bitcoins until i see one last dip! Altho im not gonna lie, i am getting a bit anxious that i might miss out on this correction if i wait to much longer.. i just know I will hate myself if i pick up one btc at 8700 when i couldve picked up two for 10! What to do!?!?!?!?!?! Lol..

Haha, the market is really unpredictable right now... I'm waiting until tomorrow and if the market doesn't go down, I won't wait any longer, because I'd probably miss out!

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