#3 Promo-STEEM Christmas Event! | Win Prizes every 3 days! Theme: Giving

in #christmas7 years ago (edited)

Picture made by @artistchristian

Summary of the second event

Congratz to all!


One of my favourite holidays is around the corner: Christmas. A time of getting together with our loved onces and giving gifts to each other. Especially, the kids in our family gets really excited for this day.

What I like most about Christmas is, apart from receiving presents, is the joy I see on my family member's faces when they receive their gifts. Nothing beats the grin they get when there are tearing down the paper wrappage. When I give presents to my little cousins it's funny how they always start jumping.

However due to various circumstances like family moving away etc... we have celebrated Christmas less often like we used to.

Many people in the world don't celebrate Christmas or don't even have the chance to celebrate it. Steemit has connected many individuals around the world and has gifted many people opportunities that were not possible before, which is in line with the spirit of Christmas: Giving back to others.

This year I found a new family and that is the promo-steem community. Our group is relative new but I already feel connected to many.

Therefore I am holding a Christmas event with as central theme:



How it works

Each 3 days up to Christmas (25 december) there will be a different event for which there are prizes to win.

For the third event:

  • Write about what Steemit (or crypto in general) has given to you! When did you join Steemit and how did you discover Steemit? What are the things you didn't expect you would encounter?

  • Everyone who receive atleast 3 votes will receive 75% of the SBD rewards of this post!

  • The other 25% + 2 STEEM will be divded among 3 good comments which I will personally choose!

ADDITIONALLY, as a curator for @curie and @ocd I will curate new steemians, which are approximately max. 3 months old, who have written a decent comment.

  • You can vote for comments by commenting "vote" below it. Everyone can vote multiple times, but only 1 vote for each comment.

NOTE: I hold the right to make votes unvalid if I have the suspicion of them being cast by empty accounts

  • For people who can't write in english we have translators in the promo-steem community for the following languages:
    • Spanish
    • Filipino
    • Indonesian

Happy holidays everybody!!


@futurethinker, very well organized and full of perfection. You are truly a thinker not only thinker but future thinker 👌🏻😃

Thank you!

I like to live up my name ;)

The third event has ended! Further votes don't count!

Thank you all participating. I also enjoyed reading the comments for this event.

The prizes will be divided on post payout!

Hi! I joined Steemit last October 2017 when I messaged @jvl1989, to ask about Aurora Mine, and he told me to join Steemit instead. I was welcomed to the #steemitachievers group, and they have been my great support in my entire 2 months journey here in Steemit.

As a newbie in cryptocurrency, its truly difficult for me to understand how all these works. But I am doing all the readings and interactions because I want to learn and know Steemit more.

I believe in this platform.

I haven’t seen anything as amazing as this. Imagine getting paid by posting/commenting/upvoting posts. This is insane! Its like getting paid from doing what you love to do! Haha. I have been telling my friends about it because I don’t see any reason why they won’t love to be here.

I have made ₱20,000 on my first payout here in Steemit and that is way more than what I expected. Its equivalent or more than an 8-5 daily job here in the Philippines.

I can’t wait to finally make my resignation letter and just do Steemit full time. Haha.

But for now, I still have to work out my account. Its hard. Sometimes you’re lucky if @curie and @ocd curators will notice your post. Its like winning a jackpot prize. Haha.

I know with perseverance, all my efforts will pay off soon, and I will be able to help new Steemians as well.

Nothing comes easy, but I know Steemit’s worth the hardwork. 🤗💚







Agree with that!




Hey Superego! Oh wow 5-8 jobs that is what amazes me. The potential that steemit can distribute wealth is so huge!

The Filipino community is huge on steemit I am very glad to see them here.

In fact I would like to invite you to our community! We have a few filipinos here I think you would fit in!

Link: https://discord.gg/J5Ax9uf

It is man! Steem on!

I heard about steemit early this year but because of the massive loss i had in ponzi last year, i was uninterested @samsticks and @emmexdee kept on ringing it into my ears. I remember @samsticks commenting on my Facebook posts and telling me to bring it to steemit, after staying extremely broke for months, i decided to give it a try. Truthfully i came in for the money, but I've had more than just money. @ifioklee brought me in and took me through the process but i didn't get as much money as i expected, i was almost frustrated up until i attended a meetup where i listened to @tojukaka, @ejemai andIMG_20171216_162129.jpg i put into practice what they said, since then I've spent 80% of my online time on steemit reading amazing original contents, interacting with intelligent minds, learning more about crypto and earning from blogging, commenting and upvoting.
I've been able to bring someone to the community and assist newbies. Steemit is the best that has happened to me this year, though it's the latest


Steemit is a beautiful creation.

Thank you for always joining the christmas event!

Vote! I hope that cuts it.

