💙Attention: There's a New Competition in SteemitTown! Weekly Challenge Starting This Week! Enter Now! 🌊💙

in #contest7 years ago


Hi everyone! Let's sprinkle some inspiration around SteemitTown shall we? I am starting this challenge to initiate a community of supportive individuals who will together, make a whole big loving wave in this ocean of ours! So come and dive on in with me!

I LOVE food! You might have noticed this from my recipes that keep finding their way onto my blog ;) More specifically, I love delicious food that makes me feel amazing when I eat it! (I believe from experience that food has incredible healing potential!)
(I wrote a loving guide recently which you can check out here! It came directly from my heart and I hope it resonates with you no matter your dietary preference!)

What does "food that makes me feel amazing" mean?

I am talking about food that my body has chosen to be what is best for it. I have spent years listening to my internal system's dialogue, putting it together with nutritional studies in order to customize a meal plan to be just right for me! In my case that has turned out to be vegan, gluten free, sugar-free, and generally just plant based food from our mother Earth!

However, we all have different bodies and dietary needs so I am not here to tell you what is good or bad, right or wrong but I will offer my recipes to you, my suggestions upon request and my love for you in all that you do regardless! =D

I have told you before that I used to be the biggest meat-eater out of anyone I knew. I think because I am so small, I subconsciously thought I needed more protein to make up for it and so found myself fork and knife in a barely cooked, rare as possible steak at least once a day! (Fun fact: I have put on more (healthy) weight SINCE changing my diet which goes to show that my body is happy with my choices!)

The 'me' now cannot conceive eating the way I used to, but that story is not a story for today. In fact, my transitional tale is so wild that I am going to have to spend a good amount of time on it and share it with you another day, as I believe it will challenge a lot of preexisting beliefs you might have (I know it did for me!)

So enough about me, I promise I will disclose that in raw, pure form as usual, so stay tuned for that if you're interested but FOR NOW... let's talk about this initiative I am attempting to start here with you all!

We're going to call it #veganwednesday and it's going to be a weekly running challenge that I will of course oversee. I will chose at least 1 entry every week and donate $5 SBD of my own to the winner(s).

I will also end up upvoting my favorite submissions so don't be shy, send me your posts!
YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE VEGAN TO ENTER! (But you must comply with the rules to win!)


How to participate:


  • Post what vegan means to you! This could be anything from vegan approved recipes (no animal products) to poems, to reviews... basically I am looking for vegan related content at your discretion (must be animal friendly!)
  • Tag it within #veganwednesday (using your first tag will help me find it!) and I will go through them every week, choosing a winner and announcing them each week
    (I will have guest judges help me from time to time as well as we grow!)
  • Post your entry on each week's update (this post will serve as this week's, so post your submissions here!)
  • I will create a post announcing the winner each week along with any deserved mentions as to help foster a strong community bond for those of us who are trying to share our vegan recipes with the world!

Only positive posts will be considered. This isn't a war for animal rights or a call out to tell people how to live! It's a loving, caring, sharing invitation to get to know each other and support our community!

peace love vegan.jpg

I have a compelling urge to inspire and assist anyone who would like to improve their health!

I would love for you to experience the same incredible health benefits I have received from changing what I put into my body.
I hope this challenge inspires you to consider new options in your diets and serves to help us connect to each other! Please engage with me here in the comments, on steemit.chat or in Discord! I am so excited to launch this initiative and can't wait to meet new friends and see your posts!



hearttoheart signature.png


Hi, upvoted and resteemed by the Minnows Accelerator Project.
Any minnow quality content creator can signup.

Good luck with the vegan-venture!

Thanks @rycharde, MAP is such an amazing project! I am excited to help spread the word about it ;)

Very cool initiative .... Here is my support to the cause

Few Tips For A First-Time Vegan

Beautiful post. I like your attitude, perspective and communication in regards to veganiism. We need a lot more people like you out there sharing like this..
I also really like u r cute photo art work and expressions =)>
I will participate one day to help spread the word.

