🌟Interaction Distraction! 🌟Challenge🌟

in #community7 years ago (edited)

INteraction Distraction!.png

Yo, yo, yo, Steemit family!

I'm feeling bit comment lonely lately.

So, let's play a little game, shall we?🤩

As you may already know, commenting plays a really big part in your Steemit experience. Yes, of course, you should be creating super amazing, fantastic, high-quality orginal content! But with all good things there is a balance. You don't want to find yourself in your creation bubble completely ignoring all the magical people around you.

This is where the game comes in.

Let's talk. Let's really get to know each other. Let's share hilarious stories about our day. Let's INTERACT! If only to distract us for a little while. 😉

Below I will give you 3 possible topics to discuss (and get you started). You are not bound by these topics, they are merely ideas. Feel free to share or discuss anything you want. Tag others and bring them over. Fun shall be had by all!

"Well, Carrie, you said contest..."

Yes. Yes, I did. And it is! During the life of this post you will be able to strike up conversations with new people, learn something and hopefully gain a few new friends. See, I feel that friends are one of THE most important factors on Steemit. Find your family, your group, your niche and you will suddenly feel connected and supported in a way you never thought possible. Trust me. Your people are out there. We have the whole world to choose from. 😍🌍😍

The Rules

  • Strike up conversations in the comment section below.
  • You can talk about anything. But remember, your goal is to make friends. 😉
  • Be nice... and thoughtful... and have fun!

The Topics

  • Steemit Witnesses (who are your favorites and why)
  • The weather (LOL!)
  • What or who brought you to Steemit?

The non-rules

  • Upvote this post (cause it'd be really nice)
  • ReSteem this post (so others can come play)

What I'm looking for

  • Well constructed comments.
  • Repeat offenders. (Someone who is interacting with EVERYONE.)
  • Great stories. ( So I can learn more about you.)
  • Hilarity. Funny things will get my attention. 😎

What you can win

  • Upvotes from me! (Okay, they aren't THAT impressive. Currently, at 100% I can give $0.25 😍)
  • Up to 3 (maybe more, depending on if this post makes any SBD) will receive a TBD amount of SBD.

That's right. There will be FIRST, SECOND and THIRD place INTERACTION DISTRACTION winners!

It's time!

Go! Allow yourself to be distracted by interaction! 😃

I will make a post announcing the winners after this post pays out. Deadline to play is FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16.

Do you miss my face? Check out these past Crypto Corner episodes AND Coffee Talk with Carrie episodes. More just around the corner!

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New here? Wanna know a Steemit Secret? Check out The Secret to Earning Followers by @chrisroberts. He just may be on to something... 😎

Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great (if I do say so myself) tutorial:

Are you stealing Google images?! Learn how to do it LEGALLY:

If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

carrieallen signature 3.png


steemusa carrie long.png


Some of the witnesses I've voted for, and why:

@timcliff helped me when @enchantedspirit could not get her blog.
@drako also helped.
@gtg impressed me in an interview.
@pharesim upvotes minnows and has done more to encourage newbies to stay than most.
@reggaemuffin writes code for minnowbooster and other projects.
@patrice works closely with @cheetah, one of the sweetest bots on steemit. They are both part of steemcleaners.
@sircork founded YouAreHope, a good place to donate your spare steem.
@enginewitty founded the Alliance and is very active in charitable and political work. He's also nearly as much a nutter as I.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Most of these are fantastic choices, but in the spirit of striking up a conversation, tell me why on Earth you vote for SirCork? He's allegedly a real piece of work and a lot of people say he's a real ass.

I dunno man, I'm gonna need some convincing on that one.

I once asked him about his opinion about SBD's price and SBD's existance itself. And he was reading my mind while answering.
Of course I didn't vote him right away but I started watchig him 😉 untill he deserved the vote!

I heard he was swinging his dingaling around and got a new nickname. Bwahahahaha

I saw him slinging!

It's true! The nickname is true!!! 🤣

Those of you who will not sing...

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


@enginewitty is right. Too much catnip that day. Besides, even real asses need love. At least that's what you told me when you asked for my vote.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Bwaha! I'm like a can of Planter's or bag of David's!

