Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Hobbies)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Thanks to everyone who took part in last week's Idioms SBI Giveaway. It was an interesting array of answers from people around the world and of different languages and countries. There were some really amazing and baffling idioms which would have been confusing to anyone who wasn't a native of the country!


So, I'm writing this post as my brain is completely fried after a non-sleeping night with the toddler... I'm starting to think that removing the bar from her bed wasn't the best idea, but I guess it has to be done at some point before they leave home! Today was also a big day of single parenting (my wife is doing an intensive Dutch course at the moment), so we were out all day at a bird park which was really great, but in the heat it was pretty exhausting.

Coming to the point, it means I can't get my brain firing on all cylinders (or any cylinders) to write a SBI contest about something philosophical or a big question or anything like that! So, this week, I'm going again with a slightly softer question.

It's an easy one, after a day of work (or standing in the Sun with kiddies...), we all need a way to blow of steam and just do something to relax. Even if we are completely brain dead tired, or especially if we are brain dead tired. So, my question this week is:

### What is your hobby? The thing that you turn to help re-centre yourself, that you love doing, that helps you relax again? And just share a little bit about what it is that makes it so enjoyable for you!

Now, hopefully I don't get a million and one replies of "writing posts on Steemit"...

My example Response


I'm a gamer through and through. Since I was little, I would enjoy computer games and board games, mostly with a preference for deep strategy and complex mechanics. I would lose myself in worlds that were immersive and that had non-linear and player-generated stories instead of a directed narrative. I would play myself in multiplayer board games (like Axis and Allies or BattleTech), I would get completely smitten with the huge year long game span of PC games like XCom, Crusader Kings 2 or Master of Orion. I would never want the game to finish, as the act of finishing meant that the simulation was over.

As I am now a parent, I now have much much less time to spend on my hobby, but it is lucky for me that the games that I prefer can be pretty much started and stopped at short notice with save games, and so I can play in short bursts... or if I'm on tour, long bursts!

Weirdly enough, it is still a hobby that is seen as a kid's hobby, and if you are judging by the standards of the console games that are around, then they can be really seen as an idle distraction. However, the depth that can be built into a complex PC game is often incredibly ambitions, being complex simulations that don't hesitate to throw you difficult situations (like real life), difficult choices and fail states.


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, tell me about your hobby and why it engages you!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).

Last week's winners

Last week paid out 0.365 SBD and 0.442 STEEM, so I will make it 2 shares.

Congratulations to:



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Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


I have a long list of hobbies, too many if you ask my wife. The ones I always come back to are fishing and woodworking. I've been keeping bees for about five years now, so that is probably my primary hobby. I also like to roast coffee.

Wow that is an incredibly interesting group of hobbies! Bee-keeping is pretty unusual, how many hives do you have and how is the honey harvest?

This post is about my recent honey harvest.

I have seven hives this year. Some years I catch a bunch of swarms and end up with lots of hives. This year I lost two but I caught two swarms and broke even.

I tried to catch a swarm in Mexico but it wasn't as docile as the books claim them to be.
Ending up getting stung on the forehead.

Humans write a lot of books about bees, but bees never read them.

LOL! This is the funniest thing I've read today!

Excuse me for my lack of originality, but if I´m going to be sincere, I have to say my hobby is also gaming.

I play computer games since I was 10 years old. I used to play board games too but since my friends disliked games with complex rules, I´ve experienced only the most basic roleplaying tabletops. I would have loved to play battletech, but sadly haven´t. Then I turned to single player games because I don´t need to organize a gathering to play them.

Amongst the games I love the most, are RPGs/Isolinear turn based shooters with some uniqueness to their story. Loved the X-com series, the old one and the new one as well. Unsurprisingly I loved the Baldur´s Gate series as well as the Fallout series, which I´ve been playing from Fallout 1
to the 4th installment.

But I also love strategy games with complex economics. I´m dead serious when I tell you that those games taught me how to manage a budget, and I´m better at it than most of my friends(both strategy, and managing budgets).