Hi @qinneaker, I am just seeing this now (after reading your entry) so I am late on the draw but thank you 💜 It's really important to me that people are never forced or coerced into making changes. That's what happened with me and it backfired at first. Everyone needs to make their own choices but my hope is that sharing how I have lived and what I have experienced, acts as an inspiration for others to find health through whatever means their bodies dictate. You are one wonderful soul my friend, happy we were brought together 💜


Yes honestly I was a bit surprised that I got no comment from you on the post as I did it for you....

Hahahahah but I figured there was a good reason as I have already FELT your heart!

I appreciate you and support you as I said in my post and am thankful you felt this was a quality post.

Great to connect with you and hope to continue to share heartfelt content and live a heartfelt life!


great idea to try..i like to eat all kind of vegetables, what's that mean am vegan or not..?

That's great! I love vegetables too! It doesn't mean that you are vegan but it means you can participate :) Vegans do not eat any animal products so as long as none of your posts have any meat or dairy or any other animal products, it can work! =D

Hi @orcheva! Don't forget your Wednesday entry to #veganwednesday! <3 Can't wait to see what you post!

Thank you so much for your entry @orcheva! I'm excited to read it <3 I'll be posting the results within the next couple of days at the latest! I will let you know when I do! <3

I don't know if anyone on this platform can tip with your amazing recipes but the idea is great. I especially appreciate your non-dictating style and the opening to non-recipe-articles on veganism, i will definitely write something, great initiative! Btw, i posted a vegan recipe today you might absolutely like but your body will not :-). Vegetarian love! I actually would love a vegan mayonnaise recipe that doesn't use exotic ingredients or at least tells me how to substitute them, i live in India, nothing available... Just an idea for anybody reading and willing to participate, will definitely upvote :-)

You are too sweet! There actually is tipping available on Busy.org which uses the same blockchain (it's essentially your Steemit account turned into a social media, user friendly, almost FB-like experience) I love it- you should check it out! I have an article about it here that shows how it all works =D
I would love for you to participate and will make sure to check out your recipe as well! I made vegan mayo last week with ingredients from Bali and I get my 'more exotic' stuff from Indian stores a lot of the time so I betcha it could work for you! I'll put it on my list of things to do to share it with you <3
Can't wait to see your entry!

Don't forget about #veganwednesday my friend! PS I made some chipotle, garlic aioli last night, not mayo but hey, it was delish! I'll share with you <3

Such a great idea.. you are a wonderful soul! Giving back makes like so much more fun.. i hope you get lots of cool people doing this..

maybe il have to write something also really!?

Hey @eco-alex, I hope so too! I really hope it just brings some fun awareness into people's lives and that they have fun seeing the possibilities. I know that aspect really helped me when I was transitioning =D You had better enter ;) I would love to see what you come up with!

I think that the fact that you've gotten into a great rhythm with your body and food choices is amazing. For me, I could eat almost anything ("ALMOST"). Don't really know if I could be Vegan, as me and meat or meat based foods are like two parts of a whole.
Perhaps will try a vegan diet for a month sometime and see what happens. That's if I can..lol

Experimentation is great!! I'd love to here how you 'as a non vegan' just attempted veganism! It's not like you would be short of any food ideas either with @heart-to-heart around! I too used to be all about meat. I was in the military and meat was essentially our religion (as we had to stay strong). Now, 3 years later I can confidently state that I'm in better health and stronger post meat than during. Never would have discovered this if it wasn't for a little experiment going without myself...

@rieki you're the best! I'm happy to have you back online =D You better enter the contest this week, I know you could offer some valuable insight <3

Haha I used to be the same way trust me, my love of food has never changed! At first when I was making diet changes I thought it meant I was constricted to salad and carrots for the rest of my life but as you can see, I have been changing that whole perspective ;)
I never thought I would be, that is 100% truth. But now that I am and I see my own life changes, I just want to show people what I found to be true for me. I'd be happy to coach you along should you want to give it a try ;) <3

That's cool! I'm guessing it will be a fun experience with you as a coach 😉
Let's see how it goes.

