WIN 20 STEEM - 2 Sentence Horror Stories Contest # 3 (Original Contest)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I really enjoy the horror and scary genre, and some of these may not be for the faint of heart, but the gif above is from a wonderful short horror film you can find on youtube. However, I always want to keep Steemit interesting and introduce contests and engaging opportunities that I want to see here in our thriving, growing diverse community. I don't have much STEEM to give, but it's always important to give back, whether we have a little or a lot. So let's run to it!


How scary can you write a story within a two sentence frame? In order to be a valid entrant, please be sure to follow my other profile @peacemaker for more stories and other topics and Submit your 2 sentence horror story below in the comments section for it to be a valid entry. I will be now making this a weekly contest, maybe I'll rotate out some different contests as well. The deadline to submit is Sunday June 11th, 2017 at 11:59pm Germany time, so anyone entering on Next Monday will not be a valid entrant. One entry per person so give it your best shot. There are no length restrictions to a sentence as long as your two sentences are grammatically structured and readable. Don't rush, take your time, and check for spelling mistakes as it might ruin my experience reading your horror story on the first time through. Winners will be announced Monday. Please resteem this to spread the word and get more participants involved.

That should give you a more than enough time to think up something creative with a nice twist. I look forward to being spooked by your mini worlds of imaginative terror.

Check my previous posts on my @peacemaker account for examples of a 2 sentence horror story

Vacancy Guaranteed

Trunkspace For Keepsakes

Hide & Shriek

Basement Bodies

The winner will be announced on Monday, have fun brainstorming

Thank you for reading this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $1974 and .51 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $95.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided: [email protected], but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@fulltimegeek, @papa-pepper, @scammymcspambot, @prufarchy,, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs, @jedau, @sumsum, @edgarstudio, @the-future, @hanshotfirst, @tincho, @positive-trail, @ogochukwu, @kus-knee, @wakeupsheeps, @soushi888

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


James heard his baby sister whining and fussing loudly from her crib in the nursery and started in her direction, but just before he reached the door his cousin Dave slapped his arm and shouted Tag, You're It'!
He laughed and chased him outside, but froze when he reached the lawn, the hairs on the back of his neck raising as he stared at his mother by the tree, his baby sister in her arms.

Thank you very much my friend for your eerie, creepy horror entry. Either he forgot he had twin sisters, or a demon was shapeshifting ready to possess him the moment he got close to the crib! The power of Christ compels you! lol

Definitely no twin sister. Not one that died either. So...yep, your explanation is as good as any!

I love the idea. Good luck everyone. Here comes my (en)try, probably uncommon horror:

"I came home from my 10 to 5 job like everyday and turned on the TV like everyday, watching what people do to each other, like everyday, doing nothing, changing nothing. Suddenly, like an epiphany it became clear to me... this is my life."

Thank you for your life draining entry. For those who aspire to be something more, this is indeed a horror story as they relive the What If scenarios in their mind in such a mundane repetitive life that is lacking something. Glad you enjoy this contest idea, I love reading the entries.

In order for your entry to be a valid entry, please read all the rules, you must follow my other account @peacemaker to be considered eligible for winning.

Ups... I thought, I clicked that follow button already... did so now!

Thanks, I have now added your valid entry to the newest post update of the contest

I was at the store holding my mother's hand when after a while she tapped me on the arm, while holding the knife she just bought in her other hand. It wasn't my mother.

Thank you for your scary entry. What a horrifying situational entry for an innocent oblivious child.

Thank you!!!

so is this entered into the contest?

Yes it is now entered into the contest.

Thank you!!!

You're welcome

this is my entry

Thanks for the contest! I'll submit my entry via meme...

Thank you for your philosophically thought provoking entry. But in order to be a valid entry, please read all the rules, you must follow my other account @peacemaker to be considered eligible for winning :)

Thanks for the reply! I have followed the other account, so can you consider my meme as my entry, now? :)

Yes, that was all that was need. You're very welcome.

-Good night hun'- and it kisses me in the cheek.
I live alone

Thank you for your short but effectively unsettling entry. But in order to be a valid entry, please read all the rules, you must follow my other account @peacemaker to be considered eligible for winning :)

OH GOD , I FORGOT ! Will do!

Thank you very much :) Many people have forgotten it seems in this contest so far and a couple in the last contest. It happens no worries

Thank you for replying so fast! :D

You're welcome, I do try when I am available

I knew I had to deal with whatever creature had been stealing my food for weeks. I followed the trail of crumbs into the crawlspace, turned the corner and saw a dirty, malnourished old man wiping the food out of his disheveled beard staring back at me, brandishing a kitchen knife.

Thank you for your intruder entry, that is indeed a terrible and creepy situation to discover, but at least you would have a fighting chance if the man was malnourished!

Few things creep me out more than the idea of someone secretly living in my house.

It was hard to breath as I felt the worms crawling in the dirt against my back, squirming down towards my tailbone like droplets of condensation falling down the side of a cold glass of water. Anxiety starts sinking in and my loved ones stand above me, in black, their tears fall like the dirt shoveled onto my face, leaving me with nothing but suffocation, regret, and an overwhelming knowing that this is it, this is the end.

Thank you for your very detailed burial entry. I felt as if I was the one being buried alive as I read it.

Thank you for making the contest! Fingers crossed that I win. 🤞glad you liked it. You will definitely see more entries from me on the future. 😀

You're very welcome. Winner will be announced Monday as well as a new contest. Best of luck!

Nice! Best of luck with this. I'm glad you took my offer and decided to join here as well.

I went to the cookie jar and got the last chocolate chip cookie. I took a bite,... it was oatmeal raisin... 0:

Thank you for your funny entry, it would only be a horror scene if you spontaneously combusted due to a hyperallegeric reaction to the oatmeal raisin cookie

Now that is creative. Great job.

Thank you very much! I wanted to do something slightly different and think outside the box to something everyone might be able to relate to in everyday life with a little humor twist to it.

I stared down as the inky mess spilled out from my gaping wound, chunks of filth and void and death falling through my outstretched hands while cackles of laughter echoed in the background. Now that I knew what was in those old photos and why they were hidden, I found out all too late why I shouldn't have touched them.

Thank you for your creepy, original and very supernatural horror story entry. I have had some crazy experiences regarding old family photos. The memories of them make me shudder!

And thank YOU for hosting something to get the creative juices rumbling. Just the break I needed! Little accomplished tasks make it so much easier to tackle the big stuff!

I completely agree, my contests are actually a way for us all to tackle writer's block and train our creativity in many ways :) You are most welcome

My daughter was crying to my room because there was "a ghost" in her closet. When I open the closet door, my daughter, crying inside the closet, says "A ghost is in my bed daddy"

Thank you for your horrifying entry, I know of a horror story almost similar to this one :) In order for your entry to be a valid entry, please read all the rules, you must follow my other account @peacemaker to be considered eligible for winning.

that horror story really got to me

Yeah, I have read similar ones before, it definitely is creepy

the real question is which is really his daughter?

Truly, that is the kicker.

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