Nowadays, I have very little spare time, so I play Warthunder almost exclusively. It is the best tank/plane/ship action game out there and it even has three playing modes: arcade, realistic and simulator battles. It has literally hundreds of vehicles from WW2 of the five main nations, and even some cold war vehicles. They have a unique damage system where each shell trajectory, composition and penetration angle is simulated against the tank/plane/ship armor and internals, resulting in a realistic damage sim. Combined battles are also unique to this game: you can be in a tank, battling all other players who are tanks, and get attacked by planes who are also controlled by players. Resulting in a dynamic battle environment. Also, even though it´s freemium, it´s not pay to win since a good pilot/tanker/captain can kill any premium enemy easily.

If this seems like a shameless publicity, it is because I enjoy this game very much(I´m level 100 there and have played it for more than 2 years) and I am indeed shamelessly taking this opportunity to put my referral link out there(which will give you a small benefit to both you and me in the game premium currency)

It seems like we have the same tastes in games! Although, I'm not so much of a fan of multiplayer online games. I did play alot of Counterstrike and Team Fortress 2 when I sas younger, but these days I crave something that might finish!

For a longer single player game, you should try Stellaris. If you like the Masters of Orion series, you will LOVE this. You should get the latest expansion, its actually pretty cheap. What is unique about this game? Well, each type of race is played differently and each has its own storyline with a unique endgame crisis and ending. The game also throws plenty of surprises at you at hard difficulty - one minute you might think you´re winning and another minute a whole extra dimensional armada pours down on your doorstep with thousands more ship than you, and even if all the races of the quadrant unite it will be troublesome to fight them(I´m not kidding). It´s slow paced enough that feels like Civilization but its very politically oriented as well. Instead of just conquering empires, you can make them fear you enough so that they split in multiple factions, and one splinter group may become loyalist to you. And a big etcetera... try it if you can, it´s the best long space strategy game I´ve played so far.
On the other hand, if you want a strategy game that you can finish each new game in an hour or two, try Sins of a Solar Empire.
And never forget Sword of the Stars 2... that has the most detailed combat simulation in any strategy space game. Feels like civ, but you can actually play the battles and control the ships.

I've got Stellaris on my backlog, I was waiting until they had ironed out the usual Paradox launch 'features'!

In the mean time I had being playing endless Legend 2 and Endless Space as well. I definitely recommend those!

I have not v played Sins for quite some time. It was pretty cool, but I just lost interest, it really seemed more suited to a multiplayer sort of game.

SOTS was another that I was waiting for launch issues to be sorted. Again another game hanging around in my backlog!

.. But thanks for reminding me of these gems!

Both Stellaris and Sots 2 are pretty polished right now... I got the latest version and I can´t seem to find any bugs(they were loaded with them when they were first released).
Btw, Endless space 2 rocks... that´s the one that feels most like Civ in space(Exceptuating Alpha Centauri, which is exactly Civilization in space).

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

It will probably not be a real surprise, but my favorite way to clear my head and relax is by gardening. My garden is my stress-free zone.
When I'm taking care of my veggies, everything seems to fall into place; all my worries disappear, and the constant stream of thoughts going through my head finally stops. It's just me and the garden, and nothing else seems to matter :0)

I've found gardening to be also a great stress reliever... there is something just quite calming and I just lose track of time, whether I'm tying up stuff, or pruning or just getting weeds out...

Which reminds me, I'm supposed to mow the lawn today....

Sorry for reminding you of that, lol. Mowing the lawn is propably the least fun task when it comes to gardening :0D

LOL, I promptly forgot again! Tomorrow's job!

I don't know about the weather condition over there, but I'm guessing they won't be so different from those here. Are you sure it would be a good idea to mow the lawn on a day with temperatures of 35°C and above, lol?

Oh, but you're Australian, right? You are probably more used to this weather than we are 😎

I've lost my hot weather sense... I almost melted today, so maybe it is a job for next week!