Getting to know about Steemit and Crypto this year, has made me a better person. Apart from the financial values(which is the primary reason), I've learned to be patient, to interact freely with people, to invest wisely and not to give up easily.

I've made a lot of e-friends, my IQ capacity has increased, and I've been able to upgrade myself via these media.

I joined Steemit 9 days ago, cos of the way my school son hyped it, but I was introduced properly to the community @samstickkz, he has been a good mentor/leader so far.

From the hype, I saw it as another source of making income via the Internet. Just write, post and earn without doing anything. Jeez, I got it all wrong. Sometimes, I get stucked, not knowing what to write, or the fear of writing and not getting enough upvotes on my post.

Although, this is not a challenge anymore, cos I have full support from my beautiful family @ Uyo Steemit Community. And our leaders have taught us the mechanisms of Steemit.

Steemit is a precious gift to me, and I'm happy to share this same gift with my friends.

Merry Christmas in advance @futurethinker


Beautiful written! You can write just fine!

I am glad your son got you on Steemit!

Thank you for the opportunity and acknowledging my writeup.

Voye on this

I joined steemit 8days ago. I was introduced by @samstickkz. Steemit has given me the opportunity to express myself in the best way I can and still earn from just expressing myself. In just 8days, steemit has given me a family (Uyo steemit community)made of wonderful people who are always ready to help. What I didn't expect was to have the love and support this awesome people have been showing me. I felt it was just going to be everyone minding their blogs but the steemians in Uyo have given me a different perspective. As my boss @samstickkz would say, as a steemians you should develop the nature of giving to others.

@samstickkz is doing an awesome job in gathering people. A few weeks ago I didn't know about Uyo!

Yes. He's so passionate about it too

Crypto has given to me an opportunity to escape the horrible economic crisis of my country Venezuela where minimum wage is like 5dollars per month and the majority of the people hardly reach 20 dollars per month.

So apart from the economic benefits, steemit in particular allows me to participate in an incredible project with huge potential, I have always been a person who spends a lot of time online, but this past few years after moderating an iOS forum for some time I was mostly just an spectator, just reading and reading without participating in any community. Now with steemit I am meeting great people, having fun with all the contests, reading awesome discussions and sharing content with interesting people! I am having a great time and I am very grateful for steemit.

I joined steemit about 2 weeks ago. Today is my 13 day in this great community!

The first time I saw steemit was several months ago I believe it was around May after the huge increase in prices, maybe I found this site looking for crypto articles, I don’t quite remember. But it wasn’t until 2 weeks ago when my now friend @jonsnow1983 mentioned it on a discussion on twitter and I wrote him asking about it. After what he told me I decided to join and I was amazed because the first time I remember seeing this site I thought it was just about crypto discussion! But there is sooo much more in it! I am very happy for it.

I didn’t expect to encounter such a variety of subjects being actively discussed, from conspiracies, to politics, sports, to even philosophical articles! Everything you can imagine! So I bet anyone can find their place here on steemit because the community is growing and the subjects being discussed is also growing.

I also didn’t expect the fun poker tournaments courtesy of @tuck-fheman and @spl which are also great, nor did I expect great football challenges like the Spanish one thanks to @davor27 or the British one from @nanzo-scoop , I discover those like 2 days ago and I am looking forward to participate in them.

Having said that, I am looking forward for an excellent 2018 for steemit and everyone of us users! Because together we are steemit!

Investigando sobre criptomonedas, vi un video sobre steemit, pero como era en inglés no presté atención, hasta que mi esposo me dijo que había sección en español, pero que tenía que publicar sólo temas de calidad. Con mucho miedo abrí mi cuenta y empecé a ver que había de todo un poco. Así que me quité el miedo y fui aprendiendo, gracias a Dios he encontrado gente que me han apoyado mucho quisiera mencionarlos a todos! Y aquí estoy, agradecida por coincidir en este espacio-tiempo con seres inspirados en mejorar y compartir, por conocer a fondo historias que nunca pensé que existieran, aquí puedo sentir libertad de expresar sin ser juzgada como en otras redes sociales, me entusiasmó cada día cuando aprendo cosas nuevas, por ejemplo como hacer una publicación más presentable. ¿Me he desilusionado? Sí, muchas veces, pero algo pasa y sigo Definitivamente sí ha cambiado mucho mi vida, en las madrugadas despierto con algo que escribir y compartir, aunque hay muchos jóvenes y mucha creatividad he logrado sentirme a gusto aunque no gane un concurso o no gane mucho con mis post. Aunque quisiera crecer más rápido porque quiero cambiar mi estilo de vida, pues llevo encerrada 6 años en un negocio y necesito también tener libertad física. Voy dando pasos y me siento agradecida por ir creciendo en Steemit. Sé que no ganaré el concurso, me da pena pedir votos, pero me gusta participar!Gracias @futurethinker éxito a todos!
Investigating about cryptocurrencies, I saw a video about steemit, but since it was in English I did not pay attention, until my husband told me that there was a section in Spanish, but that I had to publish only quality topics. With great fear I opened my account and started to see that there was a bit of everything. So I took off the fear and I was learning, thank God I have found people who have supported me a lot and here I am, grateful to coincide in this space-time with beings inspired to improve and share, to know in depth stories that I never thought that exist, here I can feel freedom to express without being judged as in other social networks, I got excited every day when I learn new things, for example how to make a more presentable publication. Have I been disappointed? Yes, many times, but something happens and I continue Definitely yes my life has changed a lot, in the early morning I wake up with something to write and share, although there are many young people and a lot of creativity I have managed to feel comfortable even if I do not win a contest or do not win much with my post. Although I would like to grow because I want to change my lifestyle, I have been locked in a business for 6 years and I also need physical freedom. I'm taking steps and I'm grateful to grow up in Steemit. I know I will not win the contest, I'm sorry to ask for votes, but I like to participate! Thanks a lot @futurethinker! Be happy!

