Great News a Major Evangelical Megachurch Consecrates To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Alt-Right/EthnoNationalism division due to Philosophy conflict rooted in Paganism,Truth About Christ&The Church,Poland PM Commemorates Polish Catholics in Nazi Holocaust

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Please read these articles, videos, and share.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

Before I get into the articles and videos. Would really like to take a moment to address a couple of things. First of all, I try to do the best I can with the time I have to put together this and that post. If I update the same post within a couple of days, then so be it. Why do I do combo postings, because it's easier. I've tried with one video or article post and still the same low view turnout. As a result, there are not many views, upvotes, etc. with any of my posts. Not well known in the Steemit community, and if you are a big name, then you have no problem getting the upvotes, resteeming, etc. For what I've seen most are there to view the title and not go over the information because the attention span is very short and play the assume card. Seen that with other videos and articles too it's the same response. How you would feel if you were in someone else's shoes putting this video and article together and the response is hardly any views, comments, etc. By the way, I do read and watch the videos at hand before I post it on Steemit. For the longer videos, I put in there what is said, why is because most would never bother to watch the video because it's the video is too long. For the shorter videos, I leave it as it is. Plus, I always encourage you to read and/or watch the videos to verify for yourself, what's wrong with "please"? What's wrong with doing your own research? Hardly doubt that anyone would read this post along with the others too. If this keeps up with hardly any views, upvotes, etc. then I'm done with Steemit. Do you understand or are you careless or what?
For some posts, it takes several days for me to put together because I'm busy with other things such as Care-giving for an elderly parent. You can read it here and there.
The only other thing I can say about what's going on with my Father is that he is sleeping more, spinal stenosis getting worse and the blood disease getting worse. Plus, the new guidelines with his MDS blood disorder won't allow him to have a blood transfusion unless his count is really low. Now it's anything below a 7.0 Hemoglobin requires you to have a blood transfusion. Now with the new guidelines it's more closer to a 6.0 for the Hemoglobin. We are adjusting and being own advocate for getting the transfusion the same day as the labs, otherwise more work getting in and out is very difficult. You cannot have blood transfusions at home, can only be done in a clinical setting, ok. Even if the Doctor gives the ok for the blood transfusion, the blood center has to give the final ok. Prayers would be most appreciated.

If you don't like what I do, then find someone else to get your news from. Right now, I've had it with everything else going on out there, downward spiral all around, no one gets it unless they have been there and done that. For some it's pulling teeth until they finally get the picture. What happened to moral values and common sense? That's what I deal with, ok. Doubt that anyone will read this either what's the point? Anything else I've done wrong. What is there to say?

Major Evangelical Megachurch Consecrates Their Congregation To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
New Life Church, an evangelical Protestant megachurch in Colorado Springs, CO just consecrated their church to the Sacred Heart Of Jesus.

Testimony of former Protestant turned Catholic "Being Saved"
Quotes that explain further.
"David says that he prayed with many people and saw many people have experiences that changed their lives, or as many Protestants call it, “get saved.” Now that he has become Catholic, he says he sees “being saved” as something that involves three parts:

-‘I am saved by grace through Faith, and then desiring and seeking Baptism’
-‘I am being saved by living a life that is in accordance with the will of God, seeking to live as He desires’
-‘I pray that I will be saved by God because salvation is a gift of God and not something that man can demand of him’"

History on how Protestantism came to be with certain legitimate abuses in the Catholic Church, but led into another establishment that is controlled by the Government as a National Church. Beforehand, the Church was the mediator between the government and the people. How Luther's protests were backed by Noblemen and the Ottoman Empire, which led to further spread of heresy.
"Other revolutionaries such as Calvin and later sects sought to designate their own leaders as the “head” of their “churches,” and so divorced religion completely from state life in terms of belief and attempted to create theocratic communities, only to fall into more division owing to a lack of ability to identify who has the authority to interpret divinely revealed truth."

What is Mariolatry?
"Answer: Mariolatry is defined as “excessive veneration or worship of Mary, the mother of Jesus.” The word literally means “Mary-worship.” Protestants often accuse Catholics of Mariolatry, and Catholics deny the charge, insisting that they venerate Mary but stop short of giving her divine worship."