I was talking to @lynncoyle1 earlier. They're trying to survive temperatures in the mid 40s in Mexico,
I always thought that if you were born and raised in a country where high temperatures were normal, you would be able to handle them better. Guess I was wrong, haha.

It surprises me you still have any grass left. Because of the ongoing drought, ours is just brown and refuses to grow - except for some weeds that doesn't seem to care whether it is dry or not :0)

It's still crazy hot, but like I said to you before, the locals are wearing their skinny jeans and tight shirts, so they must get used to it. We even saw a girl in ankle boots the other day!

Me? not so much. It's a pretty picture when you're sweating just sitting :)

Our garden is pretty small and a little sheltered from the sun. We don't get it full on all day. So when we water the garden plants, the grass gets enough water.

However, as you can see from the photo, the outside common area is brown...

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

My hobby is mainly reading. I read a lot of motivational and Relationship books. It helps calm my nerves and takes my mind off the happenings from around me. It's also one good means through which I put myself to sleep. Most times when I'm finding it difficult to have a nap, I just pick up something to read. After a little while I'll feel relax and start dozing off.

Reading is a great relaxing hobby! I used to do that all the time... sadly, much less often these days.

Reading helps the mind relax: mostly when you're reading funny and interesting stuffs. It seems your day is always very busy.

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

Hiking - although I don't do it nearly enough.

Its amazing to go on vacation and hike 12-15 miles, and at the end of the day feel physically tired but mentally sharp. I feel way better than if I sat in cube nation all day.

I used to love hiking, but it was more of a thing that needed to be organised rather than something that you just do at the end of the day (well, unless you walked to work...). Do you have a preference for where you would hike? I liked forests, and mountains were okay if it wasn't too hot.... definitely didn't like dunes or near the sea.

Southwestern US - Utah, Arizona, New Mexico is my favorite area so far, but I need to get to the Northwest and Rockies to do mountain hiking! I like pushing myself on hills vs flat stuff.

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

Whoa! I actually won an SBI share? Awesome! Thank you! :D

As for my hobbies... I'm an adult, and I love gaming too! (despite being visually impaired and needing a sighted person by my side to help me most of the time) I'm in the process of writing a series of posts about the video games that impacted my life (this linked post is a bit old but is the latest one I've written about it and has links to the previous posts in the series. I really need to put the next part together...).

I played many kinds of games, and particularly liked games based on anime and with lots of voice acting (preferably in Japanese), puzzle games (like Bust-a-Move), some platformers (like Kirby and Mega Man). Now I'm leaning towards games that don't require superb reflexes such as turn-based RPGs (like Pokemon and the Persona series. Mostly into Persona right now. Literally bought a PS4 just so I could play Persona 5). I love games with immersive plots and lots of character development. These kind of games give me so much to think about, and the characters really feel alive. I also don't like when the game ends, and the story ends... but that's where fan fictions come in! Additional events, alternative scenarios, other versions of the story with different twists, and whatever else other fans come up with. Possibilities are endless. Reading and writing fan fiction is another hobby of mine, linked to the gaming one.

Since we are at it, another hobby that I've been developing recently is... playing the violin! I don't know why, but already as an adult, I suddenly fell in love with the sound of the violin. I found the sound so beautiful that I decided I'd somehow have to learn to play it! And this was how a 26 to 27 year-old adult visually impaired woman began taking weekend violin lessons three years ago :P . Currently doing fourth position exercises from the Shinozaki Violin Method book volume 3. Not much time to practice, just around one hour maximum in my free time after work (which has nothing to do with music), but I'm advancing at my own pace, and I think it's good enough for me, and for a hobby...

Whoa! let me check... Yes you did!

Haha, anyway, I'm glad you are also a gamer! Although, I see from your post that you are an evil console gamer!!!! BOOOOOO, PC gaming is the TRUE gaming... hehehhe!

I love the persona series, I was really into it with the Nintendo DS and also the PSP. I have a Switch, and so I'm really really hoping they will release something on it...

Funnily enough, I'm a violinist as well!

