Steem Basic Income Giveaway (What keeps you sane?)

in #contest5 years ago

Thanks for all the entries to last week's Rose Tinted contest. I'm afraid the idiom was a little lost on some people... but that's okay!

Anyway, I begin this week with a bit of a busy week. Coming out of a busy week and into another... which doesn't leave me time to write as much as I would like! Anyway, in that vein of things... my question this week is, in busy times... when you feel like things are only just being kept at bay... what is it that keeps you sane?

My Question

  1. What keeps you sane and relaxed... when you are busy or stressed?

My sample answer


Well... for my wife, she finds that yoga is the best thing for her...

Not for me! For me, I like losing myself in the imagination and the crafted worlds that make up computer games. There used to be a time in my life where I would have enjoyed multiplayer competitive gaming... however, that time is long since past... plus I got old and slow... and too cranky at kids having tantrums!

I've reverted back to my gaming roots, where I can lose myself in single player games with a strong narrative or emergent element. A world where I can just lost and forget about everything else!

Interestingly enough, I love playing games before I wander out on stage... something that confuses some of my colleagues, as they associate gaming with a hyper energy or something like that! But for me, it is the complete embodiment of act fast, think slow....


  1. Upvote is not required, but appreciated!
  2. Resteem is NOT necessary!
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
  6. PLEASE PLEASE Don’t upvote your OWN comment. I can’t stop you doing it, but it seems to mess up the distribution of the Bounty for everyone else. If you upvote your own comment, I will consider it an invalid entry when doing the draw.

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 0.594 SBD and 0 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 2 shares.

The winners by random draw are:



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@bengy has set 1.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

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What keeps you sane and relaxed... when you are busy or stressed?

Well I love to drive and to know different places on the weekends. That makes my stress go away entirely.

My father also loves loved driving to relax! I'm like driving... But I would much rather be doing something else! Personally, I would rather sit on a train so I can watch a movie or play a game! For me, automated cars can't come soon enough!

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

You got a 29.23% upvote from @redlambo courtesy of @discernente! Make sure to use tag #redlambo to be considered for the curation post!

Music 💯 I have some cool lyrics I always play and before I realized, I am already into singing a long slowly with the music :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah! Everyone likes a bit music to relax...

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

@bengy, While doing my work sometimes stress really increases but then i play music while working which helps me to stay in relaxed mode.

Ah music! I'm a bit mixed myself about that... Seeing as it is my work as well, sometimes I find it relaxing... But more often I find myself listening too intently on it!

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

Will visit soon.

For me, it's music. More exactly Jazz. It does a great job, especially when I'm stressed about trading and I have to take important decisions. So that's it: Jazz is my little 'hideaway' 😁

Funnily enough, I find Jazz quite energising! Although, I tend to listen closely... so, I'm not quite sure if it is as relaxing for me! But I do enjoy it very much!

I know exactly what you're talking about. It sometimes steals my attention too, but some Bossa Novas in the background are always handy. Glad to hear that Jazz isn't dying.
Carry on with the good music!

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

For me, I like losing myself in the imagination and the crafted worlds that make up computer games.

I know the feeling, back before I joined the crypto world and made this my game I was addicted to computer games, World Of Warcraft, all counter strikes, rainbow siege, Guild wars, Battlefields, CoD, and the list goes on and on and on. Gaming is soo much fun, atm I'm more focused on researching cryptos and other techs but I'm sure that in the future I'll start livestreaming some gameplay from my channel, or at least my alt account...

What keeps you sane and relaxed... when you are busy or stressed?

Well, normally I work out and go out to party to feel relaxed, but lately I've been saving up money to buy cryptos when the market reverses so atm I'm using TV shows to destress from life... Watching TV shows doesn't require any mental or physical activity, I just need to shut my brain off and watch the show without thinking.

Ah, you seem more drawn to the competitive multiplayer games! I was there for a while, but then it started to feel like doing the me thing over and over! I started to crave narrative again... A story, a beginning and an end and a journey...

TV is a good one! I haven't watched anything for so so long...

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

Easy one this week...finally, lol.
My girlfriend/wife. Simple as that.
She's the most calm, emotionally balanced person I know (except when I'm driving her crazy, but I can't blame here, because I can be very nasty and have terrible tantrums), always has a practical solution for no matter what problem that crosses our path and never loses her clear view on things, her calm and her belief in a positive outcome. That's the one thing that keeps me sane - although I don't know if the word 'sane' can be used in the same sentence as my name :0/

She can put everything in the right perspective when I'm completely stressed, depressed, annoyed, angry or just plain lost.

Music can do the trick too, but by far not as good as she can. :0)

Lucky you! To have found someone who is the rock for you is a pretty rare thing in life I think! I would have thought your gardening was also something!

To tell the truth, I think my wife is also the same me for me...

Gardening is something too indeed, but since my back is still not okay, it brings quite a lot of frustration these days...

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

What keeps you sane and relaxed... when you are busy or stressed?

Stress is a very real thing. I find it does horrible things my body's so I learned a few coping mechanisms.

A physical way, martial arts helps me stay calm. Going to her three times a week helping to teach the class, engaging in sparing and training. These all help me release stress. It almost acts as a form of meditation, as soon as I step onto the mat, I find my mind focuses on that exact moment and everything else melts away for 2 to 3 hours I train.

Another way, CBD oil. I started taking this a few months back for injury and it's been helping me stay calm and more focused as well. Don't get confused, its not THC, just the CBD... Has a way to calm an active mind.

Lastly, I also go for long walks. These gives me time to relax, put my mind on a topic, think through issues to help find a result.

That's my stuff. I hope this helps answer your question.

Best regards :)

Wow, that is quite an array of tricks that you have in the bag there! All great ideas for relaxing a racing mind! Thanks for sharing!

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

This post has been manually selected, curated and upvoted by CI mod staff team. Supporting all posts that are in high quality and don’t get enough recognition.

This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was voted: 100%

I must say that prayer works perfectly for me.
Praying for me has filled me with inner peace, it has changed my life. The attitude with which I face the situations that I live day to day, to my family, to the neighbors. I can accept the tribulations of life and my beloved country Venezuela, otherwise I would not be standing here with my daughters

Finding that sense of peace inside is such a powerful tool to keep yourself centred! Hope all goes better in the future in Venezuela.

The winners of the SBI Giveaway and new round (Who eats the Crust?) can be found here:

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