Catalonia declared Independence from Spain leads to more Fragmentation, Nationalism, then War, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites, makes you wonder who benefits from this?

in #catalonia7 years ago (edited)

Please read the article and videos by Shoebat and share. Europe is a snapshot into America's future. All engineered by the powers that shouldn't be a.k.a. Deep State/Illuminati. Plus, those who are not awake are dumbed down to realize that the Elite only care for their own personal gain with power & wealth, and worldly things, all of which can't take with in the next life. Repeated the same mistakes of others of going down the dark path separating themselves from God for their own selfish desires. Both political parties are the same coin and end.
Any Political Activism #Nationalism leads to Paganism, Darwinism #Eugenics, Agenda 2030
Hope & Salvation found God/Yeshua/Jesus

Catalonia Declares Independence From Spain. This Is Only A Sign Of How Europe Is Fragmenting And Heading Towards Another Major War

"Catalonia just declared independence from Spain. This is only a sign of how Europe is fragmenting and heading towards another major war. In the subject of today’s video, I talk about Catalonia’s separatism, nationalism and the forces behind nationalism, including the Counterjihad movement’s Filip DeWinter and Pamela Geller:"

From the video:
Carlos Puigdemont used the same strategy in Yugoslavia & applying in Catalonia.
40 people present at Brussels meeting earlier in 2017. All planned in advance.
New Flemish Alliance is tied with Nazism.
Result of the Fragmentation in Europe leads to Ultra Nationalism.

Catalonia is following the Slovenia model to succeed from Yugoslavia. Then, everyone else wanted to succeed.
Entire decade in 1990’s had civil war, same blueprint to destabilize regions in the Middle East, eventually in Western Europe.
The Banks know what’s going on & are leaving Catalonia.
Always had Internationalism.
Julian Assange is in favor of Catalonia succession, organizing efforts.
Informed them to use Telegram, difficult to monitor.
Police brutality is enforcement of the law, strategic manner.
Hungarians & Flemish separatists, Counterjihad, etc. Succession of Catalonia, legitimizes Flemish separatists movement, ultimate goal of fragmenting Europe & implementing violent Nationalism.
CIA Operation Gladio by blaming the terrorist attacks on Anti-Soviet Sentiment used to create Nationalist Sentiment, & fragment Europe. Counterjihad speaks Nationalism.

Around 40 min. mark. Pamela Geller declares support for German Nationalism. She said it was wrong for Germans to renounce German Nationalism after WWII.
Germans Protestantism & Nationalism rooted in Supremacy and Nationalism, Paganism.
English believed in supremacy in Anglo-Saxon race, same with Germans.
Aspiration for German domination with Odin conquering Briton. Germanic Domination.
As long you have goddess’s you have Nationalism, Paganism, Genocide.
Counterjihad movement designed by NATO, CIA, etc. to expand & spark Nationalism. Then, Racialism, Darwinism, Eugenics are implemented for depopulation agendas 21 & 2030.
Erdogan putting blame on Gulen. Forcing US to get Gulen, living illegally in US to be extradited to Turkey. Political leverage, leading other illegals to be deported to Turkey.
Same scenario with Gulen as with Soros.
See what the powers that shouldn’t be can get away with. With getting away with outlying other organizations.
Romans spread propaganda that Christians were going to overthrow the Empire, dangerous, terrorists, etc. Desensitized to Genocide. Implementism.
Counterjihad movement arms Muslims (Kurds), leads to persecution of Christians.

Modern version of the Shepard’s. 13th Century medieval cult was founded by Ryan of Hungary. After Battle of Al Mansurah
Battle in Egypt between French Crusaders & Turks. Turks won. 30,000 French lost their lives, lots of anger in France. The Church tried to calm people. Ryan of Hungary blamed the battle on the Church, felt he was a better religious leader than the church. Main message of the group that would defeat Islam, not the Church. Marketed itself as Anti-Islam, outside the Church. Mirrors to Counterjihad, Identitarian movement, etc.

Movement use threat of Islam used to destroy Catholicism. Leader of Sheppard’s made deal with the Sultan in Morocco to bring young people with no Military training to fight Muslims, knowing the Muslims would slaughter them. Movement was Pro-Islam and Anti-Christian. History repeats.
Anti-Clericalism & Anti-Catholicism portrayed against the Catholic Church.