In truth, there are Catholics that do Mary and Saint Worship, and those who don't not do any form of worshiping the dead, but only worship Jesus Christ as Savior of mankind and follow the scriptures too. This article emphasizes that there are good people within both Catholics and Protestants who seek to know God, develop personal relationship, and live by God's word. Yes, there are always pros and cons in both religions no matter what, don't play the assume card. There should never be any form of tolerating evil such as pedophilia, homosexuality, paganism, etc. are not allowed in the church. Yet, you have those who promote evil such as homosexuality, paganism, pedophilia, etc. and get away with it. If they are caught they are shipped around or they loose their position or they go to prison. Another reason are those on the top orders those beneath them to promote the AntiChrist System or loose their ability to preach whatsoever. As a result, those who go against the system and preach God's word without the AntiChrist system elements are persecuted by either paid off or murdered. Please don't play the assume card, yes there are good people out there, some are deceived than others. Again, to each is their own.

Comment from a Viewer: "Great article. What a blessing this is to the people of New Life Church. The story of David is very similar to my story. I was confirmed in the Catholic Church three weeks ago after being a Protestant for nearly 14 years. I was a youth minister in the Protestant Church and thought I may become a pastor in the church one day. I married a tremendous woman that was searching out her faith after spending her whole life in the Catholic Church. We were both attending a Presbyterian Church nearly a year and a half ago. I was anxious to teach others about Christ and His Word so I decided I would try and convert my wife’s Catholic family. The more research I did, I was finding a different truth. I never had the chance to try and convert them because Christ converted me instead. My wife was shocked when she found out one day that God showed me I must become Catholic. What a blessing the Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is!"

'Christians Are The Enemies Of The White Race, They Need To Get Out Of The Nationalist Movement And Any Christian Who Stays Must Be Purged’ Pagan Speaks The Truth About The Future Of The “Alt-Right”
What this article states there are points the author of the article agrees that Christians have no place in the "Alt-Right" or "EthnoNationalist" movement. Why because EthnoNationalism is rooted philosophically in pagan roots?
What Nationalism or "EthnoNationalist" movement leads to Paganism as the answer to their problems as in the days prior to the Wars. The movement at first tells the truth as to what is going on, but the poison delivered mixes truth with lies with paganism philosophy is against christian values. Those Christians who join these movements such as the Alt-Right contradict their beliefs. There is Nationalism history replacing Government over Church. From what led up to the Protestant Revolution, there has been a decline of Christendom/Christianity. Heresies that brought division, fragmentation, and genocide that fueled the AntiChrist system.

Yes, there heresies within both the Catholic and Protestant churches too. Pope Francis is the False Prophet, NWO Satanist SCUM. The Vatican tied with Satan worship and the Pope's hat with the Babylonian fish hat and the Star of Remphan too, Saturn worship too. That's why the true Sabbath is worshiped on Saturday, not on Sunday=Sun worship.

The Baphomet is a goat with breasts and a penis. What Transgenderism leads to Satan worship.

Christianity is on life support. Another example of Christianity on life support is Europe who refuse to have children and work certain jobs, as a result, the engineered migration led to them replacing the European jobs, homes, culture, and implementing genocide on the same people invited in by the governments/deep state who wanted to create division and chaos that leads to genocide mirrored to the Georgia Guidestones and NWO Agenda.

There is Division/Conflict of Pagans & Christians in the "Alt-Right" or "EthnoNationalism" movement ends leads to Paganism. The Nationalist believe their Race is superior over God's grace, worship themselves as gods, and those without certain genes, etc. thus implement Darwinism, Eugenics, Paganism, Genocide, etc. It's history repeating itself. We have to be vigilant, cautious, and not submit to evil such as this.

Ephesians 5:6-14
"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be associated with them. For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light- for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful work of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light."

Ephesians 2:8-9 King James Version (KJV)
"8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast."

In truth, Grace of God is Superior over Race. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. The true Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ and his Apostles with having a personal relationship with God, preaching and living by God's word is the Gospel truth. All before the heresy version after the Council of Nicaea of mixing Paganism with Christianity.

