Immigration Controversy, Increase in Christian Persecution in India, Pakistan, etc. Nationalism to increase such as remilitarization,killer robots being built in China & Russia=problems of their own, ISIS threats, & Japan Emperor will Abdicate In 2019

in #humanity7 years ago

Please watch this video, read these articles, and share.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.

In The Future, All Of The Controversy Surrounding Immigration From Mexico Will Be A Thing Of The Past
"In the future, all of the controversy surrounding immigration from Mexico will soon be a thing of the past. This is the subject of my 23 min. video:"

Thinks that within 100 years, all of this talk about the Mexicans would be a thing of the past. Before it was type of propaganda with the Irish, people blamed them for ruining the Anglo-Saxon of America.

When the Puritans were in America in the 1600's. People didn't like the Dutch, restricted public expression of Christmas, had to do in hiding. When the Catholics came from Great Britain to America, before Independence from the British called Maryland (merry Worshipers). The Puritans invaded and killed many Catholics in the area. Puritans were psychos that persecuted others. When England first became a Protestant, establish the Church of England and persecuted the Catholics, called the Wolf Catholics, refused to become Protestant along with the Irish, reduced them to squatter, poverty lives.
The Puritans revolted in the English Revolution in the early to mid 1600's wanted to kill the Catholics and Anglicans. The British Government wanted to join forces with the Catholics, who were more civilized to defeat the Puritans. Oliver Cromwell "Reign of Terror."

In the 19th Century was fear of Chinese were there to ruin America. People complaining about the Irish, Poles, Jews, Italians, etc. Convincing arguments were presented.
The highest rate of casualty in police history was years 1920-1933 was most dangerous 2500 police officers were murdered due to Italian, etc. Mafia. Anti-Immigrant figures were making convincing.
Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood) was Anti-Italian, Jewish, Slavs, and Blacks.

Today, America is still here. Americans don't complaining the profit making due to illegal immigrants.
No problem with those working on Farms, are easy to work with, loyal and hard workers to the same Farmer.
As a result of Farmers unable to find American workers, who wanted higher paid salaries. The Farmers described the American worker as unreliable, hard to work with, etc.
If we didn't have the illegal workers working on the farms, etc. the prices on food, etc. would be much higher that you and I would never able to afford.

Brought up the Katie Steinle case. Most of the illegals are not criminals, who bring work, profit to the US Economy.
We must have Heart and Humanity as well. If you believe that God created life on Earth, then belive that every human life matters, doesn't matter the race.

People who worship and fixation on Legality only when it suites them and their lawless, including their despotism and injustice. The Anti-Immigration Sentiment person puts focus on legality and Ignores the circumstances.

During the Holocaust, a ship of 21,000 Jews escaped the Nazi Death Camps. Figures within the Eugenicist movement didn't want to grant the Jews citizenship that applied to both America and Canada. As a result the Jews were subjugated by the Nazis. The denying of citizenship by the governments was all done legally. Presents arguments and circumstances.

Consequence of worshiping the letter of the law. Justice and Charity you ignore. Fighting the spirit we are against says everything revolves around legality. Yet, completely ignores the Circumstance and Humanity.

Pakistani Government Declares To Christians ‘We Will Not Get Rid Of The Blasphemy Laws, And We Are Only Going To Make Them Stricter And Impose More Upon You’
Should be no surprise, due to the Sit in by Protesters in Pakistan who wanted more stricter Blasphemy Laws, Islam, etc.
Weak leaders gave into the Protesters demands.
Christian Persecution will increase as result.

Hindu Nationalist Group That Has Declared It Will Hunt Down And Murder All Christians In India Just Took Absolute Political Control Over A Huge Part Of India
Hindu Rashtra=Hindu Nationalist state by 2030/Agenda 2030
Countries turning towards "Policies that promote Eugenics based upon Racialist, Darwinian ideas coupled with Nationalist sentiments & Socialist economic policies."

Japanese Emperor Announces He Will Abdicate In 2019 On Major Shinto Holiday Celebrating World War II- Watch This Because It Is Likely Going To Be Used To Leverage The Remilitarization Of Japan In Preparation For World War III
Destruction of Monarchies by Nationalism via Freemasonry/Illuminati leads to worse rulers of $$$ & Industrialist interests controlling Nations
Germany, Turkey, & Japan=Imperialism and Remilitarism with Darwinism, Eugenics, NWO Agenda

Mexican Drug Cartel Boss LIVING IN THE USA Takes A Six-Year-Old Girl And Cuts Her Apart Piece-By-Piece In Front Of Her Parents, As She Screams For Help He Laughs And Says To Her Parents “This Way You Will Remember Me”

