Geert Wilders is a Globalist Deep State Nazi, Declares in Parliament that he only wants Dutch in the Parliament no other Nationality/Race, Fragmentation leads to Nationalism, Militarism, then War, NWO Agenda

in #politics7 years ago

Please read the article by Shoebat and share. Europe is a snapshot into America's future. All engineered by the powers that shouldn't be a.k.a. Deep State/Illuminati. Plus, those who are not awake are dumbed down to realize that the Elite only care for their own personal gain with power & wealth, and worldly things, all of which can't take with in the next life. Repeated the same mistakes of others of going down the dark path separating themselves from God for their own selfish desires. Both political parties are the same coin and end.
Any Political Activism #Nationalism leads to Paganism, Darwinism #Eugenics, Agenda 2030
Hope & Salvation found God/Yeshua/Yahuah/Jesus

Geert Wilders Declares: ‘I Don’t Want Swedes Or Moroccans In The Dutch Parliament.’

First of all Geert looks like a Nazi and dresses and acts as one too. Second, watch the short video on Andrew Bieszad, writes with Shoebat, was invited to speak at the American Renaissance. Turned out to be a Nazi is central organization for #Alt-Right Nazi Eugenics Darwinism.
Engineered Migration creating chaos, violence #Counterjihad movement to combat Sharia law under the guise of establishing genocide Nationalism, Militarism War, NWO

Wilders works with a Flemish Separatist named Filip DeWinter, who works directly with the American Renaissance.
"With the EU fragmenting, with the EU deliberately wanting terrorism to use as an excuse for militarism."

As a result of the Fragmentation leads to Hegelian Dialectic to establish Nationalism as the solution, then war with the same political hands that created the problems in the first place all for personal gain for power, wealth, and worldly things without empathy nor respect for others, all for their own desires separated from God for NWO.
Germany and Japan want to revive their imperialism days back during both World Wars. Turkey joins them as well with other countries such as US, UK, etc. are also in play with increased Militarism, Raping Countries for Resources.

As a result of the engineered migration crisis "with the deliberate intention to spark populism, anti-immigrant sentiment (under the guise of various titles such as “counterjihad”) and to fragment the EU, in order to justify the bolstering of a German revival of militarism, within the realm of a newly formed bloc, a union led by a militarized Germany, full of fanatics, charged by the ideology of a diabolical science, the envisioning of a war against humanity itself."

Then, you have some deliberating dumbed down people who worship governments instead of worshiping God.
That is why things change in different means with technology, but people don't change. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. God never changes, God's word is truth, those who believe with full heart and conviction not just once saved always saved, believe that Jesus sacrificed himself and came to save you from sin and death, shall be saved and into eternal life, and follow both faith, works and obey God's word too. Get yourself right with God while you still can.

Previous postings.

Catalonia declared Independence from Spain leads to more Fragmentation, Nationalism, then War, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites, makes you wonder who benefits from this?

The German Government is training and arming Kurdish forces (Operation Fast & Furious Europe style), leads to more division, violence, & Christian Persecution, Alt-Right & Nazism Revival instructed by NATO with Operation Gladio Part ¾

The Government of Spain wants to shut down the Catalonian Government with their politicians threats with massive unrest in the streets, Elites plan to cause division, chaos, NWO

What the Media is not telling you about Catalonia leads to division, racism, violence, and eugenics, coming Europe Spring leads to World War, history repeats, overview of Operation Paperclip

Should this be any surprise of what the Counter Jihad Movement are really about, latest is supporting witch doctors performing sick paganism actions for belief to get wealth and power

Mad Scientist in the Robotic Industry promoting of Humans Marrying Robots and having children in labs in less than a generation, Putin warns of Satanic Terminators feel no pain or fear

NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News

Eurasianism is rising with Germany and Austria rising along with other countries to conquer Europe and allied with the future Ottoman Empire to destroy Christ's Church

Robert Spencer is a Globalist, who supports Zionist controlled Israel and Islam with the Kurds persecuting Christians, Israel and the US arms the Kurds, history repeats just like the Armenian Genocide

Perception & Deliberating Dumbing Down of Society with Liberals & Commentators such as Chris Matthews shocked out NYC Terrorist Attack, thinks the Religion of Peace/Pieces is Peaceful, Steemit posting issues/lack of communication?

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