I love coaching, teaching and inspiring! When I have time I take on clients but I have been too busy lately, I will always make time for you however so you just let me know what you need and I will support you all the way through! If I could, I'd cook for you =D

Good competition , all the best and may it grow and succeed sounds like fun , I'm not a vegan but maybe I can give a try on this competition ? .

Hi @moonprincess thank you so much! I hope we get a bunch of fun entries! You don't have to be vegan at all to enter, you just have to make sure your entry is! If you need any further explanations or help, feel free to ask! I hope to see your entry come through on Wednesday =D

@moonprincess Hi happy Wednesday! Just a loving reminder to get your entry in today to compete <3

happy wednesday thanks for the sweet reminder, will work on it . i want to try a poem :-)

That would be wonderful! I am just about to go over to the tag and see the entries, I hope you ended up writing that poem =D <3


Oh thank you so much! I remembered the tag this time ;)

Great to see this contest. It was much needed on this platform. But why Wednesday?

I dunno if this entry qualifies for this contest, but posting here anyway. How many entries can be submitted by one participant, btw?


HI @xyzashu! I chose Wednesday because it's a perfect day to try something different- right in the middle of the week =D Plus, I have always been a big fan of Wednesday and I think it's exciting to call some fun attention to it!

You can submit more than 1 if you would like but it has to have the tag #veganwednesday so unfortunately, this one will not count though I will read it anyway =D
I hope you enter this week! I'm excited to see the entries! <3

Hmm, that's a good explanation 😊. Weds do have a special place for me too. In fact, I even have a page named WedsWithoutDairy over facebook 😊

Well, Streemian isn't working for me right now, so can't schedule my entry for Wednesday. Perhaps, I won't be in the town on Wednesday. But yes, I'll read all entries participating here later on. Looking forward to more and more entries. 💓

You can enter early, that is no problem so long as you use the tag ;) I'll look out for it <3
I don't spend much time over on FB anymore but I love the initiative! =D
I hope you'll use some of that gusto to share with us over here! Looking forward to it!

Ohh, if I can enter earlier than Wednesday then I don't understood why you declined to accept my entry without even reading it. I understand, if you do so after you read but rejecting even before reading set me thinking that it was because it's not Wednesday today.

But anyway, I know it will be rejected later on as I don't follow one of your rules which say:

Only positive posts will be considered

I normally don't adhere to this. But still I'd like to submit my entries here in future contests so that at least I'll get you as a reader 😉

Well, regarding FB I just stated it as a reference to Wednesday. You won't find anything there as most of the content there is in Hindi and not in English. So better you stay away from it 😊

I was making an exception for you, but it has to be within my tag, that is a condition which ensures me it was written for this contest =D I am trying to bring people together and using the same tag helps to unify, so as I said I will read your post but since it wasn't tagged, I can't have it be a contender or it won't be obeying the rules of the contest! I hope you understand. I am still willing to let you enter early if you'd like given the circumstance, you just let me know else, I will see you another week =D

Sorry, I didn't get you. Which tag are you talking about! I won't like to be counted as an exception. Please don't count it as an entry. Perhaps I ain't good at understanding rules, so better I'd keep away from this contest thing. I write whatever I want to write anyway. But I'll visit here to read other entries. Hope I'm clear.

HI @xyzashu, I owe you a HUGE apology, I did not see that you had entered the post in the tag since you responded so quickly, I thought you were sharing something else! Please forgive me, I have had a lot on my plate and this contest was supposed to be confined to Wednedays, so there was a lot fo confusion by you entering early. As this is the first week, please excuse this and allow me to get oriented with it ;) I am reading it now, I had it pinned and am considering it as an entry for this week! Thank you for understanding and participating my anti-dairy friend =D

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