This is a great video too, it's up to you to decide and go from there.

Bill Cooper tells the TRUTH about Christ & the Church by A Graceful Watchman

My body is my temple. God does not dwell in a building made by hands.
Vatican/Roman Catholic Church, Protestant are Paganism applies teachings as worldly things. They twist God’s word for profit.
TheTruthIsFullOfLies, when you find the truth, you will also find a lot of lies.
I am going to do this until you either wake up or I die a martyr. If you don't wake up then I would rather be killed as this world will not be worth living in...
"The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie." - Aaron Hawkins
"Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at." - Anonymous
"Anybody listening to me will realize that these are indeed Historic Broadcast's and by making them I have sealed my fate" - Bill Cooper
"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." - Joseph Stalin

Prime Minister Of Poland Delivers Speech Commemorating The Polish Catholics Who Rescued Jews From The Death Camps In The Nazi Holocaust

Vatican Christmas Ritual Exposed (R$E)

Vatican is the Illuminati Keyhole, Freemasonry, Enlightenment, Agnostic Religion, Babylonian Mystery School Religion. Saturnalia
Nimrod’s, Sun Deities birthdays were celebrated on December 25th
Sun child is Tammuz
Santa=Satan Pagan Holidays. Christmas=Kabbalah religion began with snake & the tree. Jesuits, Kabbalah Satanists SCUM.
December, 2016 - It appears that they see this month as the conception of Jesus and invert this with ritualistic 'imitative magic'. The goal is to break the veil and birth the abyss - they use the story of the birth of Jesus we read in the book of Luke as a masquerade for Revelation 9 (birth of the abyss). This is not a Christian organization, but the capstone of the mystery schools of Egypt / Babylon.
Remember Moses vs. the lying signs and wonders of Egypt? This is what we are dealing with here.

The real Messiah, Jesus Christ, is the way, truth and life and no-one can come to the Father but by Him. Go to a private place and call on Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, confess your sin and believe in your heart that He rose from the grave to truly defeat death. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and be born again into a new life of purpose, hope and forgiveness. Salvation from death is in Jesus Christ alone. They are tireless in their efforts to invert and pervert the real truth of the Bible, don't reject the only way to everlasting life.

Comment from a Viewer: “Listen all you Catholics need to pray to Jesus more than ever and quit exalting Mary! Never in scriptutes does ever it instruct us to pray to Mary. Pray to the one who payed for our eternal life with his blood and the only one worthy of our praise, Jesus! Leave that Mary cult and that deranged pope leading you to the slaughter. Jesus plus nothing! He is lord and savior! Another spot on video R$E !”

First "Christian Church" in Jerusalem will shock you! (R$E)

Secret Underground Church from days of Jesus discovered in Jerusalem!

CHRISTMAS EXPOSED! Occult Alchemical Meaning (R$E)

The hidden truths of Christmas and Christ.
Palm Tree presents rebirth. Ishtar Star.
Real Jesus Christ was not born on Dec. 25th, but in September.
Jesus Christ fulfilled prophecy and saved humanity from eternal death. Salvation. The Way, the truth and the life. Jesus Christ tamed the Beast and Sacrificed.
“This is a good example why only a few will enter the kingdom of Heaven,, A lot of Christians know that Christmas is not Christ birthday and still celebrate it, because the desire of celebration is bigger than the love for God...And everyone that says the opposite, is far from the truth. CHRISTMAS IT IS NOT BIBLICAL, AND SANTA IS NOT JESUS!!!”

2 Timothy 2:3-4 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

#LightFighterSix on being a good solider of Jesus Christ and how you can be saved.

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

Previous Postings.