So you are nuts. And seedy?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Call me Johnny Apples ;)

the last witness I just voted for, about an hour ago, was ats-witness.
I got my eyes on him since last night's @sircork 's show and I eventually voted him because I saw him downvote a post that really got on my nerves 😂


I can not remember how I found out about Steemit, but in my defense I am a senior. I have another confession, I still don't know what the heck I'm doing, but I just keep commenting (that is actually thanks to you) and I find it the most fun thing I've done so far. There are some people's posts that I really do enjoy reading on a regular basis. I am still kinda' confused on the witness thing too. I have wondered if I should just buy a bunch of Steem, turn it into SP and then become a dolphin, but I don't even know how much Steem that would take, LOL!! I guess I will just keep plugging away and just let this all unfold in it's own natural way.
Did I even answer any question here, Bahaha...laughing at myself ;) <3

I convinced my dad to sign up. He's creeping up on 70 (shh, don't tell him). And he's doing pretty well with the posts, but yeah, it's a big learning curve. I spent months on here figuring it all out, and it changes every five minutes. But the basis is always the same. Don't worry about the witness thing. They just basically have backup servers that make sure the transactions (blocks) are being permanently entered and not skipped, as part of the blockchain phenomenon we call steemit. It's a precaution, with double triple quadruple backup. In the meantime, they do things for the community to make it viable and operable and better for minnows like us. Each of them have different skills to add. They kind of become witnesses by default of people voting for them. If you want to know more, comment back and we can give you more on that.

As far as becoming a "dolphin"--you CAN buy a bunch of steem. But there is a bit of risk that comes with it. People who buy up are ready to commit a lot of time and dedication to learning the trade and making a lot of transactions on here. If I were you, I'd get a little more comfortable so you know what to do with your "money" and "power". Basically, voting power matters. But to get noticed, commenting is the key. Give it a couple months to find a niche of people you gel with. Start contests once you have a little SBD to give away. That kind of thing. This post is a prime example. She's new, but she's networking and getting people involved. Find a way to do that in your own world, and you'll do great on here. It takes months to get going, but it is almost a guarantee you'll get a good result.

Putting money in can't hurt, but be wise about how much you invest at once. The market dips and turns. Right now it's down, and buying low is better than buying high.

Do you need help buying and how-to's on all that stuff? I can scrape up some quick tutorials for you if you like. I'm thinking of putting a few together myself. Some of the ones out there are a bit too verbose and confusing for the newbies.

I'm not creeping, I'm galloping full tilt towards 70. I'll definitely be there before the end of the century, even if I slow down. I love computers and the internet though, except for social networks. Facebook is slimy, I need a shower after I've been there. As a part feline that is totally undesirable. Once a year whether I need it or not is my rule. Twitter, everyone shouts but nobody listens. G+ tries harder but can't get a decent user base. Steemit, on the other hand, for all its faults, is the closest we have to great. Hardly a day goes by I don't make at least one new friend.

I'll talk about witnesses later today.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Yes, yes, indeed...

I'll definitely be there before the end of the century, even if I slow down.

Ain't no stoppin' it. (Unless you know a guy... 😎)

And it's true. Facebook is just plain icky. I do find that a shower afterwards is the only remedy.

I use Twitter for (hilarious) news bits and it never disappoints. 😉 But as for actually interacting there? Nope.

But here? Oh, I also love it here. 😍

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Great advice here. @cvmidwife I'm kind of like you ... only without the $$$ to buy SP. Don't know how I got here... probably a little older than most and still learning my way around.

I took a Udemy course by one of the Steemit experts and it really helped me understand how all the moving parts fit together.

It seems like what you're doing is going to do a lot for you too. It's truly about the community and the contribution. The money is just an added perk. ... IMHO

A lot. Thousands of dollars worth just might get you started. But if you have it to spare I promise you'll enjoy it.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Agreed, if you have it to spare, and you won't die if it crashes, then go for it. Chances are, it will only grow. But it isn't necessary to become successful. I shouldn't say that, as putting more cash in can only help the platform. And it can only help you. It just isn't absolutely necessary. You can still make it on here without it, you just have to plug away.

You're doing great!
I'm glad you're having fun commenting.

I've been really trying to wrap my head around Witnesses so I can do a tutorial, but in a Too Long; Didn't Read sort of way.

I was going to run this contest about Witnesses, but just didn't feel like I could answer enough questions about them yet. I'm going to get with a few that I know and become more informed. THEN- I'll do a contest involving Witnesses, that will hopefully give folks a better idea about them and maybe who to check out and vote on.

To become a a minnow (you're just a lowly plankton now) you need 1000 SP (so vested STEEM) and to get to be a Dolphin it's 5000 SP. I haven't even LOOKED at what it is to become a whale yet! 😃

I'm JUST over minnow now and my goal of a dolphin seems far, but attainable. I'll keep reaching for that.

Lol! You kinda answered... something.😏 I mean... I now know a LITTLE bit more about ya. 😉

what ?!
I'm not even a minnow ? great news loool

I found out about the plankton RIGHT after I became an actual minnow, so it hurt a little less for me.

who said something about hurt
I'm elated. I'm euphoric😃😃😃 😏

When I joined afik there was no such thing as plankton. So I'm a minnow. I don't give a rat's arse what you say I am.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


That's the way!

