
On it! I just wanted some suspence in the air hihihihiihih

Can I consider your Portual guess as a first count? Then you'll have 1 more to try, don't rush it, I'll leave hints along the week.

If that is a guess, then noup, it's not in Portugal xD I'll place a hint for everyone.

Okay, I'll wait

It's right there - South Atlantic Ocean

okay, I'll go look for him :(

Tip of the Day 1 Pirates were spotted sailing on the South Atlantic Ocean.
Tip of the Day 2 The coast is sandy, except for this small part.

Is my last attempt somewhere in the belém or San Luis area ?

Hah not Belém, I guess @riverflows got it.

I love your enthusiasm in this contest, next time you can try to persuade me on the Discord chat hahahahah

Hey @madlenfox, I absolutely love your enthusiasm on this game, you are the best! I'm feeling this week you be the one, just keep an eye on the tips or ask me the right question on Discord hahaha.

Thank you so much for participating in the Mighty Steem Explorer Game. This location is called Guarita Park in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.

Did you have fun searching for it? Are you ready for this week's game? Check it out:

Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD

Looking forward to see you there my friend.

@mrprofessor, Thank you for the invitation! I'm joining Your game again :)

Yey I'm glad! Your participation is more than welcomed and you can also try to discover some extra info by asking questions xD

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