:) ¡¡gracias!!

¡la libertad de expresar no se encuentra en otras redes sociales!

Si, @futurethinker! Gracias!!
Un abrazo!

Congratulations on being one of the winners!

I was only a social activist and had around Zero online income before I join steemit. One of my German friend helped me to discover steemit and said to crowdfund for the projects and activities I do with my community. I didn't get him. I even didn't know what is steem or even what is crypto currency. I joined on steemit and wrote my first post . I left without expectation making two posts and Later one day I saw some money shows below of the post ? For what ? :O Upvote. What is upvote ? Like ! Amazing . I backed again and learnt and I kept sharing my work continuously and found great people here who supporting me and my project lot.

Last Month my charity school @SchoolForSDG4 received around $1716 donation from steemit !

It was only for steemit what I never expected 6 months ago. Steemit gave me inspiration, financial assistance to achieve my goals. My humanitarian activities got valued. I am paid by steemit users to keep doing my activities and my charity also got 8 advisers who are helping and investing time from different part of the world.


Through steemit, I could return children to school who was working as child-laborer. My Best achievement on steemit is my charity success. I feel so happy that from a small corner of the world I can share my community and people supporting me from by using steemit blockchain.

My school got Christmas gifts from @girlbeforemirror . She send so many gifts from Australia and also collecting unused products in her community to send them in Bangladesh. It was only possible because of steemit.

My another project @womenempowerment also got good success. I sold some products by promoting it on steemit. @tecnosgirl and @kenny-crane bought from us.

Thanks for reading and supporting me. Please reply VOTE


Thanks for your kind vote.

I say this many times bro, but you are a hero! You are taking the extra mile to actually to go the people and help them!

You will always have my support bro!

I should say many times that thanks for the support and inspiration and motivating me to achieve my dream. My dream is not only to satisfy myself but also to help global citizens. Steemit pays me and my projects together. God bless you brother.

Vote. I will always support another Social Entrepreneur! Best of luck.

Thank you very much for your support.


Thank you for your kind vote.

I joined the Steemit community last month. I was introduced to it by @kingsolo and it has been really amazing; the prospects and the direction this is all going. Really excited about it and as a newbie, it could be frustrating sometimes because you want go get it right with the right tags to use and also in trying to get upvotes. I have learned so much from people around me and groups, so yes, it is getting easier.

I had no clue about the crypto world, totally clueless, i mean, CLUELESS, but i am learning and i keep learning. I read as much as i can and pick up as much as i could and it has been really exciting. Not only about the cash outs (even though i am yet to make one, patience isa virtue, right?), but about the things i am now exposed to, things i am learning through reading from different posts, the motivation to move higher and make the most from this platform and the opportunity to have joined this community with the rare priviledge of getting my thoughts, feelings through my writings out there. Thank you @curie and @ocd for this amazing opportunity.
I couldn't help but thank @surpassinggoogle for his insightful posts. They have been of huge help and @tojukaka for being there always.
Steemit taught me about acknowledging people. Thanks to @japfive for bringing to us what @futurethinker is doing. Thanks everyone.
Steemit it is! I am turning up the steam.

Welcome to the platform!

It takes time to learn! Crypto is a revolution! I recommand you learning about the use cases for crypto. It's amazing!

Thank you so much. I will definitely do that. Excited about it.


Nice to meet you @olawalium
You are one of the wonderful people i've met on steemit

God bless @futurethinker for this opportunity too.

I am so glad i met you too and i wouldn't trade that for anything. God bless your amazing heart. Always appreciate your support. @ponmile

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