in #contest7 years ago (edited)


😍I challenge YOU to comment.😍

Greetings, Steemians!

One of the most (if not THE most) important parts of your Steemit experience is the COMMUNITY.

Of course, creating high-quality content is also a big deal, but when it comes right down to it, Steemit is a place to interact with people all over the globe. 🌎 And sure, the money's a REALLY great incentive, in fact, one of the main reasons I joined. But, to be honest, I'm staying for the love. 😍

Plus! Added bonus! The more love you give on the platform, be it via upvoting, commenting, resteeming, delegating power, donating STEEM or holding contests, the more love you get in return! Not only that- but some of that love comes in the form of STEEM and SBD! I'd call that WINNING on all accounts.

So I'm holding a CHALLENGE. 😎

Full Disclosure: This was totally my hubs @chrisrobert's idea. He's basically been challenging himself to read more content, curate and comment. None of those, "I like your post. Upvote me." or "Follow for follow" type of comments. Instead, really thoughtful comments. The kind that are engaging, supportive... and sometimes hilarious. 😏

After doing this only a few days he began to notice many of his comments were upvoted AND he was gaining followers MUCH faster than when he was primarily posting. He thought I should do some kind of contest (I like contests 😍) that prompted people to curate and comment more.

And of course...

Here's the nitty gritty.

Instead of spending your next (few) day(s) painstakingly working on the perfect post (Is that only me? 😏), I CHALLENGE YOU to take some time to find some really awesome content and make some new friends. You are totally welcome to still post, but you may find this challenge a touch time consuming...

The whole point of this is to show you how rewarding interacting can be on this platform, but I'm still gonna throw some SBD into the mix. 🤑

For One, Two or Three days (during the time of THIS post), get out there and comment (thoughtfully) as much as you can!

It's a little harder than you would think. Sometimes you may go through a few posts without a single thing to say. And that's okay too. 😍 In this challenge I'd like to SEE ya out there commenting.

You can see the possible SBD payout below. Once you've decided to enter, simply comment WHICH level you completed.

I'll be able to go to your profile and see all your comments (and make sure ya did it 😉)... and I might even upvote some of those too. 😎

Here are a couple of examples:

*For TWO days I'm able to comment (thoughtfully) TEN times EACH day, totaling 20 comments. I decide that's all I can do and enter in the comment section: 2x10.

If this checks out you would be rewarded 1 SBD!

*For THREE days I'm able to comment (thoughtfully) TEN times EACH day, totaling 30 comments. I enter in the comment section: 3x10.

If this checks out you would be rewarded 1.5 SBD!

I would LOVE it if you also thoughtfully commented below. Maybe tell me a little something about yourself.

I'll be offering UP TO 3.0 SBD for anyone able to comment (thoughtfully... are you getting the hint? 😉) 20 comments EACH day for THREE days in a row, during the life of THIS post.

You aren't required to upvote or resteem this post, but I surely would appreciate it. 😍

Tiny shoutout: if there are any dolphins🐬, orcas or whales 🐳 (or ANYONE 😉, us minnows are important too!) out there that would want to help sponsor this... ONLY in the event it gets super out of hand and I find myself not having enough SBD to come through... Feel free to message me on Discord (I'm in SEVERAL channels and should be easy to find.)

If for some reason that DOES happen (I run out of SBD), I WILL make good, eventually. #trust

Deadline is Tuesday January 16th.

I will take submissions until this post pays out.
Awards will be announced and sent within two days (assuming I don't run out of SBD 😏).

Wondering how I'll judge?


  • Be THOUGHTFUL. Hint hint.
  • Probably gotta be more than a sentence. I mean, unless you're a run-on queen/king, it'll be hard to impress in less.
  • It must be clear that you read the post and had something to add/question/highlight/etc.
  • I may not count "Great job!" type comments. They're nice though. And I still love them.
  • Be THOUGHTFUL. For realz.

And lastly, if I DON'T think something qualifies, I'm willing to listen to the argument of why it IS. I'm sometimes wrong.

At the end of the day though, I get to decide what is thoughtful.
Luckily, I'm a Libra and find fairness VERY important. So no worries there.

Below is the handy-dandy chart so you can see where your goals lie.😎

Got questions? Ask me. 🤓
EDIT TO ADD: The chart is at the very bottom, though the markdown is right under this... Anyone know why that would be? So confusing... Anywho- it IS down there... WAY down there.

