☕Coffee Talk with Carrie - E3☕

in #vlog6 years ago (edited)


Good Morning, Good afternoon and Good evening!

You’ve stumbled across “Coffee Talk with Carrie”, the perfect place to find nonpolitical stories to share with family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances- who ever you may bump into during the day! Topics could literally cover ANYTHING… except politics.

Today's Topic Links:

Whoa! That’s Awesome!

Self-healing fungi to save crumbling infrastructure?

Word of the Day


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See ya next time!

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Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

carrieallen signature 3.png


steemusa carrie long.png


keep doing those episodes .. and you might want to do that over dtube instead of youtube, or dlive if you want to do them live, i think you might get some big upvotes or something..

Thank you! 😍

Oh, I've tried Dtube. Oh... how I've tried... 🙄

In fact, Episode one is in the tag dtube, but mostly cause I waited for HOURS for it to upload to no avail. Plus, I think they take 25% off the top of rewards.... Nevertheless, I'm still unable to use Dtube. I've not tried DLive for the same reason... but may give it a whirl. I'm essentially treating these like I'm live (no real internal edits) otherwise, I'd never get them done. LOL! 🤩

This is a very good activity for me on here, me thinks. Though, now I'm sick, which is an annoying bummer....

"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening"! 😁 I love it, are you going to use that in every episode?

That's crazy about the self-healing mushroomcrete... I wouldn't have thought it was a real thing but it makes sense when explained!

Nice name. Mushroomcrete. Yeah, this is a very interesting tidbit! Nice job on the vid!

Lol! I think so. Because Steemians are all around the world, no telling what time it will be when people get around to watching these. I REALLY like greetings, but feel a video intro needed something a little more.

I'm still playing around with the name of the show ... I don't know if I LOVE this one or if I'll try a few others. Hopefully, as I get going I'll get better every time and really find what works.

I have a tendancy to find weird news when I'm not working and decided perhaps I should turn that into work a little. Ya know? Do what I love already. 😍

I've been SUPER annoyed at this lingering sickness. Though it's only day 6 it seems like day 101. I've been totally useless. Today I'm able to think and type comments so that's a step.

I'll be recording today if I don't end up staring at the wall again... 😄

Thanks for watching... and learning! 😘

Aww yeah it sucks being sick 😒 I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better at least, that's a good sign 😊

If you leave it as "Coffee Talk With Carrie" you could think of new "the peanut is neither a pea nor a nut" quips for some of the episodes (did you ever see those old Mike Myers "Coffee Talk" episodes on Saturday Night Live? The character he played used to get choked up and give the listening audience "discussion topics" while she was recovering. And usually they were like "the peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss", or "Long Island is neither long, nor is it an Island. Discuss").

Anyway, that's me being geriatric.

Weird news is good news, I like it :D

Hope you get to record! Feel better ❤


I think that's why I like it. When I was younger I would pop into groups of adults, give a topic and then say, "Discuss". LOL!

Sigh... back when SNL had comedians that were talented.... 😏

Very interesting concept you are doing, I was waiting to see what you were going to do when you mentioned you were gonna vlog. Very cool. I am curious, what is on your coffee cup?

Not so much interesting... as EXACTLY what I watch other Youtubers do all...day... long. I just thought I give it a shot too. I really enjoy the commentators I watch and subscribe to and am hoping others will feel the same about me one day. 😏

Always coffee. I find other beverages taste weird out of coffee cups. LOL! Even if I'm recording all the videos at night (which I have done), it's still coffee. Though I may not drink TOO much if it's very late. 😍

And the other series (Crypto Corner) will be more NEWS-like soon. I just felt I needed to do some simple beginner videos first. I'd really like to just be covering cool stuff crypto-related, but am taking it slow as most of my followers are probably even LESS informed than I am. It's kinda like the blind leading the blind on that one.

And I'm currently sick and cranky, so no new videos this second. Hopefully, I get some out tomorrow if I'm not LOOKING so ill.

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