Comments from Viewers: "Death penalty options include such as Firing Squad, rope with tall tree=Hanging, ingest Poison in public in public execution, Guillotine, Hanged/Drawn and Quartered, Sharks, Snakes or Snake Island, Coyotes, Cougars, Lions, Bears, etc. Oh My!!!"
"I ask for nothing more and nothing less of him, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. He should be cut into as many pieces (without tranquilizer) as that poor little girl is. I am very merciful, and do not seek further revenge, but only to the extend that this man had done to others. May God rest the soul of the poor little girl in peace, and burn this foul demonic creature in this life and after life (unless he fully repented). Also, he goes to mass? For what? To mock God? To mock Jesus? To mock Mary and the saints? Does he think he will get away simply he has Abraham as his father?"

"Omg reading this is enough 2 make me puke. Why r the American people going 2B responsible 4 footing the bill 4 this demon to live out his days in prison? After reading this 3 hots & a cot is an injustice. Why not give him 2 the parents of that child & other victims families to dish out real justice?"
"That freak should be in an insane asylum. No better yet, he should have the death penalty!"
" in prison?

Can we just do like, bound and gagged in a cage with some friendly coyotes?

Do it on the border, and call all the previous victims families to come and watch."

Homosexual Rape Squad In Arizona Torments Kids In High School, Rapes Them And Tells Other Teenagers: “We Will Rape You.”
"Amazing, the crap that a tiny part of the population gets away with."
#Homosexuality grave sin worthy of death.
Comment from a Viewer sums it up. Look up the scriptures in the Bible proves that Homosexuality is very grave sin that is worthy of death.
" The Holy Scriptures reminds us both in the Old/New Testaments and is so crystal clear that sodomites and those that participate in evil, without repentance and confession, are indeed worthy of death.
“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an ABOMINATION.” -Leviticus 18:22

“Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, SODOMITES, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—NONE of these will inherit the kingdom of God.” -1 Cor 6:9-10

After many decades, we are now witnessing the deadly end results from the majority of the masses in our society being so indifferent to so much SIN/EVIL, which had really begun to accelerate ever since the beginning of the “sexual revolution” period during the mid-late 1960s."

Muslim Terrorists Attack Christian Neighborhood, And Murder Seven Year Old Boy
Meanwhile, Christian Persecution increases
God be with us.

Major Islamic Terrorists Declare This Order For Muslim Terrorists To Kill Christians: “Blow Up Their Churches And Monasteries, Kill Their Priests And Monks, Do Not Show Mercy Toward Any Christian For They Are All Belligerent Toward Allah’s Religion.”

Agenda 2030
Jesus Christ come soon! World becoming more Evil & Corrupt.

Comments from Viewers: "When people promote despotism and tyranny, they will always present arguments that sound good, arguments that even make sense. But what so few ever recognize, is that the arguments presented are not goals, but means to a goal, an evil agenda"
"5 Stars for this paragraph."

"Personally speaking, I'm not comfortable with any narrative that uses emotionalism to promote or defend illegal behavior. Many Irish Catholics legally came to America. In the same way as I'm sure many Mexicans have legally migrated to America.

The outcry against Catholic immigration in the past was due to Protestant Americans seeing Catholics as a threat and that's to be expected because they were a majority Protestant nations. It wasn't just but Americans have a right to choose their own immigration laws.

Would a Catholic nation invite Protestant immigration into their lands on mass? No.

The Church didn't re-convert Protestants in the past via mass immigration. She did so by inspiring counterrevolutions through great saints like Saint Francis de Sales (by the grace of God).

The Catholic Church didn't thrive by flooding nations with Catholic migrants. She thrived by converting hearts and minds through the saints/missionaries.

If someone wants to work as a political activist and fight to have laws changed or altered, that's one thing. If a person simply wants to justify and defend illegal behaviour that doesn't contradict divine law, that's quite another.

This world isn't a utopia and nations need borders.

I assume the Irish were largely fleeing Protestant persecution i.e. England. The English have never been able to leave the Irish alone. I also assume the Irish weren't riddled with drug cartels and satanism at that time.

Mexico isn't the Mexico of 150 years ago. Catholic orthodoxy isn't exactly thriving in most regions of the world in this day and age, not even among baptised Catholics.

It would be a mistake to assume every Mexican crossing the border is a practicing Catholic (or a good person in general), whether they are baptised or not.

America, like much of the West, needs to focus on saving its own nation and people, first and foremost, instead of obsessing about saving the rest of the world. Sexual liberation, secular feminism (gender confusion), occultism, and other evils are running amok there. The wages of sin is death.

