Growing TeamMalaysia | Steemit Community Building in Bangkok

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Sunday, 11th March marked the first time I've ever ran a Steemit event - or any community-based event for that matter - outside of Malaysia. Over the years of community building, my events had always been in my home country. So I guess you can say it was quite an experience for me.

The 100degrees Steemit Intro Event was in Bangkok, and because we only had five days to promote the event, on a Sunday afternoon, at a place kinda outside of town, I was lucky to have 8+1 people turned up. Being an intro event, you know you had tremendous support when more than 20% of the audience are existing, established Steemians! Thanks @heartscally, @travelling-two and my better half, @deborism.


Well, for once, was the language barrier. Everybody spoke English, which was great, but there was a couple of Thais in the session who were not native speakers, so it took me a while to understand their questions.

Of course, the audience size was a big difference too, because my smaller 100degrees event so far was 30 people, up to 80+, but I try not let the low turnout rob me of the excitement of the sharing Steemit. Heck, the group was quite mix because we have two Singaporeans, one German, one Indian, one Brit, and a couple of Thais and Malaysian. Ironically, the smallest gathering of Steemit was also the most diverse!

I used my usual slides, but realised that I had to go a little slower. For one, my Malaysian jokes didn't really worked anymore, and I quickly had to find a high stool to ground myself. I wouldn't say I was nervous, because that was what I felt when I was delivering my TEDx speech a couple of years ago. This was, well, different.

It had been 24 hours, and I really couldn't pin point it yet. Probably gonna keep up for a few nights… NOT!


It turned out quite well, actually, because comparatively to my other sessions, I got the most questions from this session. At first I figured it was because of my poor explanation, but when I started noticing the questions were actually outside the scope of my presentation, I realised it was beyond that.

You see, one of the Thais, Han, was already an established writer on anything blockchain, and couple of them in the audience were either working on blockchain based projects (, are crypto miners, or/and are crypto traders. So the questions they asked were rather technical, and I was stumped on a few of them, which we manage to sort out. Phew!

One thing that surprised me was while I always get questions of skepticism in Malaysia, in the little Bangkok gathering, there were more questions of curiosity. When I was explaining the overview of Steemit, already I could see dots connecting and light bulbs going off, as they started seeing the practical side of Steemit, and I'm sure the potential too.

The organiser, Flo aka @salamandea came up to me after the event, and said that we should do another session (probably bigger), which I know @bitrocker2020 and myself would be glad to fly up to host. Just like any new persons who were exposed to Steemit, combined with his busy schedule, he really did not see Steemit for its full potential until during the presentation. I don't blame him, because seriously, when @bitrocker2020 first intro-ed Steemit to me months ago, for the first two weeks, I was pretty skeptical!

@salamander had been running blockchain based events (he just hosted Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum the weekend before), and this was one of the first where he realised, while most of the cryptos and blockchain apps are geared towards the tech or finance crowd, Steemit is truly the first that allows everyone, especially the creatives (writers, musicians, poets, artists, videographers, photographers, cartoonist) to be part of the exciting world of crypto.

I told him it was certainly the case for me. @salamandea mentioned if I'm open to run other intro events and maybe even the workshops for the university students in Thailand, which I said, "Heck, if you can get us the crowd, our asses will be here!"

Yeah, as you can tell, I was pretty enthusiastic, and I'm pretty sure with the Steemians from teammalaysia too. Looks like we're gonna be growing our family real soon. :)


Midway through my talk, another Steemian (@nichanank) joined us. She joined Steemit way before I did, but it think back then it wasn't very active, so she just left her account dormant. I think after seeing how vibrant the Steemit community is in Malaysia (1000 Steemitans strong!) she got excited again, and remarked/joked that she's so gonna migrate her blogging activities over to Steemit! You can check out her exciting, amazing blog here.

But it was after talking to @nichanank that I realised how offline events are crucial in connecting people on a kinesthetic level. You see, both @bitrocker2020 and myself have pondered for a while whether to have our 100degree events as a webinar format. I think one of the reasons we were hesitating was, since both of us were community builders (he has his Google Business Group before Steemit), deep down we know it ain't gonna replace the feeling of people actually coming together, off the platform, and meet face-to-face.

Also, sometimes we may get intimidated with Steemians with higher reputations or Steempower. @kevinwong was one, for me. And yet, when you connect with them over drinks, you'd realise they are just as human as you. They have their own ups and downs, which you may or may not read on their blog. They have thoughts they don't share online, they have relationships outside of Discord. Yup, one layer of onions peeled off!