😍 Happy Commenting!😍


Thoughtfully comment for up to 3 days in a row, 10, 20 or 30 comments/day and be awarded up to 3.0 SBD!
Now, get up there and read the whole thing. 🙃

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New here? Wanna know a Steemit Secret? Check out The Secret to Earning Followers by @chrisroberts. He just may be on to something... 😎

Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great (if I do say so myself) tutorial:

Are you stealing Google images?! Learn how to do it LEGALLY:

Are you SUPER excited about this challenge? Do you wish there was more content from me? Well, it's your lucky day! Here are a few of my most recent posts! Enjoy!

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

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DAYS (in a row)

I found this post from a link in a similar “commenting = networking” thread from @meno.....and although I just saw this post I went and checked and I’ve written 109 comments since you put this up. I’m not sure what to do with this information, but it definitely helps me understand why my voting power has been smashed to smithereens.

I’m only a few weeks into building a following on here for my synth music content, but I can one hundred percent verify that almost -all- of my followers came from spending equal amounts of time researching content I would actually be interested in and banging out comments (like this now overly verbose one.....metaaaaa) that would actually contribute to the discussion.


I know @meno (well, not personally). My hubs @chrisroberts just finished his 8 Week Song Writing Challenge to win a guitar. Now we await the verdict. 😳

I'll add ya to the list as a 3x20 (which is the top choice).

I'm insanely busy at work right now, but will be going through everyone's comments in the next several days. After the post pays out, I'll do final checks and make a Reward Post. I will pay out until I run out of money and then payout as I get it. 😀

I'm good for it. I just had NO idea so many would enter. I don't normally get much interaction...

I really just though this would be fun for like 7 or 8 people. LOL! You, sir are contestant number 27!!!

You are entered. You've nothing more than to await your (possible) reward.

Also, verbosity is my FAVORITE. 😎

El duderino if you aren’t into the whole brevity thing...

I actually just followed chris too! No musician can escaped the power of my crawl.

The contest thing Is great and I’m glad it is generating so much interest but I literally just stumbled on this at the exact moment I’d made 100+ comments in a steemit binge whilest in a van on tour. Dont stress out on my accord lol.

Whoa. You were kidding! SO.MANY.COMMENTS.

And like 95% of them were thoughtful! I mean the others were nice too, just not as in depth.

Great job!

Stuck in a van for eight hours a day can do wonders for your steemit crawling! Have found so many rad people, and all things considered ... relatively quickly!

You've been going at it like a boss!

You were last to enter my challenge and still banked the TOP payout. Congrats!

Keep on doing what you're doing!

WHAtttttttt. Extreme generosity overload.

You are rewarded by what you put out. I was simply the messenger of the rewards this time. 😉

Good initiative...we make sure you got enough :)


This is an awesome idea. I actually stumbled upon this post because I wanted to reach out to the community. If you look at my recent post with the photo in this comment (and no, dont need to upvote hahaha. You are entitled to your own limited nmber of votes a day) I posted how it is important to make quality content. I mean that is the bramd of the platform right?


However after reading your post, I have come to realize how it is essential also to develop a sense of community. I love the entire idea.

I am an advocate for minnows in the sense that I dont do upvote for upvoye but I make it a habit to always comment on posts that i think has potential. There is more to this community that the monetization of thoughts but it is also a great platform to exercise the idea that "kindness can go a long way"

Thanks for this challenge. I will make it a habit to comment more on without the expectation of anything in return. I will expand my horizaons and fulfill my duty as a curator here. Wish me luck

P.S. i really love your attitude. Can you suggest people I should definitely follow who share the same tone? I love people who are out to really help in the community and have a personalized advocacy. I want to surroind myself with those people

I have been receiving great reviews for my motivation posts amd I hope to make it a niche. That is after all, one of the things I take pride in. I want to have an inner circle of people who share the same view so I would appreciate your help in helping me expand my network of like minded people.

Good luck on this contest! Im sure you will motivate people along the way

@josejirafa !

Welcome to the party!

I pretty well follow everything you've mentioned above. 😍

I met a LOT of great people by following @papa-pepper. He seems to breed good conversation threads. Plus, he holds regular contests that are pretty amusing.

