Who are the heroes on steemit? (5SBD contest)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

I was just thinking.. More and more I look at the people in our IFC community and others as well on the platform as heroes. And all the heroes have different strengths and weaknesses so to speak, they all have their "powers" or even "super powers".

And I was wondering... Who do you think are a few of the biggest heroes on steemit in regards to trying help others and the platform in general to do better and succeed?
And why do you think they are heroes?

Artwork credit - Charisma777

I'd like to become more aware of the heroes on steemit, and I'd also like to work with as many of them as is reasonably possible as well in whatever ways are reasonably possible.

You could consider this as a sort of little side quest type of thing.. I will give 5 SBD to the person who gives me the best write up of who they think the best heroes on steemit are.

I'd prefer you don't list more than 3 people.. Try to keep it to just 3 if possible! I won't disqualify you if you do more than 3, but.. I think 3 is a good number. 3 or less is ideal.

Please write up a lil something about each of them to explain why you think they are your choices for some of the best heroes on steemit. :)

Thanks if you decide to help! I'll personally decide which one I like the most after the payout of this post, I may get some other judges to help vote.. But.. I might just do it myself as well. We'll see! Things are busy at the IFC! Cheers. :)

PS.. If I haven't responded in a while I'm not ignoring you.. Just quite a bit behind on messages cause of being so busy, hopefully wil respond to them all before too much longer.

PSPS.. This contest is open to anyone, not just IFC members. Please feel free to chime in if you want to! :)

PSPSPS Please don't pick me as one of the heroes since I'm looking for others! I appreciate the sentiments though. ._.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram


This is quite a remarkable idea for a post, and it's good to find out what everyone on here thinks of as their go to accounts for support and being...well Hero's I suppose. My personal choices, @enginewitty for the tireless amount of work he does not only supporting and growing his own #thealliance community but also how much he interacts in every single Discord even and show - you can guarantee he is there whatever is going on.

@sircork whose work with #youarehope is incredible bringing support to some of the most needy regions of the world through the Blockchain.

@shadowspub - Truly a bastion of the people, supporting every account from the smallest on Steemit and offering everyone the chance to showcase their work through Pimp My Post Thursdays. SteemitRamble discord offers many social events and is always very interactive - it is the place to be seen and get your work noticed.

I have tons more, but you said three and right now they are might top three Hero's of Steemit - solid gold Kind hearted people who will do anything to help others even if it costs them to do it.

#thealliance #witness

Youre my hero too, dont know how you get around to so many posts every day and run a full time business!

Heroes, I think are selfless individuals who believe in bringing others up the ladder. To them it's not just about giving out, it's about grooming and helping others identify themselves. Allowing them to create cliché where they fit in without struggles. Many heroes and heroines on this platform. Too many that I've seen trying to help new members find their foot in and helping them understand how the platform really works. Be aware these names are in no chronological order or in order of influence it's just as they pop in my head. @surpassinggoogle with his different hashtags #ulog, #teardrops #steemgig I think is helping newbies and others identify themselves... @dynamicgreentk is also doing wonderfully well.. @charisma777 very friendly and helpful. I need to stop already i think I missed some really important names, I know I miss them but I'll stop anyways. Where do you fit in at the topmost huh? @apolymask

Thank you for the Mention! I'm no hero but I appreciate your kindness

Isn't humility a trademark of heroes? Look at it being displayed! 👏 You're to me and will continue to be!

thanks again @lightoj!!! 😊

You're definitely a hero in my book. :)

Thank you but one of my picks is you

@apolymask! I hereby nominate you as The diplomatic dreamer

Sure thing, credit where credit is due! And.. Aw. Thanks. I was thinking I should have made it so people can't vote for me, cause.. This is about finding other heroes.. But thank you for the nice words. :) I appreciate that.

You're a hero in my eyes @charisma777 :)

Agreed. Good description of what you think heroes are. I've heard of surpassinggoogle a few times before, definitely seems like they are doing some great things on here! Also familiar with dynamicgreentk and I agree, definitely a hero! Don't know a lot about them, but from what I've learned so far it's all been very positive. And a highly agree with your choice of charisma! She has been a major hero in my opinion. Helping so many, without ever asking for anything in return! And then humble on top of it. I'm honored to know her. Thanks for your submissions!

great initiative, i will definitely resteem and participate! :)

today, the term hero is so hard to describe and IMO not easy to come by. The world is so me me me ... i love this one. thank you for this, who doesn't love a hero!!?? :)

Thanks! Also thanks for the resteem and participating. :) And yes.. I tend to agree. The world is so "me me me" and heroes are kind of hard to describe in the sense that they seem very rare and uncommon. And haha.. I guess the only ones who don't love heroes are the ones that the heroes are fighting against! The villains per se! Anyways.. I appreciate the positive feedback and look forward to seeing your picks!

@apolymask hey no worries, and hopefully this isn't over because i still need to join it! hehe
its a good thing i have many heros, you being one, soooo if i happen to mention you dont get
all shy and goofy hahahaah
yay as far as heroes fighting evil. woop woop

I will get back to you on this...soon!

Cool. :) Looking forward to seeing your picks!

Ready to judge one tonight my friend, if you send me a link, I have a few hours spare today.

Thanks! But.. Looks like I missed you. Bummer. Here's the link anyways if you get a chance and have the time!

Here are my three picks. there were more of course, and I did try to keep it short.