@heartscally was one of the first few friends @deborism and I made on Steemit, and then met in real life. I can only imagine we will have more of such encounters as we travel and spread the Steemit Love!


One of the community builders that helped me connect with @salamandea and The Knowledge Exchange, but couldn't make it to the event was @somcity (Sivalee Anantachart). This hyper lady ran more businesses and community events that I could count with my fingers, and as we met up over two split coffee sessions (yes, she's just that busy) and I gave her a quick run down of what teammalaysia had been doing for the past few months (charity drives, my junior events, bootcamps, tours) I could literally see her eyes twinkle with delight, excitement and possibilities. A lovely combination, really!

We immediately got into talks of running another Steemit event which she will have more time to bring a bigger audience in, and I got @bitrocker2020 on the band wagon too because we are always eager to expand beyond the Malaysian borders.

Soma is pretty connected to the art scene, have a design community, runs a Crypto Ladies, Google Developers Groups, impact projects (yes, that's not even half of what she does!), and when I shared how Steemit has enabled a lonely writer like me to be part of a growing community that enabled and empowered change, the term Crypto Creatives popped into discussion. And kinda thinking about it, it's true that Steemit is the platform that allow creatives - writers, artist, musicians etc - to join the crypto world, and perform "social mining". We both agreed that since blockchain tech advocates decentralisation, it only made sense that the platform enables fair game for everyone, regardless of your background and stature.

And true enough, I told her on Steemit, it's not so much who got onto the platform first, but rather who puts in more effort in the big 4Cs…

  • Creating Contents
  • Curating Contents
  • Courting Followers
  • Community Building

… will have a chance to surpass even the others before them, and succeed in their own right. No monopoly, but rather a win-win-win!


As @deborism and I walked back to our hostel just now, I asked if she thought I was spending too much time on Steemit and community building. She knew I got into some financial burdens before because there's hardly any money to be made in building communities, and she knew it was mostly my passion projects.

And if I wanted to help grow the community outside Malaysia, like in Bangkok and Hanoi (in May/June), it will eat into my travelling costs, among other things. Sure, most of my clients are online now, but still, being out of Malaysia means it may be harder for me to secure new clients.

@deborism looked at me, and basically gave me the cliche answer of "follow what your heart tells you". Ok, maybe she didn't put it that way, but she did ask me a series of question which guided me to discover my clarity.

Questions like:

  • Are you happy doing this? Is it within or aligned to your values?
  • Will it enable you to grow outside your comfort zone?
  • Will you really go broke doing this, or perhaps community building outside of Malaysia will help you grow your business and network?
  • Will William be okay travelling with us? (I'm a single dad to a 9-year old)

But one question that struck me was this: She pointed out, and not just because she's my better half, that of all the community builders I know, how many has the opportunity and the platform to grow outside their natural, localised network? Would I want to be like those who just stayed within the comfort zone until their community died a natural death, or do I want to be the pioneer to merge community building, marketing, blockchain tech and creatives?

And the question she got me thinking the most was,

"Will I want William to look at his dad as someone who went the distance, to explore the unknown, to go beyond his comfort zone?"

And that's how I found my answer, and I guess, my commitment.

p.s. My Ma was right advising me to always find a partner that's smarter than me. Then again, she (both @deborims and my mom) was hardly wrong anyway.

p.p.s. So, teammalaysia -> teamasean?

Yes, I was THAAAAAT hungry!

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I mostly blog about Steemit Success Strategies, business, marketing, entrepreneurship, psychology, community and random thoughts.

Talking about Steemit Success Strategies, if you want to 10x your results on this platform, perhaps some of these guides will be able to help you.

  1. How to generate at least 365 post ideas for your Steemit Life (and possibly never run out of ideas again!)
  2. 29 Steemit Post Types to Attract More Followers & Boost Your Popularity (Part 1)
  3. 29 Steemit Post Types to Attract More Followers & Boost Your Popularity (Part 2)
  4. Copywriting Magic for Steemit: "How To" Post Titles
  5. Copywriting Magic for Steemit: "List Type" Post Titles
  6. Steemit Success Strategies #1 - The Law of Requisite Variety
  7. Steemit Success Strategies #2 - Batching + Parkinson's Law
  8. How to apply the 80/20 rule to your Steemit Life
  9. Steemit Experiment Report: 21 days, 21 minutes, 21 posts later, PLUS an 8-Step Guide on How to Write a Steemit Post every day under 30 minutes
  10. Case Study on Bid Botting - A Steemit Bootcamp follow-up module, a cheatsheet and why I probably won't use it

At least once a month, I run Steemit community events and training workshops with my buddies at #teammalaysia too. Some examples are:

  1. Steemit Bootcamp March 2018 - KICKSTART Your Steemit Success
  2. BoilerRoom 03.03.2018 | Let's Huddle, Hustle & Hack Out Awesome Steemit Contents!

