#Orcheva Could I be a Vegan ?

in #health7 years ago

image source: shutterstock.com

Its my second post today, for this second time i want to share you about What Is Vegan?
By a definition, vegan means "a people who eat just vegetables, fruits, beans. But they never eat animals and never consuming animals product like milk, egg and gelatin also.
Vegan is different from Vegetarian, For vegetarian they still comsuming animals product such as milk, egg and gelatin. Many people said they are vegan but they still consuming animals product, so many missunderstanding definition out there.

image source: shutterstock.com

How I Become a Vegan?
Some people think that will be hard to leave foods like egg, milk and other animals product. But, you can do it by slowly and maybe take a vegetarian way for first, you can change the menu when you consuming animal product two times a week, you can slowly change for 1 times a week or less. Till you never consuming animals product again. You will be a real Vegan by then.
Me? should I be a Vegan?? maybe, why not..because i so much like to consuming a lots of vegetables by now. Should I changes the menu sometimes on the future to be a real vegan.


Ohh kirain udah bnran jd vegan :D


Thanks for the sharing:)

do you easily feel hungry after becoming a vegan? 😄

@shirlam am not yet a vegan by now.. :D

Neither am I:) I just sometimes feel hungry after eating a vegetarian meal haha

really.? its hard for me to feel hungry though i eat so much vegetables.. :D

Hi @orcheva =D Sorry it has taken me so long to come read this! I'll be posting the winners on Monday but for now let me tell you thank you for entering my contest! I am hoping you'll get a chance to look at the other entries and get to know the authors who posted them so we can really build a community to support and encourage each other here <3

As for whether or not you should be vegan- that is entirely your own body's choice and not for anyone else to say! I have found ways to substitute anything I would have normally had like eggs, milk, bread... with vegan options so it's not hard to make the change if you decide to and if that is what your body wants. In any case, my goal here for this contest is to get people thinking about what foods they eat and to talk to and engage with other users about the subject so it seems like you have given it some thought! I would love to know what you end up deciding! If you ever need any help, I am happy to be here for you =D
Thanks again and good luck!

thankyou for give me an explanation about all, actually i have a plan to be a vegan, but its need a time to start slowly..i'll contact you if there is any something that i can't understand..is that right we will easy to fill hungry if we are a vegan?

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