I mean... Here I was thinking you were a cat. 🐱

Well yes, but given a choice between plankton or minnow...

(Yeesh. Can't slip anything past you.)

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


what's more delicious for a cat
A minnow or a lot of planktons ?

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven 24

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. @enchantedspirit says I'm really not as annoying as you might think, but she doesn't mean it.)


Thank you so much!

I'll start. I heard about Steemit from a YouTube video by John St. Julien who operates Share Tanzania, a children's home in Tanzania for special needs children. He mentioned that they now take donations in cryptocurrency and a friend was encouraging him to start using Steemit and dtube. This piqued my curiosity. I looked into it and was immediately excited. My father and grandfather are both writers, so I have this yearning in me to do the same. I've always wanted to write a blog, and who could pass up possibly earning money from it. That was 15 days ago!

After seeing peaked 4 times in the last few days I finally find someone who knows the word is piqued. For that you get a little upvote and a follow.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Thanks @catweasel! I'll take it :)

@carrieallen beat you by one minute, so she got my reply, but you can read it too.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


For "piqued" instead of "peaked," I'll give you an upvote, too. (It pays to know the English language. Here's proof. I know ... "originally French." I had two years of that in high school. Decades ago.)

You guys made me chuckle this morning. I'm glad my hard work is appreciated :)

Really got lost in this post. Like 3 times. Already forgot the rules. Brb...

OK weather. Portland Oregon is really smokey. With a huge surplus of ganja. Hopefully everyone smokes until spring and the price goes back up for summer drought.

And doughnuts man!! Doughnuts!


I feel ya, bro!

I can imagine the haze which you must fight through to get munchies.

Damnit. Now I want donuts. Luckily, I make them like a boss. 😎

Proof in this OLD post: 🍩DONUTS! 🍩A recipe, pics and tons of fun!🍩

I've looked at your doughnut post. I can't cook to save my life, but my wife is a fabulous cook. We have a big deep fat fryer. Other than that I would think a cast iron skillet would be best but we don't have one. Crisco was on sale recently, but I normally buy ShurFine. We normally have coconut milk around, never soy milk. We have a jar of cinnamon and sugar for cinnamon toast. The boss is real busy tonight, but I'll show her your post tomorrow.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Doughnuts, my absolute biggest weakness!! I'm going to stop and get a dozenish to bring to Grandies tomorrow. This makes me uddles of Grandma points & hugs plus I get my doughnut fix...I call it growing 2 flowers with one seed (I don't like the killing birds with one stone so I came up withe the flower phrase). <3

Love the "two flowers with one seed"! Much better phrase. I'm gonna try to start using this; let's start a movement :)

The horse knows the way
To carry the sleigh

Trust me, I'm a doctor.



Trust me, I'm a doctor.


That's awesome!
The "two flowers with one seed".

I love it!

And yes, anyone who brings donuts is everyone's favorite. Trust me, it's how I tricked the whole town into believing I'm awesome. 😎

hahaha you didn't trick them you bewitched them to see the truth 😂

I see piles of delicious donuts in your future...👀🍩

Mmmmmm I got weed to share. And yes the smoke is mysterious and all but really reduces visibility. Sigh. Where is my keys!

Sit down. Wait 15 minutes for the haze to clear. Your keys are right beside you.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


My momma didn't raise a quitter!

It's the only way you'll find your keys before tomorrow.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


There's doughnuts?

Pass the bong please.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Of course there has to be! And pizza! And nachos!

mmmm doughnuts. mmmm pizza. mmmm nachos. mmmm mmmm.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Side note: IHOP now has Breakfast nachos.... I feel like this is a good idea....

I have never been to IHOP. Dunno why not, we both like pancakes and there is one in Albuquerque. Guess we've just been going somewhere else. Like maybe our favourite Thai restaurant.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


But! You don't eat Thai for breakfast! Do you?
I mean, that's be okay too. I'm a bit of a savory gal in the morning anyway...

Seriously though, if you think about it, head over when you're REALLY hungry. They have ALLLLLLLL the pancakes. For real. All of them.

Now why on earth would I be in Albuquerque for breakfast? Do I look like a morning person to you?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


You do not. 😎

Did you hear about the Girl Scout who sold 300 boxes of cookies outside a weed shop? I wonder which business is better to be in.

Girl Scouts are cuter (than stoners! 🤣), but LITERALLY have a shelf life. So ... there isn't really longevity in being a Girl Scout. 🤔

That's not saying one is better than the other, however...