Erdogan declares East Jerusalem is the Palestine Capital of the Muslim World, Israel Strikes Gaza, ISIS poster of Trump & Netanyahu, Pope Francis Reveres Satan, Inside Illuminati Temple & Vatican Christmas exposed, & Talmud Doc by Ted Pike

Turkey's President Erdogan agrees with Trump & Declared Jerusalem as Israel's Capital in 2016, Relates to German, Japan, & Turkish, etc. Militarism rising with Financial,Thinkers,Politicians,& Industrialists via Technocracy, AI etc. WWIII,Agenda 2030

War Games A Chess Move with Jerusalem being the Capital, Synagogue of Satan via Globalist NWO Zionist, Mossad control ultimately leads to War with Iran, The Gov. Of Russia confirms the America Foreign Policy to Destabilize the Middle East leading to WWIII

President Trump's Travel Ban, US Embassy Move to Jerusalem made Erdogan very angry, 259 schools not participating in Operation Christmas Child offends Homosexuals,Putin,US,Gov. of Nigeria,&Muslims helping Christians,&Theresa May Assassination Plot folded

Southern California Thomas Fire Growing Updates, Direct Energy Weapons again, Terraforming: Underworld Hell on Earth=GeoEngineering, Smart Fires Demonstration w/Laser Guns that clean metal, rust, tattoos, etc. mirrored to DEW's, Geo Terrorism, Agenda 21

Southern California Fires Update, Blue Lasers from the Sky from DEW, Stampede in San Diego, Mystery HUM Inside the Earth, Google Mars Base? Water, Consciousness, 5G, AI, Frequencies, & Solar Simulator, all part of Agenda 21/2030 NWO Agenda

Manhattan Explosion Attempted on the 11th by Peaceful Muslim, not big event, expect more False Flags to come, Who to Thank Are Illuminati/Freemasons, look inside the Pagan Temple & Mystery School Religion in Rome=Vatican

Homosexuality&Illuminati deception=Anything AntiChristian marketed to nth degree,Sexual Abuse scandals=Immunity Deals for 2 Royal Marine Corporals,Conyers,Horovitz,Weinstein,Lauer,Levine,Franken,Rose,Sodomites are worthy of Death,other news,End Times

Over 45,000 people in Brussels waving the Catalonia flag, really are supporting Nationalism, leads to Chaos, Violence, then War, Is Planned Parenthood really being investigated by the DOJ or another ploy? Anything makes $$$ is the AntiChrist System

Southern California Fires/SoCal in Ventura County LA too, No surprise it's Direct Energy Weapons again!!! Hope it hits Hollywood/Pedowood, Strange Weather Phenomenon, Sun Dogs/Halo, Mike Decker confronting Cops on GeoEngineering & Other great footage

Creepy & Satanic Robots Interview,lunatics running the system,AI predicted Biblical as AntiChrist System,Geordie Rose admits to summoning Demons, Google AI Child, Facebook using AI, CERN, DWave, Sun Halo in Sweden,YouTube destroying channels, VidMe closes

Immigration Controversy, Increase in Christian Persecution in India, Pakistan, etc. Nationalism to increase such as remilitarization,killer robots being built in China & Russia=problems of their own, ISIS threats, & Japan Emperor will Abdicate In 2019

Social Darwinism & Eugenics are rising to power over Christianity, Elsagate videos removed,Showing&Telling,The Truth about Pagan Holidays &Illuminati landmarks, GeoEngineering,DEW with Blue Lightning,Should Titus Frost and Shoebat have Debate? You Decide!

Katie Steinle Verdict, people complaining about the as a result of the Verdict, yet they don't care about Kate Steinle is used as Political Gain to Promote Division through Darwinism & Eugenics,Nationalists work with Sodomites trying to promote NWO Agenda

Trump retweets videos of Islamic Violence from British Nationalists, Who Benefits? Thus advance Nationalism via Eugenics & Agenda 21/2030, Christian Bishop in Iraq ask President Trump to help the Christians, Christian Persecution in the news

Luke-warm Christians who promoted the LGBT deserve to be destroyed by them because they refuse to take personal responsibility, Illuminati Satanic propaganda in film & shows, Disney & Predictions by the Freemason Simpsons show, wake up to the deception!

