My Life's Journey - Sometimes people just don't make sense - Health controversy.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

What motivated me to write this post?

The motivation to write this post actually came from one of my teammates here in Italy. As many of you know it is the flu and cold season. And, from what I hear a lot of my friends including my family in Croatia got some type of virus which comes in a form of flu-cold and stomach ache. Almost all of my teammates got the same type of flu here. And, that is where my motivation to write this post come from.


The motivation came from watching one of my teammates who lives with me buying 3 different "medicines" to "cure" the problem. The reason why this frustrated me is that for 3 days I have given him about 5 different natural ways to help him get over this flu. 2 weeks prior to this I had a little cold and used one of those ways to cure myself in literally 1 day. He saw me do it. And, then I see him buying all this chemical-based "medicine" which has one ingredient that is actually natural and nothing but chemical ingredients for the rest. I mean some of this stuff has names you can't understand what it actually is unless you are a biochemist. I kid you not guys I took the description and tried to read it.

The list of side-effects was mind-blowing.

  • skin rash
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • stomach aches˙(diarrhea)
  • lack of energy
  • can damage liver and kidneys
  • various respiratory and breathing issues

Taking poison for a cure.

I mean guys the list goes on and on. So I am thinking people read this and still choose to take that "poison". I am going to call it poison because that is what it truly is. How do you expect to get better from something by taking more poison into your body? Even that single one main natural ingredient gets covered with all the chemical substance and his usually good properties have little effect or not to help you get better. Which is mind-blowing for me? Why would you do that to your body? Why would not just take that natural ingredient and consume it fresh without the chemicals which our body does not even recognize, and create so many side-effects?And, actually damage your immune system even further. I just don't get it, people.

Even crazier fact for me is that people don't even read about the ingredients they are putting in their body. Most of the time they just read the title and listen to doctors without questioning anything. If anything creating sickness, and "medicine" for the sickness had become a business. It is not about curing people, but creating customers for life. Wherever there are money and profit involved, there is a taught on how to expand the business, and make more profit. Unfortunately, today I believe these big pharmaceutical companies have more focus on creating more customers, rather than developing cures.You can call me crazy or conspiracy theorist, but how is it possible people all around the world get this virus at the same time, at different times zones, different climates? That is one big coincidence to me. One BIG "coincidence". But that "conspiracy theory" is long subject for some other time.


Sometimes I think the more this "medicine" business advances there are more people getting more sick. Not saying there are no great modern natural medicines out there on the market, but they are covered up with the sea of chemically poisoned pharmaceutical companies call "cure". This is why you should inform yourself. Read the descriptions of the things you are putting in your body. It is your body and if you take of it, it will take care of you when you need it the most. Invest time in YOURSELF. Read, get informed, question everything, don't take things for granted. Take control of your health.

Nature has all the cure we need. And, over past 3-4 years, I have realized and learned about that more than ever. But that is again a long subject for another post. All I am going to say that if you give your body all it needs to build a strong immune system your sickness time will go down, or it will stop being existent. Depending on what kind of a life you are leading. But, one thing is for sure, your nutrition plays a big part in keeping you healthy and alive to enjoy this beautiful gift we call LIFE for as long as possible. Prevention is always our biggest INTERVENTION.Because I am pretty sure God did not create us to be sick, but rather we created sickness to rule over each other. We are created in his image, and we have the power to be healthy and happy.

I don't even blame my teammates for taking this "medicine". He has been taught to do this all his life. People have stopped believing in natural ways to heal themselves. The stopped believing that nature has all the cure we need, and maybe why we see such a big separation from us and nature. We have locked ourselves into this big great cities, poisoning ourselves with the inventions we created(pollution), and destroying the very thing which gives us life called nature. But, there is still hope for us, I truly believe so.

People are waking up, and it is up to all of us to change things for the better. And, every single person can make a HUGE difference, by inspiring others to make changes for the better. That is what I am trying to do every single day of my life, and so should you. We have it IN US.


Ok, this crazy Croatian is going to stop talking now. lol I believe I have said enough for today. Hopefully what I had to say will inspire you to take control of your health and question everything which had to do with your body. Especially, the things you will put into your body. Take CONTROL, my friends.

Thank you all for reading, have an amazing day, much love,


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Excellent post! I couldn’t agree more! I haven’t had to go to the doctor in years (and tend to be one who gets sick more than average). I had what could have only been strep last week and it was no joke but gave myself enough time to see improvement through my own natural regimen and visited the herb store for a little outsider knowledge and feel fantastic less than a week later.

We are at least 3 generations in to a society that looks to the best advertisement to find the answer to their woes. Advertisers work for companies that are built on a capitalist system where growth is the only sustainable option. They MUST sell MORE so it becomes a cycle of convincing the masses that whatever they have can take away the discomfort. I don’t find it inherently evil, Just deceptive AF and the general public has gotten very lazy in the “thinking” department so it comes down to the shiniest commercial, not the healthiest option.

I think we all tend to get sick little more before we realized we hold the POWER to our health. With every decision every day we decide if this is helping our body or am I just eating it for pleasure? And, there is a way to go natural all the way and still enjoy everything you eat and use to make your body stronger in every sense of the way. :)

"They MUST sell MORE so it becomes a cycle of convincing the masses that whatever they have can take away the discomfort."

That is a sad reality when people instead of making the world a better place has to work for people who are in the business of making people sick. But you have to make a living and you are happy to have a job. Even though for me personally it would be a moral conflict.