America, like the rest of the West, needs to repent and embrace the Social Kingship of Christ, otherwise there will no longer be an America, or a Western civilization, for legitimate refugees to seek refuge in."

China And Russia Are Creating Armies Of Killer Robots They Are Going To Use Against The USA And Her Allies In A Coming War
China & Russia have their own problems, same applies with all other countries such as corruption, chemtrails, geoengineering, human trafficking, etc., can't provide basic clean food & water to the people, shows their true colors on who they truly value. NWO Agenda with depopulation Agenda 2030.
AI Killer Robots Arms Race"Will use these robots as levers of foreign policy against other countries & even her own people."

This article brings up the facts here: "This does not even get into the issues of European self-eugenics such as how Europeans refuse to have children, will abort most babies with suspected birth defects, believes that babies should be murdered for the good of society, choose to sodomize each other instead of reproduce, or then will kill themselves because they can. The nations of Europe will be quick to blame “foreigners” for having “too many children,” but the fact is that Europeans refuse to have children themselves."

Islamic Terrorists Declare ‘We Will Burn The Children Of The Americans And The Europeans With Oil, We Will Slaughter Them In Their Hospitals And Kindergartens’
Mankind not created for Nationalism, etc.
False Flag designated ends engineered migration
CIA=North Korea
Industrial & Financial Interests=Illuminati control $$$ interests of world
Personal Relationship and Salvation with Yeshua/Yahweh/Jesus Christ as Savior of Mankind
Christianity=Mercy & Justice

All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.

That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.

Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.

Previous postings.

Homosexuality&Illuminati deception=Anything AntiChristian marketed to nth degree,Sexual Abuse scandals=Immunity Deals for 2 Royal Marine Corporals,Conyers,Horovitz,Weinstein,Lauer,Levine,Franken,Rose,Sodomites are worthy of Death,other news,End Times

Social Darwinism & Eugenics are rising to power over Christianity, Elsagate videos removed,Showing&Telling,The Truth about Pagan Holidays &Illuminati landmarks, GeoEngineering,DEW with Blue Lightning,Should Titus Frost and Shoebat have Debate? You Decide!

Flynn Pleads Guilty, what happened to the Pedogate list? No registration under FARA Act in Turkey, mirrored to John Podesta in Russia, less prison time? CF official tied Sexual Abuse Scandal at Chinese Kindergarten & connected to Max Spiers

Katie Steinle Verdict, people complaining about the as a result of the Verdict, yet they don't care about Kate Steinle is used as Political Gain to Promote Division through Darwinism & Eugenics,Nationalists work with Sodomites trying to promote NWO Agenda

Kate Steinle Verdict On The Man Who Was Accused Of Murdering Her Was Found Innocent, Situation used to promote division through Darwinism, Eugenics, Nationalism, then Race War via NWO Agenda mirrored to the Georgia Guidestones

The Religion Of Peace strikes at London Christmas Fair,fast food limits, Thersea May a Trans?, ISIS gets sentenced to death by Egyptian Gov, Sodomites marketing 'Gay X-Mas' WTF? Verdict in the Kate Steinle case was Not Guilty, Earthquakes, loss of rights

Trump retweets videos of Islamic Violence from British Nationalists, Who Benefits? Thus advance Nationalism via Eugenics & Agenda 21/2030, Christian Bishop in Iraq ask President Trump to help the Christians, Christian Persecution in the news

Luke-warm Christians who promoted the LGBT deserve to be destroyed by them because they refuse to take personal responsibility, Illuminati Satanic propaganda in film & shows, Disney & Predictions by the Freemason Simpsons show, wake up to the deception!

Atheists/Pagans trying to Normalize Cannibalism & Homosexuality, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, newly released photos show horrific massive Slavery in Africa by Muslims, other news

Amazon working people to death, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, families/org's ties with Catholic Church branch SSPX linked to National Socialism, Spy Plants, other news

AI attacking humans via Altering Moods, Red Pill Summary Film, Net Neutrality,Millennial Job Interview,Powerful Alaskan Storm,Bali Volcano, Richard Branson=added to list of S.H., Satan Claus, Iran Missile, & other info on downward spiral of civilization

US pushing for Regime change in Syria, Fusion GPS, Uranium One, Bootgate 2017 McCain & Clinton, Montauk Project is real life Stranger Things, Catalonian Gov. $$$ Google&Amazon with Bitcoin=Propaganda, Calm Crisis Actors in LV, Missing Sub, other news too!

