Sharing Our Personal Steemit Workspace: Steemit Challenge: #behindthecurtain

in #challenge6 years ago (edited)


I'm kind of off schedule this week. I'm struggling with some changes that are coming around the bend, I'm trying to find a job that will make use of ANY of my actual skills (Trying to find work after being a stay at home, homeschooling mom for 20+ years is difficult) and not stress me out too much... well, it's a challenge. I'm escaping my own reality for a while by doing this challenge and writing about my little cozy space that makes me happy instead. That's kind of like Therapy anyway!

Well, I know I'm WAYYY late to the party, but I've been wanting to do this post for a while. I read this post months ago by @coyoteom Steemit Challenge #behindthecurtain: Sharing Our Personal Steemit Work Spaces

Fellow user @freedomtowrite started a steemit challenge called #behindthecurtain.

I had taken some photos and then forgot all about it. Still, better late than never, right?

So, on with the show. This is the view you see when you open the door to my room:


Okay, so it's the view you see when I've straightened things up so I can take a photo.

If you sit on the couch, this is the view you will see, My "office" space:


I have a laptop (that I often use whilst sitting on the couch like the lazy bum that I am), but also a regular desktop computer that I use mostly for Photoshop and video editing. I used to try and do it all on my heavy duty laptop, but it slowed things down too much and drove me to pick my ass... so now I just use both. Often at the same time.

The artwork on the walls (left to right) is stuff from my kids. The first two are from the way back machine. Framed art from the elementary homeschooling days that I've been moving from house to house for well over a decade. The two portraits are part of the Christmas gift that @abyni painted for me for Christmas of all of my kids. The last one is a painting by my other daughter @loliboofae of a girl with an umbrella.


If I look to the left, this is usually the view I see My Assistant Petrie Petrie likes to sit in his basket or in the window, where he tends to meow at me to open it. Even in the winter. :/


Either that or he just tries to guilt me into letting him outside by sitting in the stillness, looking longingly outside at the squirrels and birds he could be chasing if ONLY his humans would let him go outside for a while... poor, poor kitty cat.


This artwork is a bit of a collection.

At the top is some artwork that I did with my grandkids last year. We made two copies. One for their mom for Mother's Day and one for "Grandma Byn's" house.

Under that is one of my favorite photos of the boys that my daughter, Sprite took.

And below THAT is a painting that Abyni did years ago when she was around 8-9 years old and loved doing silhouette paintings. She hates that I have this on the wall right now, but I still love it!


Some more of the portraits that @abyni did for me: Jazz, Sprite, Jaedin @knightengale and Kainan


A small canvas from a friend when I did a painting class with friends. We used silicone caulk for texture and old book pages for the background. I loved this project!


This was my version of the art project that we did. I love working with simple ideas and messing with textures. I kinda want to go do more painting now...


My bookshelves (I have so many books again that my bookshelves are already piled two levels deep, even though I got rid of thousands of books before we left for the boat. I love love LOVE to read. You can see more about THAT hobby in my post My Favorite Hobbies


And, of course I have to leave some space on my shelves for my "Wild Things" featured in my posts on my Wild Things Tattoos... and on my wall murals that are also in that post My oldest daughter Sprite bought me these stuffed animals for Mother's Day one year. I absolutely LOVE them! We all have such happy memories of this book!


This is my bulletin board. I made this using cardboard and some fabric that I found really cheap somewhere (that matches the fabric that I used to cover up the two box springs that make my "bed frame" under our mattress). The favorite thing on my bulletin board is the artwork from my kids and the fuzzy sloth that I made from a coffee cup lid that we got on our road trip with Abyni when she went to audition for America's Got Talent.


And then, just as I was finishing up with taking photos of my room, My oldest son Kainna showed up for our weekly lunch date.


He works from 5am to 1pm, so he comes over for lunch... and quite often flops down on my bed to groan about how much nicer our bed is than his :)


Annnnnd.... last, but not least, the dog, Tiberius who is a permanent fixture in our room and who loves to moon over the poor cat, who doesn't seem to want anything to do with him.



Click the graphic to join the fun



Animation By @zord189

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



Click the icons to read some of my other posts!

5 Minute Freewrite: The Process of Grief


Sunday Funnies: Battling the Laundry Demons, Letters from a Boat Cat


Mommy Monday: Puppet Making, Part 3


Try Something NEW Tuesday: I did a MAKEUP Video! (Yep, it's as weird as you'd expect!


Workout Wednesday: Working Out!


Therapy Thursday: Do Introverts Make Bad Friends?


Friday Freebies! Custom Graphics for You!



Photos & graphics are mine except where they are linked to their source


Hi, @Byn!

Thanks for sharing your work space with us :)

Looks like a cozy nook for you to do your thing in.

Also, your cat is adorable. I'm partial to them myself. <3

See you around more soon!

CHRIS!!! AHHHHHHH!!! I swear I'm not a stalker or anything (I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to be your mother and I'm not the stalker type), but I was SO happy to see that you commented. I hope you are feeling great and doing wonderfully. I've missed your amazing writing!

I am back! Easing my way into it.

Thank you for the warm welcome! <3

Wow! I am envious. Your images depict such a personal, cozy sanctuary.

I usually jot down stuff while I'm out and then grudgingly make the post at home on my desktop. I say "grudgingly" because by that time, my mind has moved on to other things already.

Maybe if I had a place that was a smidgen as nice as yours to write, my articles would show it?!

Namste, JaiChai

Love your room, especially the huge Mandala drawing on the wall!
And poor dog, I think he wish to have a friend to play with.

Yes, Tiberius wants to make friends with every other animal he ever meets, but it doesn't seem to ever happen for him. :/

Awww... Poor thing...

I love it that it's so colorful! Gives off a happy vibe!

Thank you. It doesn't feel all that colorful to me since I repainted all of my colorful walls, but I LOVE it now that I've got things up on the walls. The white was driving me batty!

Your workspace and home look really nice and comfy (low-key eyeing out your extra comfy computer chair). I feel that atmosphere plays a big role in the amount of productivity that can be accomplished. Thankies for the lovely home tour :D

This chair was left here by my son's friend. When they moved out, I think he took pity on me and let me have his chair! :) Thank you!

Pity nothing, I think your chair is a blessing! :D No problem~

That room is full of so much colour and life. #goals

Thank you so much! I really feel at home here :)

I love your artistic workspace, the beautiful art and your delightful pets. My cat, Newt, moons at the wimdow, too, and my son, Ben, makes the same comments about my bed ( he has an air mattress that needs airing up each day. I love the post and this peek in your home!

Apparently this is a common things for sons to do! (Another person commented the same thing!) Thank you for the comment. This is definitely my cozy little writing nook. I have really come to love this room!

You're welcome! Mine is not nearly as fun looking lol.

What a beautiful room. I love all the colours and the art, both your and your kids. I had to laugh at your son flopping down on your bed. My son does exactly the same! 😁

Thank you! :) Yeah... sons are great for that apparently we aren't the only ones!

beautifully done @byn! you should see my workspace... terrible lol

Haha :) My workspace was horrible for YEARS. This is the first time I've bothered to keep my space clean and clear of everyone else's crap!

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