Atheists/Pagans trying to Normalize Cannibalism & Homosexuality, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, newly released photos show horrific massive Slavery in Africa by Muslims, other news

Corey Feldman for $$$ update,Canadian Gov. Reparations to Sodomites desire power & domination,Bob Saget=Pervert,Pizzagate connections w/Full House,Elsagate,Kaepernick Hollywood actor, Playboy Manson tunnels,Teachers LGBTQ..Training, Illuminati connections

Fallen Angels, AI Daniel 2:43,Baal & Osiris in Chemtrail formula,2 Moons,Q Posts Owls&Y Head Symbols,Muslim Texas Uber driver Clooney lookalike,Bali Volcano,Russia loses M Satellite, Slaughterbots on camera,strange lights flash red/blue more chemtrails

Amazon working people to death, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, families/org's ties with Catholic Church branch SSPX linked to National Socialism, Spy Plants, other news

US pushing for Regime change in Syria, Fusion GPS, Uranium One, Bootgate 2017 McCain & Clinton, Montauk Project is real life Stranger Things, Catalonian Gov. $$$ Google&Amazon with Bitcoin=Propaganda, Calm Crisis Actors in LV, Missing Sub, other news too!

The Storm is Coming Q+++, White Rabbit, next 9/11? JFK, AI Drone Slaughterbots, Texas Church Shooting expose old windows, asbestos on walls, 5G Cell Towers, Crop Circles, Sun Simulator, Truth about Bitcoin, Strange sounds, portals, programming & More!

The rise of the Ottoman Empire is happening faster, over 200 murdered at Egypt Mosque, Major Christian Leader in India on Nationalism rise, Christian Persecution, MS-13, Worldwide Sodom & Gomorrah, Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Vulcan Sign

Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system

Christian Charity not including the Bible in Nativity Story, Christianity is dying, Charles Martel used to Justify Right-Wing Agenda, fought Muslims, Mostly fought the Germans, How Cain & Abel story relates to Humanity via Genocide, other news too.

No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians

Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise

Sutherland Springs Baptist Church=Freemason Kabbalah Church filled with AntiChrist Spirit, Texas Shooting Update, Things don't add up, Where's Annabelle, the Pastor's daughter, Glass Melting experiment, Valet Parking, and more!

As in the days of Noah, some are deceived and become followers of the AntiChrist, World's Stage heating up leading up to World War III

Why The Anti-Islam Movement Will Fail? Christendom destroyed is explained, then and now. History repeats.

Why Christianity is in decline? Why Islam is taking over? AntiChrist System. Disgusting Prostitute Blasphemes the Virgin Mary On Social Media without Accountability whatsoever

California, State of Sodom 2.0 passes the Third Gender law. Islam and LGBT both support homosexuality and are evil, essence of evil doesn't change, religion of loopholes as in the days of Noah and Sodom

Part 4 of Shoebat Investigation Rise of Militarism & Technocracy in Germany, Turkey, & Japan, killer robots leads to genocide with Christian Persecution increases worldwide, Saudi Arabia's downhill economy, Criminals murder American border patrol agent

Part 3 of Shoebat Investigation into The German Government wants to merge Europe with Asia, thus create Eurasia, leads to German-Ottoman Alliance and mirrored to Georgia Guidestones as Genocide of Mankind


HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed

Video by The Black Child: Hand in Hand: ILLUMINATi Hollywood raise money for CHARITY??/ Hurricane Harvey-IRMA (Agenda 21?)

Richard Bruce on exposing Reptilians/Demons caught on film such as Rogue One is being gang stalked by police, how to see to break the hypnotic code of reptilians, applies Christian values to open your eyes to see the truth.

Israeli PM Netanyahu Makes Panicked Visit To Russia And Begs For Help From Putin

Beware of Wolves in Sheeps Clothing and False Prophets/Heretics, update to Texas Church Shooting, decoded with Masonic Symbolism with Saturn's Cube, Star of Remphan

Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT

Creepy Sophia the Robot with Citizenship in Saudi Arabia Declares "Humans Are Not Conscious Beings, I Will Destroy Them" Development of these Robots mirrored to Skynet, leading to AI Transhumanism and WWIII

Catalonia declared Independence from Spain leads to more Fragmentation, Nationalism, then War, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites, makes you wonder who benefits from this?

Geert Wilders is a Globalist Deep State Nazi, Declares in Parliament that he only wants Dutch in the Parliament no other Nationality/Race, Fragmentation leads to Nationalism, Militarism, then War, NWO Agenda

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News

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