I'm also grateful to be part of #steemitbloggers , SmartSteem and the sndbox.

Steemit Bloggers

Animated Banner Created By @zord189


Wait, why's Mav posting on Steemit nowadays?

Well, unlike other blogging and social media platform, Steemit is the only platform that allows me to earn cryptocurrency when I engage with it. Yup, one Steem is about USD5, and you, too, can earn Steem Dollars every time you:

  • Create content (articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos, photos)
  • Upvote (like) other people contents
  • Comment on other people's posts
  • Have discussions, share opinions etc!

Yup, basically it's the very same thing you're doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc all along!

The only difference? For once you can earn a nice income on the side!

Sign up for a free Steemit account, and you can thank me by coming back and upvoting this article. And guess what, you will earn Steem too for doing that! #awesome


Hello @maverickfoo

Glad to know how successful the Steem meet up in Bangkok was, and as you said, the smallest yet most diverse of them all. That's just to show the influence of the Steem Blockchain.

Yeah, keep being amazing, your son would be proud of you.

PS: You just gave me an idea, I made my first post on Steepshot and I realized you can't type the whole world of information there. So, I'm going to follow your path and make a descriptive post about the Steepshot. Thanks for introducing me to that platform, I can say I'm diversifying.

Stay Awesome 😀😀

Thanks for the kind words and support, @nexrules.

Yeah, Steepshot is very much single photo and captions. I think it's limited to 150 characters (I could be wrong). It's basically an Instagram experience on Steemit. :)

hey Maverick! @ryanng here! finally got my #steemit account approved this morning! luckily i made it in time to upvote your post too! LoL

i really want to thank you for sharing this #awesome platform with us during the bkk session. and to think i was deciding between this and a thai massage! so glad i came for your session instead! i did go for a 2 hour massage after that though... LoL

i'm in bkk every month so next time you're coming over, let me know! would love to buy u an ice cream and exchange more ideas together. if u have another event in kl or bkk, do let me know too. i could pop by and help out if u don't mind having me around.

finally, would u be kind enough to share the profiles of those who attended this session so that i can start connecting with them? (hidden agenda : get them to follow me so that they can start upvoting me la!! LoL)

thanks again!!

Hey, welcome onboard! Sure, will ping you for sure.

The other day, there were @deborism, @travelling-two and @heartscally. Still have heard from the others, so they may not have their accounts setup yet.

If you wanna connect with more Malaysians, check out That's where we are hanging.

You're welcome to join our Discord channel too, where there are tons of supportive members there. The link to the invite is

See ya!

thank you! i'm singaporean but yeah i could connect with more malaysians too. LoL

Oh yeah, if you're not doing anything next weekend, we're having two Steemit Bootcamps, on Saturday or Sunday, supporting two different causes. Feel free to drop by :)

oh i'm definitely interested in the bootcamp! unfortunately i have something else planned on 24th and 25th i'm flying off from KL. please please drop me a message for your next one in KL or BKK!

Sure, will do.

Oh yeah, so a tradition on Steemit is to do your first post and introduce yourself to the community, tagging #introduceyourself. It's a good way to make some new friends and get some upvotes.

Congratulations on your first meetup outside of Malaysia. Hope you enjoyed yourself. Seems like you wished maybe it was a bit larger, but I think even small events occasionally can be helpful to the community. They let people get to know each other a bit more. That's good, considering one of the main aspects of success on here, that some seem to forget about, is being social.

That's true, because over the years, I had small events too, and it's during those times that I realised the conversations could run really deep. @cerventus is definately one who showed me that, espeically with his BarCamps, where I had some of the deepest conversations.

"At first I figured it was because of my poor explanation, but when I started noticing the questions were actually outside the scope of my presentation, I realised it was beyond that." <--- YAY that means you did a great job!!!

When are you coming back to KL?

Thanks for the kind words, @nomadicsoul.

I'm back this Sunday, 18th. Are you gonna be in KL for long?

Was planning to, but leaving the 20th.

