No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Please read this article by Shoebat and share. Downfall/Backwards society, lack of morality, civility, responsibility, accountability, etc. End Times. Things won't be right again until Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of Mankind second coming.

Great points by Shoebat. Beware of Nationalism running the Church as an Institution that was then is present today, take a good look. They twists things around, being Politically Correct, etc. We should be following God's Law, not the twisted up version of man's law for their own personal benefit.
Please read the rest of the article and share.

"As we have warned, any attempt to link social ethics absolutely to divinely revealed truth will always result in the replacement of the divine with man because due to original sin, man will always attempted to make himself the standard of divine truth. This always results in the reduction of the Church to being a merely social institution that one may or may not choose to associate with, which in turn naturally generates secularism and if taken far enough, a return to an individual moral standard created, justified, and maintained by man himself according to what he wills at the current time. Instead of “the law is do what God wills,” morality becomes the infamous Crowlean mantra of “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law,” which is the defining mantra of satanism.

The danger is in the philosophical consequences and conclusions that Protestantism naturally leads to. It is also not a process that happens immediately, but usually takes time and grows due to the failure of people to address and uproot false teachings as they arise. Indeed, it is only natural that errors occur among Christians because we live in a sin-fallen world. Sometimes these errors may even be hard to detect until they have had time to grow in. To use the analogy of a gardener, sometimes weeds look just like planted seeds and one cannot distinguish between weed or seed until the plants have been given a short time to grow. However, once the weed is identified, it is for the gardener to uproot the weed and destroy it because if it is not uprooted, it will facilitate the spread of more weeds that could destroy the garden itself."

Please read and share. Living in #SpiritualWarfare

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