Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

in #contest6 years ago

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD: A Funny Way to Share Travel Photos.

Hello crazy readers! How are you? I've found a way to have some fun with you while sharing some nice travel photos. Are you prepared to navigate through the internet seas?

Legends say that some pirates have hidden a treasure containing some SBD somewhere in this World, the only clue discovered was a photograph. Discover the location and the treasure is yours! 


The contest officially ends at 11:59 PM GMT, June 3rd.

Congratulations @themagus, you've been the MIGHTY EXPLORER of last week's treasure! You have discovered the location! Get your shovel and start diging. The location is called Fuerte San Antonio (1820) and is located in the city of Ancud in the island of Chiloé, Chile. Treasure will be delivered once that post reward pays out, which per rules will mean 100% of the post's reward. Are you ready for this week's challange?


Click image to enlarge!


Witnesses once said that the pirates had been spotted somewhere in this world. Where are they? More tips will appear along the week on the comment section!


On Mighty Steem Explorer Game you'll have to guess where the photo location is, as specific as you can. The rules are simple.

  • Upvote this post. (This is crucial for keeping the game alive)
  • Comment down below your guess. (Only TWO guesses per person; Do not edit your comment!)
  • You can try asking questions, I'll only answear with YES or NO.
  • If more than one person discovers the location, prize will go to the oldest comment.
  • Every explorer will receive my full upvote along the week (it's not much, but it's my gratitude for your competitive spirit)


  • The game will be up for ONE WEEK, even if the location is discovered before that.
  • Winner will be announced on the next week's location.
  • The pirates' hidden treasure contains 1 SBD that will be distributed to the absolute Mighty Steem Explorer right after the winner's announcement.
  • If this post doesn't reach 1 SBD reward, winner will receive 100% SBD of the post reward. The more SBD we can gather, the more I can increase the treasure prizes in the future.
  • All participants will receive my full upvote, if the contest becomes a success I'll bring a better prize for participants.
  • If no one discovers the location, the prize will be used on next week's contest.

If you find this funny and would like to help spread the hunt, consider a resteem. It'll be much appreciated.

I wish you good luck and be careful for the pirates' traps.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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Is it Guarita Park? and maybe... Torres??

Weheeee, guess we have a match here!

Wow... can't believe I got it!!!

Wooooooorray, I just wish this post had got a bigger payount to increase the treasure.

I don't want the treasure... can you add it to the next treasure chest instead??

Ow! I could, but I'd like to send you anyway for your participation and as gratitude for helping me out many times.
Then you see what you do with the cents, could donate to someone else who needs more then us.

Patience my friend, just have a little bit of patience. Your contest is real fun it will become bigger by time.

You are spot on! I'm already super happy with the results, we have such a funny group here trying to discover.

Wow! There's a winner!!! I congratulate you :)

Congratulations @riverflows! Didn't even know this spot :D
Just checked it out @mrprofessor, beautiful spot it looks like. What did you do there?

That place is insane Remy! It's funny though because the surroundings are plane sandy beaches and then there's that massive cliff out of nowhere. It's incredible.
I'm excited to go back there this year on my next bicycle trip.

And there she strikes, I'm glad you won this one and I hope you've had fun.

Congratulations on being the MIGHTIEST STEEM EXPLORER @riverflows

With incredible courage you've defeated the pirates and correctly guessed the treasure location! Your treasure will be delivered once this post pays out.

Are you ready for this week's game? Check it out

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

Looking forward to see you there my friend.

Woo hoo, thankyou!! That was fun!!

Hi @mrprofessor, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Paddling Nature Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Hey @paddlingnature, Your support is awesome! but I still would like to see you trying your explorer skills hahahaha

This week is over, thank you so much for participating in the Mighty Steem Explorer Game. This location is called Guarita Park in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.

Did you have fun searching for it? Are you ready for this week's game? Check it out:

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

Looking forward to see you there my friend.

I'm on it @mrprofessor. I'm sorry I haven't responded yet. This been a busy week but your game has peaked my curiosity! It's on!

LOL...sorry. Split personality... IT'S ON! LOL!

AHAHAHHA what? You are @artemisnorth?

Ow @paddlingnature, that's so kind of your part! Thanks a bunch for your support.

Btw you should try to discover this one! Give it a try, come on.

Hey @jduarte, thanks for taking part.
Yeah, that's Brazil.

Here are the tips so far:
Tip of the Day 1 Pirates were spotted sailing on the South Atlantic Ocean.
Tip of the Day 2 The coast is sandy, except for this small part.

Hey @jduarte, I've just realised I was not following you, shame on me!

This week's contest is over but thanks for dropping a comment and upvoting the Mighty Steem Explorer Game, your support is very much appreaciated. The location is called Guarita Park in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.

I'll leave the link down below for the new location. Are you ready for this week's game? Check it out:

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

Looking forward to see you there my friend.

Haaaaah here comes sneaky Kylie attacking with pertinent questions! love it.