I'm also a member of the #syndicate , #thealliance , #yourarehope and #steemusa , to name a few.

These communities also each have a Discord channel where we all REALLY get to know each other.

One of my favorite things to do on Sunday is join/listen to a full day of radio shows via Discord.

We talk about ... everything. For real. 😎 Plus, while you're hanging out and getting to know new folks, ya always get new followers. It's the natural progression.

If you are familiar with Discord, find me. If you're not, sign up HERE and then let me know and I'll find you.

I will totally get over to your profile soon. I'm trying to get to some comments before I gotta go do numbers for the rest of the day (grants, taxes, payroll, etc.).

And thank you for the works of encouragement!

I already have a discord account but im still looking for a group where i belong lol. Is it okay if I join those groups? I am really looking for like minded people here. Do you mind if I tag along? But I understand if there are limitationa to the group thats totally fine. I love discussing about the platform and promoting emotional intelligence.

I will find you on discord. Really hoping to get to know you guys. And also want to try listening to shows on discord. Havent tried it. Hopw I see you on discord

Remind in here or on Discord to get you the links (and world time) of the Sunday (maybe Saturday night for you...) radio shows. 😀

Okay. I'll contact you in discord then. Thanks so much

Oops. I replied on the wrong thread. Sorry

By the way, i stumbled upon your post from your husband. You make a great team

Lol! S'ok. 😁

And I agree. We make a pretty great team. 😍

Seriously, y'all are the BEST.
Thanks for the back up... just in case. 😍

Throw me a bone too then. LoL I have nowhere near enough.

I accept your challenge...but only because you wrote me one of the greatest comments I have ever received! You are absolutely correct that a good comment can earn you followers. I began following both you and your hubby after that one single comment. Also, you used a TL:DR!

OMG! I TOTALLY used TL;DR for YOU! LOL!!!😆

For reals... I wasn't gonna do it, but then, I thought of you! #inspired 😍

YES!!! I am glad I could have an impact on you...and a positive one at that!

Did you finish? What did you end up doing?
3x10, etc.?

Work picked up in a big way and I have not been able to spend much time on Steemit this week. I do not deserve any sort of reward for my recent Steemit commenting performance.

Thank you for being honest.

For reals. That means more than you could know.

To be clear, your comments are MUCH better than many others. Much.

I actually did a prelim run through and found you completed 2x10.

Though I don't really remember, I could have been easy on ya. 😍

Maybe I should go back and see...

I, too, am SUPER busy with real-world work. My deadlines are insane right now. Good luck with it all and I hope to see ya around more when things cool down.

I did it!!! @carrieallen and TBH it was a challenge. I chose the 3 days of 10 comments per day. I tried to articulate why I chose the posts and what I liked and not just wimby/mimby make a "nice post" type of comment. It was a challenge for me because I am helping my single daughter with childcare AND my best friend dealing with 4th Stage Ovarian Cancer. My time has been monopolized out of necessity of late, but when I dragged my weary butt home these last 3 days, I pushed past it to read and post and on Steemit. Here's the good news, it helped me see and read some really cool and positive things which actually makes these life challenges easier to walk through!!!! Love to ALL and thanks for motivating me. I am making a commitment to myself to continue to make a minimum 5 comments per day and at least one post. Steem on Steemians :)

Those are some great new goals!

I've still not managed to post once a day yet... 😏

I tend to over-think and spend LOTS of time on things. But, honestly, I've gotten quite a bit better since starting here.

Your comments were awesome. I even found several posts that YOU found and upvoted those too.

I'll be finishing up grading last minute entries (not many) and get a post out soon with winners.

Thanks so much for playing!

Thank you!! I really appreciate the feedback and I can really relate to the overthinking part and I tend to make these amazing lists of ideas that I plan to contribute plus I plan to write a REAL intro post which I never really did. By the time I get around to doing all of these wonderful things here on Steemit I will have accumulated a dozen notebooks of notes...yep notebooks. I still use pen/paper for most things I write/plan, I'm so old school, probably because I am pretty old, LOL!!! Long story short (too late, right?), I am happy you challenged me. You are so spot on, commenting seems really important for really connecting here. Hope you have a great week and wishing you peace, health, and prosperity @carrieallen :)

We have so much in common!