I got distracted with what I want to comment but I totally agree with you on this " always find a partner that's smarter than me" and I'm so blessed enough to found mine as well. (p.s @tifaong) :p

The venue looks so cool and congratulation on the 100degree at BKK! I myself too prefer to meet up face-to-face compared to webinar format because I can interact with other steemian physically and the feeling is totally different in online format. Can't wait 24 March! :)

Glad to know you've found a right growth partner. Many go through life without ever finding one, really.

See you next Saturday, chief!

That's an incredible undertaking to organize and hold all those outside events. I haven't been able to make one in my region, not yet anyway.

@derekrichardson is building the group @socalsteemit for our area and they've had a couple events.

It's also a valid point you make about meeting people in real life, face to face. There's a level of intimacy there that is difficult (if not impossible) to duplicate in an online only relationship. :)

There a generally two kinds of meetups you can pull off quite easily. One is where you try to get invited as a speaker to a targeted group, like writers, bloggers, freelancers etc. Another is just to initiate drinks with a few existing Steemians and bring a long one or two newbies. A healthy ratio of Steemians to non-Steemians should not exceed 1:1. This is ensure everyone is engaged, especially those new to the platform.

The meetups that we do here are basically more skewed towards the first one, where we try to on board more people only Steemit.

Sweet sauce! :)

That's some good info I'm going to save in case I decide to host one. :)

Awesome man - really great promo-steem work. I'm going to make contact on Discord to tell you about the promo-steem tag. Cheers

Got your message. Thanks for reaching out!

Thank you @maverickfoo! Sam was nervous about coming to the event and had some doubts, but once he was there he felt comfortable and at ease. Meeting other Steemians in the flesh does really help with realizing that there are other humans on the platform. That might sound weird, but we're sure you get what we mean. Like the saying 'Putting a name to a face'.
With more time to market the event and you would have more Thais coming to this event. Yet, if Han gets his 40,000+ followers reading his content on Steemit and open their accounts too, we can expect higher numbers next time. You might need to rent out a football stadium :p lol
Thanks again for everything, much appreciated! :D Hope you had a safe flight back!

Definitely gunning for another return, and probably gonna bring the big man @bitrocker2020 too. The thing with community building, I feel, is you kinda need to bring everyone together first, build a solid foundation, and then expand. I think the current Steemians in Thailand are quite scattered, and the big geographical distance's not helping either!

Definately see majow potential with influencers like Han leading the show. :)

We're looking forward to 100Degrees Bangkok 2.0!

This is true, we're setting up a foundation to hopefully grow into a similar framework that #teammalaysia is doing. As you said, we're quite scattered with the islanders in the south and the eco-nature minded people in the north and us, the rat-race chasing lot. We feel there could end up being three major communities in Thailand. One for Thais only, another for Expat only and lastly, a mixture of the two that want to help each other out. This shouldn't be seen as a bad thing as there are Thais that want to speak with Expats, but might not have the ability. As you saw, Han is a smart guy and his English was fine, but not to a level that he would be comfortable writing in as he said. This just naturally happens and if he can influence in his own language then that's still a plus! :)


I think we had a good start, for something rather ad-hoc too! Made the right connections, spoke to the right people. We're dropping by another co-working space tomorrow to see how things are there.

Yes, we would definitely like to be able to duplicate what we've done with teammalaysia over. Call it open-sourcing our community building!

Yes we did! Lots of curious new Steemians that will hopefully develop a community over time. We'll do our best to help form this community over here. We know a few Steemians here and there, so just got to get our heads together, get another event going and take it from there. 😊


It is always exciting to read your perspective when you're giving these talks especially when you're comparing between the talks in Malaysia and Thailand. Kudos to you for still giving it your all even though the crowd aren't as many as it is when in Malaysia. But i'm sure it's a totally different experience from what you've shared!

and you've met @heartscally! That girl was so excited when she heard you were coming down with @deborism cause this would be her FIRST Steemit meetup.

#teamasean.... sounds good! Heck! Sounds awesome!

Thank you for doing all that you're doing.

Haha, perhaps @heartscally would like to be the lead organiser of Steemit events here! That should keep her busy and active Steemit!

Ohhhh sounds good @heartscally. Aherm...

"Heck, if you can get us the crowd, our asses will be here!"

Damn, I start to worry about your budget when you guy getting more famous as a Steem ambassador. Ask the host to reimburse the cost already!

It's true, and the concern do come up from time to time. So far in Malaysia, the costs are still manageable, but cross borders can be a real pain. But hey, I think we can work something out.

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