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RE: Who are the heroes on steemit? (5SBD contest)

in #contest6 years ago

The heroes of Steemit for me falls into a few groups, of which I only name a few by name (there are many more!)

Those who work behind the scenes on discord to hold and glue communities together. People like @plushzilla and @charisma777.

Those of middle sized accounts that form communities assisting smaller newbies. @davemccoy, @danielsaori, @dreemsteem, @thedarkhorse, @apolymask, @wolfhart, @insideoutlet and @remlaps.

And those who visit and comment frequently on other people's posts, which is really important, otherwise we just post for money instead of for interaction. People like @lynncoyle1 and @c0ff33a.

I have no doubt I've missed many individual names, but these people are just examples of the types of heroes we have and need on Steemit! We all contribute to the ecosystem in many and different, but complementary ways!


Thank you @bengy! I've been questioning my 'usefulness' as of late, and reading things like this put things back in perspective for me. So thank you for that! :)

Thanks for the shout out @bengy, excited to be included in the middle size group and some amazing heroes of Steemit.

I'd be inclined to put davemccoy in the large sized accounts :D I know that he and @mudcat36 started the whole @newbieresteem initiative that lead to many others, and along the way we have been fortunate enough to come across other groups (and the people behind them) helping to make Steemit the community that we want it to be.

You can give yourself a pat on the back as well :) @classical-music is a great community group as well!

Classical-music is @remlaps baby, I'm just helping out!

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