No, that one is not in Patagonia.

Tip of the Day 1 Pirates were spotted sailing on the South Atlantic Ocean.
Tip of the Day 2 The coast is sandy, except for this small part.

Totally no clue again, so start guessing like @riverflows is doing 😃

Do you lookout over the Atlantic Ocean here?

Hey @guchtere, Where have you been man? Is everything all right? Send news on Discord!

This week is over, thank you so much for participating in the Mighty Steem Explorer Game. This location is called Guarita Park in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.

Did you have fun searching for it? Are you ready for this week's game? Check it out:

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

Looking forward to see you there my friend.

Hey @mrprofessor everything is fine! Had a lot to do during the weekend. Cleaning things from the rain flood. Lots of driving (but for fun things) and meanwhile being stuck in traffic.

The fun things from my weekend: I've been to a concert from one of my musical hero's. Bought a new surfboard, for light weather so I could surf more this summer I hope, and had the birthday from my girlfriend her brother. So resume yeah I think I'm still ok 😅 Thanks for asking 👍

How was your weekend?

Gonna check out the new game for sure. Yeah another pirate treasure adventure 😍

Oh I'm glad things are starting go work out after the flood, soundes like you've got a nice weekend there! Looking forward to see what that new board can do though hahaha

I went on a cool cycling training, decided to get away from my normal path and explore some neighborhoods, I'll post about it as soon as I have time. Found some really cool preservations areas inside my city, so peaceful.

Looking at the color of the water I imagine it is a cold ocean, so possibly the Atlantic .... Adriatic??

Hah! Atlantic, cold in the winter less cold in the summer. hhhahah

Suuuup Remy, thanks for coming!

Yeah, that's the Atlantic.

In that case I have to search some more as I was going to say "Easter Island Chile Pacific Islands ".. but if that is the Atlantic... back to the drawing board.

Ufff, hold your fire soldier! We'll have tips coming up this week.

Next question😎 if I turn around at that spot will I see mountains?

Ammmm, not really. The mountains are far away.

Tip of the Day 1 Pirates were spotted sailing on the South Atlantic Ocean.
Tip of the Day 2 The coast is sandy, except for this small part.

if the answer is wrong, then give a hint

On it! I just wanted some suspence in the air hihihihiihih

Can I consider your Portual guess as a first count? Then you'll have 1 more to try, don't rush it, I'll leave hints along the week.

If that is a guess, then noup, it's not in Portugal xD I'll place a hint for everyone.

Okay, I'll wait

It's right there - South Atlantic Ocean

okay, I'll go look for him :(

Tip of the Day 1 Pirates were spotted sailing on the South Atlantic Ocean.
Tip of the Day 2 The coast is sandy, except for this small part.

Is my last attempt somewhere in the belém or San Luis area ?

Hah not Belém, I guess @riverflows got it.

I love your enthusiasm in this contest, next time you can try to persuade me on the Discord chat hahahahah

Hey @madlenfox, I absolutely love your enthusiasm on this game, you are the best! I'm feeling this week you be the one, just keep an eye on the tips or ask me the right question on Discord hahaha.

Thank you so much for participating in the Mighty Steem Explorer Game. This location is called Guarita Park in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.

Did you have fun searching for it? Are you ready for this week's game? Check it out:

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

Looking forward to see you there my friend.

@mrprofessor, Thank you for the invitation! I'm joining Your game again :)

Yey I'm glad! Your participation is more than welcomed and you can also try to discover some extra info by asking questions xD

My first stab would have to be Galway, Ireland.

@themagus, last week's winner! Glad to see you are back for another hunt!

I've seen those incredible cliffs of Galway while I was searching for my own image HAHAHA

It looks similar but it's not. You have one more try, gotta remain on the pirates foot steps this week.

pop over and see my blog.... I mentioned you in a post ..... see if it gets more feet through your blog.

Awesome @themagus! Thanks a bunch for the lovely support!
This game is a lot of fun and I really work the tips out during the week to let the treasure go to someone, not really looking into profit here.

You had to see how many times I check my own images to see if they are not obvious hahahahaha

Tip of the Day 1 Pirates were spotted sailing on the South Atlantic Ocean.
Tip of the Day 2 The coast is sandy, except for this small part.

This is going to be a tough one.

Think every last weeks winner will mention that🤣

AHAHHA I've release the tip of the day. Check it out guys.

Hey @themagus, It's been a while that I don't see you man. Btw, you are awesome for making that post to boost our game here, I appreciate your support a lot.

This week is over, but thank you so much for participating in the Mighty Steem Explorer Game. This location is called Guarita Park in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.

Did you have fun searching for it? Are you ready for this week's game? Check it out:

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

Looking forward to see you there my friend.

Where are you going again? heh, is that what in Portugal? this Cape Cabo da Rock?

Tip of the Day 1 Pirates were spotted sailing on the South Atlantic Ocean.

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