Comment from Viewers: “History repeating itself, just as during Fatima. Our Lady Protected Portugal from the effects of the Spanish Civil War, renewed Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 13, 1938. Cardinal Cerejeira acknowledged publicly: “Since Our Lady of Fatima appeared in 1917 ... A special blessing of God has descended upon the land of Portugal ... especially if we review the two years which have gone since our vow, one cannot fail to recognize that the invisible hand of God has protected Portugal, sparing it the scourge of war and the leprosy of atheistic Communism.”
“Our Lady of Fatima” appeared on July 13, 1917. Another fulfilment of the Virgin’s prophecy “the war would begin “in the reign of Pius XI,” following “a night illumined by an unknown light ...”
“Indeed they are, which will certainly not end very well in the long run. It’s very much interconnected to what is happening from a big picture perspective, which is so right on to what exactly the Shoebats have been predicting and warning us about of what’s coming over the last couple of years. What Theodore mentioned right here in the article, much further emphasizes this very reality; “The fragmentation of a state, or of a body of states, leads to conflict.” Out west, the conditions are already set up to eventually see the chaos/mayhem first.”

“The European Union originally was established to prevent another European war in the aftermath of WWII and to prevent Germany from initiating another European conflict. That was good.
The problem came later when the EU began to impose their will upon poorer countries such as Portugal and Greece, whose economics weren't that great, triggering finances crisis. This, regrettably, empowered the Germans, as the Europeans strongest performing economic power, to impose hard-to-bear measures upon the citizens of Portugal and Greece, triggering nationalistic sentiments.
Then the so-called refugee crisis engulfed the European continents which increased the call European Union army at the behest of the Germans.

Let's not pretend that the EU are some kind of saintly organization since it also pushed for legalization of eugenics, faggot marriage, abortion-on-demand, and dissolution of sovereignty from each states. The EU tried to be the secular form of the Catholic Church and it is already a miserable failure.
The Brexit was the first wave. There will be more, and the Shoebat already predicted a division between northern and southern European states, so I suspect that deep down, Theo is more angry that they are right, and angrier still that instead of people turning to God, they are regressing to paganism.

The last week, I had been mediating on one verse from the Apocalypse, "And have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation..."(Apocalypse 5:9, NKJV), and I found it interesting the people said that out of every tribe, tongue, people and nation.
Anyway, while I don't think a major world war is going to happen right away, all of these events are precursor to a major world war that will bring the advent of the Antichrist. These days, I find myself turning more to St. John Chrysostom who said we should turn our mind to the heavenly Jerusalem, to Mount Sion that is of above. I am not alarmed over this news because just from a cursory reading of the Apocalypse, we are already heading toward the end. This is the beginning of the end.”

That the Alt-right is using NATO tactics is very interesting; for it was NATO that directed the Operation Gladio project, in which American and European secret service agencies, participated and facilitated the training and arming of neo-nazi and nationalist terrorists in Europe in order to inundate the continent with nationalism and anti-Russian sentiment.
One figure important to study in our inquiry on Gladio is Filip DeWinter, a Flemish separatist who wants to create an independent Flanders.
DeWinter wants to break up Flanders from Belgium, Catalonia from Spain, northern Italy from Italy, and will support any separatist movement, and this is all for his ultimate goal of creating a “white Europe”.
No surprise here of "what the Elites are did to the Middle East and Yugoslavia, they are now beginning to do in Western Europe."

After Declaring Catalonian Independence From Spain, Carles Puigdemont Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites

The Identitarian Movements In Europe Are Simply Trying To Revive Nazism

Previous postings.

The German Government is training and arming Kurdish forces (Operation Fast & Furious Europe style), leads to more division, violence, & Christian Persecution, Alt-Right & Nazism Revival instructed by NATO with Operation Gladio Part ¾

The Government of Spain wants to shut down the Catalonian Government with their politicians threats with massive unrest in the streets, Elites plan to cause division, chaos, NWO

What the Media is not telling you about Catalonia leads to division, racism, violence, and eugenics, coming Europe Spring leads to World War, history repeats, overview of Operation Paperclip

Should this be any surprise of what the Counter Jihad Movement are really about, latest is supporting witch doctors performing sick paganism actions for belief to get wealth and power

Mad Scientist in the Robotic Industry promoting of Humans Marrying Robots and having children in labs in less than a generation, Putin warns of Satanic Terminators feel no pain or fear

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News

Eurasianism is rising with Germany and Austria rising along with other countries to conquer Europe and allied with the future Ottoman Empire to destroy Christ's Church

Robert Spencer is a Globalist, who supports Zionist controlled Israel and Islam with the Kurds persecuting Christians, Israel and the US arms the Kurds, history repeats just like the Armenian Genocide

Perception & Deliberating Dumbing Down of Society with Liberals & Commentators such as Chris Matthews shocked out NYC Terrorist Attack, thinks the Religion of Peace/Pieces is Peaceful, Steemit posting issues/lack of communication?


Interesting article thanks for sharing

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