Ok! I have left some truly enormous comments on the posts of Steemians before, but this time I had to say no for fear of being blasted and blackballed by anybody who has a feed.

So as I am sure you've already gathered that I turned it into a post after it reached 1300 words and I was still writing. I realised for the first time today whilst responding to your call for hero-nominations that I DO have a niche...I previously believed and was actually a little disappointed not to have my own little area of speciality.

My niche is community!

It always was...I just hadn't realised it. Anytime somebody asks for names of those who are giving, caring, empowering or inspirational I thoroughly enjoy writing the comment or post to give them a well deserved shout-out

This one traveled down a path I did not envisage when I started to write, I always knew I was going to mention @briancourteau as soon as I read the word hero but I was "gripped" by emotion and empathy as I reached the part where I mentioned him and @lynncoyle1


...and I carried on writing even though it felt like I was discussing something too personal to them, because it felt right!

Here is the link to my too-mammoth-to-be-a-comment post.

some of my heroes in this community

Thnkyou for this prompt to write @apolymask it genuinely spoke to me! As we have been banned from mentioning your extreme heroishness, I shall simply refer to you as

A good egg, here for all the right reasons ;)

We think you're a good egg too @stevenwood! Thank you again :)

The heroes of Steemit for me falls into a few groups, of which I only name a few by name (there are many more!)

Those who work behind the scenes on discord to hold and glue communities together. People like @plushzilla and @charisma777.

Those of middle sized accounts that form communities assisting smaller newbies. @davemccoy, @danielsaori, @dreemsteem, @thedarkhorse, @apolymask, @wolfhart, @insideoutlet and @remlaps.

And those who visit and comment frequently on other people's posts, which is really important, otherwise we just post for money instead of for interaction. People like @lynncoyle1 and @c0ff33a.

I have no doubt I've missed many individual names, but these people are just examples of the types of heroes we have and need on Steemit! We all contribute to the ecosystem in many and different, but complementary ways!

Thank you @bengy! I've been questioning my 'usefulness' as of late, and reading things like this put things back in perspective for me. So thank you for that! :)

Thanks for the shout out @bengy, excited to be included in the middle size group and some amazing heroes of Steemit.

I'd be inclined to put davemccoy in the large sized accounts :D I know that he and @mudcat36 started the whole @newbieresteem initiative that lead to many others, and along the way we have been fortunate enough to come across other groups (and the people behind them) helping to make Steemit the community that we want it to be.

You can give yourself a pat on the back as well :) @classical-music is a great community group as well!

Classical-music is @remlaps baby, I'm just helping out!

The real world, and our steemit world are so full of selfish people, so I'd like to thank you for encouraging others to focus "outside" of themselves for this one. I don't have to think too hard though to come up with heroes here, and in fact, I"ll have to make a post about it I think :)

In case no one has told you today @apolymask, you are awesome:)

by the way, can it be a comment here instead of a post?

Thanks for the nice words. :) I highly agree with what you said, and you can do it either way. You can just do a comment or you can do a post. It's up to you! Looking forward to seeing your picks! :)

I have had the pleasure of growing with @davemccoy, @simplymike, @beeyou and so many others who I met working with @newbieresteemday. All heroes in my mind, but today I'm going to focus on a couple of totally different people.

About 3 months ago, @thedarkhorse and I were talking about "what" would make a great contest and after throwing some ideas around, he tweaked it all beautifully and came up with a Pay it Forward Curation Contest (here's this week's post). In a nutshell, entrants need to find 3 quality bloggers with a reputation of 50 or lower, and write a post explaining why they like them so much. He asked me to be a judge and I was happy to do it, but soon the contest grew, so now @wolfhart, @energyaddict, and @erodedthoughts are judges as well. We all visit each entry and their 3 chosen bloggers, comment and upvote all of them. We each also offer an SBI membership for each winner. @freedomshift has also all on his own, offered bonus prizes and visits all the entries as well. @thedarkhorse has found a sponsor, @kaliju and others now (@dynamicgreentk, @bengy, @wizardave, @andrewharland) have sponsored bonus SBI memberships too.

This contest is now in it's 10th week and the beauty of it is not only the time and energy we all put into it, but that the steemit community has embraced the value in this contest; they've embraced the importance of quality posts and the idea of curating and paying it forward. It's become a big part of my week and I'm honored to be working with these heroes :)

@lynncoyle1 you are my hero and you prove it everyday

aww thanks buddy, I appreciate that!

@lynncoyle1, I love your choices.
The Pay-It-Forward contest is a wonderful example of how many people are willing to reward value on this platform.
Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to join the contest, but I’m watching it from the sidelines, and cheering for it with everything I have :0)

I know you are @simplymike !! You are always around for awesome support ❤️

Not always, but I’m giving it my best (which is still pretty limited at the moment, but K try to do what I can) :0)

My picks will be @davemccoy who is doing a great job in helping newbies, @terminallyill of the GreetersGuild community who welcome and support a great number of newbies out there. My final pick should be a great whale whom i see mentoring so many here on steemit and is doing quite a lot in ensuring that people grow here on steemit. That will be @jerrybanfield.

Thanks for your entry! I'm a fan of davemccoy! Glad to see him getting numerous mentions already. I also know terminallyill, and while I don't know him that close.. I've seen him doing a lot of positive work and I will keep an eye on him more in the future! :) Also.. Don't really know a lot about jerrybanfield admittedly even though I've been on the platform for a while. I've heard some things, but will keep on the lookout for him as well! Thanks!

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