  • I, too, never got around to an intro post.
  • I, too, have notebooks EVERYWHERE (and random little pieces of paper) with amazing ideas I've jotted down.
  • I'm on the cusp of old-school. At a time when libraries were still cool, but using the internet as a source was inching its way into our didactic.

And finally LOL!

Long story short (too late, right?)


Hey @carrieallen!

This is frickin' awesome!
I actually do write 10 thoughtful comments a day (or close to, but I think I can make an exceptional effort this time around!)
How exactly are you evaluating this? Did you want screenshots of the comments?
I'm totally down to do this! I might even write 20 or 30 comments!
Please let me know exactly what kind of proof you want for this 'cos I'm on it! <3
I won't count this one as a thoughtful comment, but I can tell you a little bit about myself!
I'm Hae-Joo, a young millennial rebel living out in China. I spend my days planting seeds of revolution everywhere I go, and try not to get too carried away with ego and try to focus it on the spiritual! I love life, human-beings, and the Cosmos, and try to live in a state of harmony between the positive and negative (Yin, Yang, and Qi!)

I'm a firm believer in unity, duality and trinity, and try to honour all three. In other words, I love white and black, but I try to live in the grey :)

Thanks for the great idea and motivation to do some socializing! Am following and looking forward to your reply! Hopefully we can all make some friends this time 'round :)

Greetings, @imp.unity! (Hae-Joo) 😍

No need for screenshots. 😀I can simply go to your profile and bring up a list of your comments chronologically. I'll click through to read/scan (as time permits) the blog and then the comment.


  • Probably gotta be more than a sentence. I mean, unless you're a run-on queen/king, it'll be hard to impress in less. 😉
  • It must be clear that you read the post and had something to add/question/highlight/etc.
  • I may not count, "Great job!" type comments. They're nice though. And I still love them.😍

And lastly, if I DON'T think something qualifies, I'm willing to listen to the argument of why it IS. 😀 I'm sometimes wrong. 😏

At the end of the day though, I get to decide what is thoughtful.
Luckily, I'm a Libra and find fairness VERY important. So no worries there. 😘

Have fun!

After reading how much effort you intend to put into this from several comments I am a bit fearful of your time!

This is however an amazing thing. I can only hope this will further create more wonderful places to have fun and rewarding interactions in comment sections. It is sometimes rather sad to see how void many of them are.

I'm always trying find a fun and interesting comment sections to hang out in.

Thank you for being fearful! I, too, am having a bit of a nervous breakdown this morning. 😏 It seems perhaps ONLY whales should run this type of contest...

In other news, if you're not already, give @papa-pepper a follow. He tends to hold contests where the comment section is hoppin'.

I was in a 2 month long selfie contest and made the BEST of friends!

Oh I LOVE this idea Carrie! I've been wanting to reach out and establish connections more anyway, now that I've done a bunch of creative posting... this will be fun! I'm challenging myself to 20 thoughtful comments/day for 3 days. Wishing you the very best of luck and all the support you need with this contest! Resteemed and upvoted :)

Thank you! Good luck!

That's quite the challenge you're taking on!

I'm ready. Will probs try for 25 each day just to be sure ;)

Cool contest, i'll keep posting.

Also, I'm blogging about my dog's recovery from back surgery to raise funds to pay for it, would appreciate you taking a look and thanks for allowing me to post here! Good luck with the contest!!!


Oh! Floppy! I sent you a little something! I hope he feels better soon! I can tell he get's lots of love. 💗

@carrieallen thanks so much...you're right, he's spoiled rotten with love (& treats!)

I will have to go for this one, i will go for 10 comments for 3 days in a row, though i feel like am denying myself some sbds..lol.
Good am going to make some interactions.
Good thing, carrieallen you brought up something like this.
We shall have some fun.

Good luck, my dear! Be sure to come back to confirm you did it. But I'll check on ya. 😘

I love the idea of this contest! Just got here via @meno. I'd enter but I spend so much time commenting I'm not sure it'd be fair :P In any case, props to you for doing something like this. It's nice to see people putting their money where their mouth is in terms of growing the community here, especially with all the infighting among the upper echelons about... well.. exactly that.

Resteemed!! This comment i am making will go towards your challenge. You can check my comments as I make a lot of them anyways so this should be a breeze...

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