I'm evil! Mwahahahaha!

Persona series and violin, yesss!

Have you played Persona 5 yet? I played Persona 3 and 4 on PS2, then Persona 5 on PS4. I've started Persona Q on the 3DS but didn't get too far. Now I'm waiting for the Persona rhythm games, and wondering whether it'll be possible to memorize the note charts for each song, kind of like I have to memorize the violin exercises XD .

Not Persona, but it looks like the next SMT ("Shin Megami Tensei," not "Smart Media Tokens!" :P ) will come out for the Switch.

No Switch for me yet, still waiting for the price to lower. Since there's no longer an official distributor for Nintendo products over here in Brazil, all Switches on sale here are imports, and cost around $2,000 BRL (around $500 USD!). Maybe next year...

Wow, that is a touch expensive! It's weird that Brazil doesn't have a distribution channel, I knew that phones were expensive, but Nintendo? They are around 250 euro here.

I haven't had a go yet at Persona 5, is it on switch?

Now that you mention it, I think I was playing smt and not persona. I keep getting the two confused!

Brazil used to have an official distribution channel, but Nintendo left because of the absurdly high taxes (and probably other issues too).

Persona 5 is on PS3 and PS4.

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

Obviously, my favorite passtime is playing SteemIt games and joining contests :0)

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of the @newbiegames selection of top contests for minnows of the day

We invite everyone to follow our @newbiegames account and use the #newbiegames tag for their next game or contest to connect with more of our members.

@newbiegames is a part of the #newbieresteemday initiative.
Feel free to join us in the #newbieresteemday Discord Chat channel



Ha ha! This week, I'll give you a valid entry!

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

I will describe one I used to do several years ago. I also loved to play some games. But I had in the past a computer called MSX, very popular here in Brazil, and the game genre I liked the most was RPG. There was only one problem: the vast majority of the RPGs games which was being made for MSX was in japanese. So if I tell you that I finished several japanese RPGs games from MSX, with no understanding at all about japanese? I just developed some 6th sense about this, I remember being stuck in a game called Dragons Slayer VI, cause my character wouldnt pass through a doorway, then I thought: what if I unequip all my armours and weapons? I tryed it, and guess what? I did it. On that time, this kind of resolution served me as a kind of hobby.

I had heard of that console, but I never saw one. Funny that you would play Rpgs in a different language! Rpgs are some of the most reading heavy games!

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

My hobby, photography and dogs ... and best is to combine it together. So being with my dogs, enjoying the love from them, giving love to them, building memories with them, giving them what they all need. Being in the nature with the dogs, doing excercise with the dogs, and looking at those lovely snouts, observing them while they play, while they discover the world, and love them ... and when you do a good job as a boss, you get so much love back, and that's what I try to capture in my photo's. The individual character of every dog. Because they all are really different. It's not just a dog, but a individual being with a beautiful soul. And when you can see that in the picture I have done my job.

Photographing dogs means for me, Enjoying nature and being together and building memories. All at the same time. And yes, that is relaxation.

On the picture, Rowan and Myla


Wow, that is one very nice photo! Big dogs you have too, and the shot captures such a nice (morning?) fog as well! As I'm typing this on a hot evening, it really feels like a fresh breeze from the computer!

It's great that you can combine your hobby and your loved pals as well!

This was a very early morning, of a very hot day. But not as hot as it was today. I know that your evening is extremely hot because we are typing in the same country ... Yes the dogs are big, and the third one is not in this photo. And the fourth one has died last month unfortunately. They are my loves, my life and my passion ... and so is photography. Thank you for your kind reply!

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

My hobbie is sportarbitage ( I think that is right word) and similar things. It is kind of mix of mathematic, logic and earnings. But - my brain maybe not is cooling down this times.

I had to look up what this was! Sounds interesting, but I can see how it gives the brain a bit of a workout!

Yes it is. Most mathematic. A lot of small streams makes a river.
Love to find systems and use them.

The winners of this SBI contest and the new question (Rules/Laws) is here:

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