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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Hobbies)

in #contest6 years ago

Excuse me for my lack of originality, but if I´m going to be sincere, I have to say my hobby is also gaming.

I play computer games since I was 10 years old. I used to play board games too but since my friends disliked games with complex rules, I´ve experienced only the most basic roleplaying tabletops. I would have loved to play battletech, but sadly haven´t. Then I turned to single player games because I don´t need to organize a gathering to play them.

Amongst the games I love the most, are RPGs/Isolinear turn based shooters with some uniqueness to their story. Loved the X-com series, the old one and the new one as well. Unsurprisingly I loved the Baldur´s Gate series as well as the Fallout series, which I´ve been playing from Fallout 1
to the 4th installment.

But I also love strategy games with complex economics. I´m dead serious when I tell you that those games taught me how to manage a budget, and I´m better at it than most of my friends(both strategy, and managing budgets).

Nowadays, I have very little spare time, so I play Warthunder almost exclusively. It is the best tank/plane/ship action game out there and it even has three playing modes: arcade, realistic and simulator battles. It has literally hundreds of vehicles from WW2 of the five main nations, and even some cold war vehicles. They have a unique damage system where each shell trajectory, composition and penetration angle is simulated against the tank/plane/ship armor and internals, resulting in a realistic damage sim. Combined battles are also unique to this game: you can be in a tank, battling all other players who are tanks, and get attacked by planes who are also controlled by players. Resulting in a dynamic battle environment. Also, even though it´s freemium, it´s not pay to win since a good pilot/tanker/captain can kill any premium enemy easily.

If this seems like a shameless publicity, it is because I enjoy this game very much(I´m level 100 there and have played it for more than 2 years) and I am indeed shamelessly taking this opportunity to put my referral link out there(which will give you a small benefit to both you and me in the game premium currency)


It seems like we have the same tastes in games! Although, I'm not so much of a fan of multiplayer online games. I did play alot of Counterstrike and Team Fortress 2 when I sas younger, but these days I crave something that might finish!

For a longer single player game, you should try Stellaris. If you like the Masters of Orion series, you will LOVE this. You should get the latest expansion, its actually pretty cheap. What is unique about this game? Well, each type of race is played differently and each has its own storyline with a unique endgame crisis and ending. The game also throws plenty of surprises at you at hard difficulty - one minute you might think you´re winning and another minute a whole extra dimensional armada pours down on your doorstep with thousands more ship than you, and even if all the races of the quadrant unite it will be troublesome to fight them(I´m not kidding). It´s slow paced enough that feels like Civilization but its very politically oriented as well. Instead of just conquering empires, you can make them fear you enough so that they split in multiple factions, and one splinter group may become loyalist to you. And a big etcetera... try it if you can, it´s the best long space strategy game I´ve played so far.
On the other hand, if you want a strategy game that you can finish each new game in an hour or two, try Sins of a Solar Empire.
And never forget Sword of the Stars 2... that has the most detailed combat simulation in any strategy space game. Feels like civ, but you can actually play the battles and control the ships.

I've got Stellaris on my backlog, I was waiting until they had ironed out the usual Paradox launch 'features'!

In the mean time I had being playing endless Legend 2 and Endless Space as well. I definitely recommend those!

I have not v played Sins for quite some time. It was pretty cool, but I just lost interest, it really seemed more suited to a multiplayer sort of game.

SOTS was another that I was waiting for launch issues to be sorted. Again another game hanging around in my backlog!

.. But thanks for reminding me of these gems!

Both Stellaris and Sots 2 are pretty polished right now... I got the latest version and I can´t seem to find any bugs(they were loaded with them when they were first released).
Btw, Endless space 2 rocks... that´s the one that feels most like Civ in space(Exceptuating Alpha Centauri, which is exactly Civilization in space).

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