I don't know... Once a Girl Scout always a Girl Scout. That's what I've always said since my Brownie days. Although at 54, I probably wouldn't sell very many cookies.

Hey, I was cute when I was 15! Not so much now, I'll warrant, although my wife says I still have the cutest butt.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


That's a definite plus: To have someone like your butt.

I'd say you've made it in the world. 😍

That is an accomplishment @catweasel

Even where it's legal unfortunately dope is largely frowned upon, so socially selling cookies has the edge.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Yes. I agree. Even in Colorado (where we live), a LOT of folks (in-laws included) still look at it all Reefer Madness style. That shit stuck.

However, as more people learn to read (LOL!), more people learn that it can be and IS helpful. Sure, it gets ya high. But as for side effects, I'd take that one ANYDAY compared to the insane list that comes with everyday pharmaceuticals.

I have only ever heard of one, almost certainly apocryphal, death directly attributed to pot. That is the man killed by a bale falling from a plane.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Hey there everyone
Sorry for being late !
I learned about steemit through an american frinds I met in Amideast in Tunis (Tunisia)
We weren't actually clese friends but I spent some time in his facebook and I found a very old post (few months old) where he recommended steemit. I entered the link and I fell in love :D
he is not an active steemian anymore but thanks to him, I am.
That's why I had apsolutely no followers when I came and now I'm starting to have some very nice friends like @carriallen and of course it's never too many friends that's why I interacting for distranction ;)

That's a bit crazy!

You found an old link and just did it. What a leap of faith!

I'm glad you literally stumbled upon it.

and guess what I at that time I wrote some new english poems and articles and I was looking for the right place to publish them since I mailed them to some magazine in tunisia and I got no answer.
Great timing !

I just let my black dogs (except Winston who couldn't be arsed) out to pee and they came back white! It's snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you everybody, especially @carrieallen for letting us borrow your storm from Colorado.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


You are very welcome!

We got JUST a touch too. It snow for like 8 hours, but so very little we had less than an inch this morning.

And now the sun is shining with not a cloud in the sky. 🌞

Pretty much the same here, but we actually got more than an inch.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


well we have 12 months of summer in Tunisia ;)
We literally swim in the sea in january
Wanna come over?!

This is a pretty awesome contest. I wish I would have saw it before.

No worries! There's still a couple of days left. Just get up there and start chatting! Or start a new one!

I do sporadic contests like this cause, well, as I said above... I get comment lonely. 😏

What brought you to Steemit?

Music specifically Hip Hop. I'm loving DSound and DTube. It's been awesome to see all of the applications build on top on this platform.

I long for the day that I'll be able to use DTube...

Actually, maybe I can get someone out to look at my interwebs soon.

It takes about 3 hours (on a great day) and up to 8+ otherwise to upload videos (to Youtube). I've not yet been successful at uploading to DTube...😔

I'm on DSound, but haven't gotten anything up there yet. TBH, my hubs @chrisroberts will have more to do over there. His sound is country/bluegrass.. or whatever we're imitating, but we find that when story-telling (complete sentences and such), old folksy-type music works the best.

We like ALL kinds of music. I'll check you out. 😍

The weather here is super hot right now, not enough to fry an egg but enough to make you sweaty and hot. ^^ How about you my fretz? Where in the world are you? What's the weather there? ^^

It's supposed to be winter here in central New Mexico, but once again today we had the windows open. And we have had NO snow this winter. We did get some rain one night -- looked like a heavy dew was all.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


It's still very much winter here in Upper Michigan...

I like the mild weather but we need some moisture or fire season is going to be horrific.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


YES! This is the most worrisome. We're already in the desert. We need some of that sweet sweet moisture.

Rain dance?

It should work if enough people do it at once. I remember some years back prayer achieving the desired result.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


There's the rub: Grabbing enough folks at just the right time to all agree it's what we need. 😉

Raini dance is a great idea. ^^

Dude. Same boat. It's been so weird. I actually LIKE the snow here, but alas, there's been none. I makes me think it will come late and we'll have snow in April. 😲

I grew up with a foot minimum and up to 6-8 foot drifts. I loved snow. Still do. And we should have some, dammit.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Never seen snow. would love to see it in real life. ^^

I'm in Crestone, Colorado.

It SHOULD be cold and snow-covered, but it just hasn't been this year. It's been a touch too warm and dry.

However! There's a storm a-brewin' today! Coming in the next couple of hours. Because of our location, we can actually SEE it coming. 👀

Speaking of... I need to bring in more wood for the fire.....

We've only had a few fires, none in the daytime. A friend brought me about 60 broken pallets recently. I probably still have 55.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


REally, no snow? Must have been the climate something. I wonder why.

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