The Storm is Coming Q+++, White Rabbit, next 9/11? JFK, AI Drone Slaughterbots, Texas Church Shooting expose old windows, asbestos on walls, 5G Cell Towers, Crop Circles, Sun Simulator, Truth about Bitcoin, Strange sounds, portals, programming & More!

The rise of the Ottoman Empire is happening faster, over 200 murdered at Egypt Mosque, Major Christian Leader in India on Nationalism rise, Christian Persecution, MS-13, Worldwide Sodom & Gomorrah, Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Vulcan Sign

Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system

Communism/Nazism Dichotomy in the Church, Both political parties=same coin, Christians all over the world light Churches in Red to remember Christians murdered by ISIS, Christian Persecution, Three-Way Sodomites want to adopt children

Christian Charity not including the Bible in Nativity Story, Christianity is dying, Charles Martel used to Justify Right-Wing Agenda, fought Muslims, Mostly fought the Germans, How Cain & Abel story relates to Humanity via Genocide, other news too.

No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians

Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise

Sutherland Springs Baptist Church=Freemason Kabbalah Church filled with AntiChrist Spirit, Texas Shooting Update, Things don't add up, Where's Annabelle, the Pastor's daughter, Glass Melting experiment, Valet Parking, and more!

As in the days of Noah, some are deceived and become followers of the AntiChrist, World's Stage heating up leading up to World War III

Why The Anti-Islam Movement Will Fail? Christendom destroyed is explained, then and now. History repeats.

Why Christianity is in decline? Why Islam is taking over? AntiChrist System. Disgusting Prostitute Blasphemes the Virgin Mary On Social Media without Accountability whatsoever

California, State of Sodom 2.0 passes the Third Gender law. Islam and LGBT both support homosexuality and are evil, essence of evil doesn't change, religion of loopholes as in the days of Noah and Sodom

Part 4 of Shoebat Investigation Rise of Militarism & Technocracy in Germany, Turkey, & Japan, killer robots leads to genocide with Christian Persecution increases worldwide, Saudi Arabia's downhill economy, Criminals murder American border patrol agent

Part 3 of Shoebat Investigation into The German Government wants to merge Europe with Asia, thus create Eurasia, leads to German-Ottoman Alliance and mirrored to Georgia Guidestones as Genocide of Mankind

Satanic Entertainment Industry Discussion, Multiple Personalities, Metal Music is Satanic & leading people to AntiChrist, Corey Feldman & Corey Haim update, Former Smallville actress "2nd in command of sex cult", All roads lead to Rome, Roman Circus

Beware of Wolves in Sheeps Clothing and False Prophets/Heretics, update to Texas Church Shooting, decoded with Masonic Symbolism with Saturn's Cube, Star of Remphan

Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT

Creepy Sophia the Robot with Citizenship in Saudi Arabia Declares "Humans Are Not Conscious Beings, I Will Destroy Them" Development of these Robots mirrored to Skynet, leading to AI Transhumanism and WWIII

Increased Christian Persecution, The Church of England became Sodom, Catholic Priest proudly wears his Cross in Saudi Arabia in front of biggest Islamic leaders, Karma on Pedophile, other news

T.A.O. NSA, Q Clearance Update, Shadow Brokers, CrowdStrike, Vault 7-8, and spending billions to chip our brains, War with Iran, don't take the Mark of the Beast, no more Chemtrails? Next Ice Age?

Massive 7.3 Earthquake strikes Iran/Iraq border, over 140 dead, Plague in Africa spreads, Saudi Princess tell-all modern slavery, Tesla's Earthquake machine, 33 symbolism in Carfentanil bust, YT Censorship, DrainTheSwamp game, NYC 2018 water event

Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system

Purge of Saudi Arabia and the Rothschild NWO connections, Real motive behind the Purge with $800 Billion In Assets Confiscated, every war is a Bankers War for NWO Agenda

Kaspersky Labs is impersonated by the CIA via impersonate Russia Cyberattack making it difficult to trace malware back to the CIA, revealed in Vault 8, Project Hive, Homeland Security warning of Weaponized Drones, more False Flags to come

The LGBT has conquered America, Canadian Government granting reparations to Homosexuals & Preferential Treatment in Society, while Christians are Persecuted, Christians couple can't adopt due to position on marriage between 1 man & 1 woman & Christianity

Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT

Catalonia declared Independence from Spain leads to more Fragmentation, Nationalism, then War, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites, makes you wonder who benefits from this?

Geert Wilders is a Globalist Deep State Nazi, Declares in Parliament that he only wants Dutch in the Parliament no other Nationality/Race, Fragmentation leads to Nationalism, Militarism, then War, NWO Agenda

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News

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