2 Sentence Horror Stories Contest # 4: Announcing The Winner Of 20 STEEM (Original Contest)

in #contest7 years ago

There were a numerous amount of creative, creepy and spine-tingling entries this week that showcased a lot of peoples fears and I was able to place myself in some of those situations without much effort due to my experiences with a lot of horrific situations in my life. With that said, I was able to experience the horror and fear that many of these 2 sentence stories conjured up. I am very happy with the outcome and engagement of this contest, so I appreciate all of you who made this another success

Without further ado...

The winning entry of fictional terror goes to....

@Fronttowardenemy with his horrifying, unforgettable, upsetting and unnamed entry, which I now title: Bad Roll-Model

Congrats to you @Fronttowardenemy, you were the last valid entrant and you changed my mind of the winner I had in mind at the last minute! Your detailed storytelling with a grim ending put you over the top of your competitors winning you 20 STEEM. Everyone please enjoy his entry below

Bad Roll-Model

It was the second U-turn that convinced me of my descent into the realms of chaos. The part of my brain that had safely driven me home for the past 9 nine years had short circuited and was spiraling out of control, using all of its capacity in a vain attempt to forget the stench of all those mangled corpses, so proper in their little school uniforms.

Check my previous posts on my @peacemaker account for examples of a 2 sentence horror story

Vacancy Guaranteed

Trunkspace For Keepsakes

Hide & Shriek

Basement Bodies

The Breaker

The Peeping Tom

Silence Is Golden

Addictive Nightmare

Thank you to everyone who participated, I'll see you in the next contest, a new theme will be introduced :)

Thank you for reading this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $2241 and .41 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $95.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided: [email protected], but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@fulltimegeek, @papa-pepper, @scammymcspambot, @prufarchy, @trevor.george, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs, @jedau, @sumsum, @edgarstudio, @the-future, @hanshotfirst, @tincho, @positive-trail, @ogochukwu, @kus-knee, @wakeupsheeps, @soushi888

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


Great pick !! And congrats to the winner , much deserved! 👍👍👍

Yes indeed, it was a nice last minute entry :) Thanks, you should participate in the next contest later today, new theme coming

im heading to bed but I will check it out later when I get up ! Im not good at writing these things though LOL! 👍

the next contest i'm posting today will be much easier I promise

OK cool! 👍👍👍

Thank you so much Verbal-D and everyone else who made this event possible. Without you, we would all be sleeping soundly in our beds, minds free of horror. Thank you for helping my insomnia, I haven't slept in days.

There are so many people who made this all possible for me. First off, I would like to thank Mr. Pabst. Without your Blue Ribbon Lager to fuel me into the wee hours, I would have never found the courage to enter this contest. Thank you!

Next, I would like to thank my mom. She always said "You ain't no good for book learnin', but the ideas runnin' through that sick head of yours would scare the pecker offa Freddy Kruger hisself!" So thank you, mom, for all of the long nights locked in the pantry. Without those endless hours of hate-fueled terror warping my impressionable young mind, I would have never found the inspiration for every single one of my stories. I will never stop thinking about you, mother. Never.

Finally, I would like to give an extra big thank you to Steemit and the whole Steemit community. It's great to finally find a community that appreciates me for who I am. Normally my ideas only materialize into restraining orders, but here my ideas are encouraged! It just feels so good to finally get some of the appreciation that I deserve, without all of the usual threats and violence required in the other communities. I've finally found a home now! Thank you!

In all seriousness, thank you very much @verbal-d for the contest, and @papa-pepper for helping to fund the reward. I saw the contest at about 2 am, as I was planning on going to sleep. I ended up spending another hour or two working on it before I went to bed. The idea for the story actually comes from the time when I went through a divorce, many years ago. I was driving through my own neighborhood and I realized that I was completely lost. In my own neighborhood.

Jordan Peterson has some really interesting ideas about this "underworld" that we all visit from time to time, when the mind experiences a big shock. Like a betrayal from a partner, or (I would assume) a murder. I wanted to see if I could squeeze a little bit of that feeling into my story. You can see Peterson's appearance on the Joe Rogan Experiece here.

In case my mom reads this (she recently signed up for Steemit), I should clarify that my mom never said the words quoted in this post. Nor did she lock me in the pantry. She's a lovely person. And I don't have any restraining orders.

That was a pretty funny read, thanks for the laugh and I am glad you enjoyed this contest. Thank you again for your winning entry. My friend and brother @papa-pepper did not fund this contest, all the proceeds come from me, but he does fund a lot of great different contests out there.

I have now just posted the new themed contest for today, deadline is next sunday. Looking forward to your entry :)

Oh, my bad. I could have sworn this was one of the contests that he funded recently. If you couldn't tell, I have a tendency towards intoxication when I use my computer. Apologies.

Heading over to read up on the new contest now. Thanks again!

It's all good, and you're most welcome.

will there be contests again soon?

Yes every Monday a new contest will be announced later today just read this entire Winner Post for details, but the contest will have a New Theme because I will bring the Horror theme back later, I want to do a new topic, stay tuned today and follow so you don't miss out, thanks

Just posted the new contest

Thanks for sharing this @verbal-d

You're most welcome, thank you

This is pretty cool as I can't wait for the next contest.

Yes, the new contest will be a brand new theme, so stay tuned :) I plan to have more fun with creativity, thanks for stopping by, the new contest will be posted later today

Wow thats pretty cool
Waiting for next contest.

Thank you very much, check back in in the next 6-8 hours roughly, maybe earlier, but it will be posted today

Just posted the new contest

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