It truly is deceiving, and that is why we need to educate ourselves by ourselves. Read, invest time in YOURSELF, knowledge is POWER. Some of those advertisements make it seem like you will feel like a superman after taking this drug. And, then you read side-effects and it is more like you are gonna feel like the people who Superman beat up. lolol

Thank you for an amazing comment. Have an even more amazing day. :)

It’s quite depressing 😔.. maybe a little shopping will make it all better😏 jk! Jk!

I myself and Chinese and there's this thing about traditional Chinese medicine that uses just natural remedies, mostly herbs. It's a huge contradiction to Western medicine and it's interesting to see how both sides view the same illness. Let's not forget acupuncture as well!

I agree with you that God did not create for us to be sick. And to further this point, I believe that God's creation native to region is designed for your body's intake in that particular region. It is that amazing.

Always great to visit your blog. Can't wait to read the next post! :)

TheSteemEngine :)

Man me and you are on the same page when it gets to medicine. I will actually write about my experiences with traditional medicine and the great power of healing I witnessed in person. As a professional player, I had to deal with a nagging amount of injuries. So I know what I am talking about. All I am going to say until I write my post is that acupuncture RULES. If performed by the people who know what they are doing.

I am sure God did not create us to be sick. We did that all on our own. He is not taking the credit for I am sure.

Hey if you keep leaving such a great comments you will force me to upvote every single one of them. lolol Isn't it great to leave great comments? :)

Have an amazing day, my newly found friend. :)

Wow! You sure got me pumped up for your next post! It'll be very interesting to see traditional medicine and acupuncture set against a different culture than what I'm used to. Wonder would there be a huge difference in terms of application.

Thanks for your encouragement, your friendship is definitely worth much more than the upvotes. I guess with time we realize all we want is genuine engagement. And I definitely aspire to write like you guys, be it posts or comments!

Cheers man. Till your next post! :)

Trust me, my friend huge difference. HUGE. I will write my life experience example when I write a post about it. :)

I am thankful we met, my friend, and I am glad we can share this Steemit adventure together. Helping each other and encouraging each other. Just like the comments, you leave on my posts. They are encouraging and makes my writing worthwhile. :)

See you in the comment section. Mine or yours. :)

I haven't been to the doctor for years now and I managed to convince some of my family to use natural remedies but the problem I found when trying to get people to use natural medicine is that they expect Miracles... they want to take it once and be Cured!!

I can tell you this, my friend? People are strange creatures and here is why.

A lot of people I know live their whole lives smoking, drinking, having bad diets. Then they get sick and expect to be cured in one day after 20-30 years of absolutely destroying their bodies. And, then you tell them the obvious and they call you crazy. I have seen it happen so many times. I mean if on the box of cigarettes it says SMOKING KILLS, OR CAUSE CANCER and people still smoke every single day, it explains all.

I try myself to use natural cures and medicines first and often for simple things they work well and I avoid havent to see a dr or resort to using the chemicals and such in Prescribed medications

infact up until maybe 8 years ago I hadnt been to a doctor other than for the yearly physical my job insisted i have and not even that consistently I only did it maybe once every 5 years when I absolutely had to for one reason or the other

Now I do have some health issues that needed medical intervention but where ever possible I still always try natural first

I can't really tell anyone natural is the best or the only way to health. Modern medicine has some great ways to help people, but when medicines are hidden, just because some medicines can cure multiple problems such as cannabis, you start to question the true goal of modern medicine? Do they truly want to HEAL people, or create lifetime customers?

I can only speak from my personal experience and FOR ME natural is the only way. Modern in extreme cases. Even though I have learned about some natural companies. One of them being Himalaya brand. :)

Stay healthy, my friend. Most of it is prevention. :)

I agree prevention is very important unfortunately I realized that later than I should have and had to have some things dealt with
Plus having had Malaria and TB hasn’t helped but trying to be healthier these days

We all been there at some point in our lives. It is definitely a learning process for all of us. And, most of the time we don't know how important our health is until we lose it. :)

Now we know how important it truly is and all we can do is do our best to maintain it. :)

Sometimes I think the more this "medicine" business advances there are more people getting more sick.

Yes, traditionally hospitals are the perfect places to catch new things as well as to further destroy one’s own immunity system because of all the toxins which get pumped into one’s body.

One of the biggest evils to our species is the super drug which is antibiotics. Antibiotics resilience among bacteria specifically. But you will often notice that people who regularly resort to antibiotics (because that’s what they get prescribed or also ask for) have very low immunity.

Guess why.

I used to have chronic bronchitis as a kid. Or so we thought. At age 16 only, I already was resigned to twice a year take a 7 days cure, sometimes even a 14 days long treatment, of 4x 500mg a day. Actually, I’m even not sure if I wasn’t at 1000mg when I took Augmentin.

Few years later only I decided to live differently and treat my bronchitis with only paracetamol and twice a year a multivitamins cure of 3 weeks. The latter in In Spring and at the beginning of Autumn. When the body had fought cold and could do with a kickstart, or to weapon for the next season of humidity and cold.

Guess what... I haven’t had a case of bronchitis anymore ever since. I even live without multivitamins too since many years. Recently tho I started converting to mostly plant-based eating.

Don't get me started on antibiotics. My God, I have used them a lot, and they have completely destroyed my immune system. Similar to chemotherapy. Drinking poison to cure a poison. Makes no sense whatsoever.

I thank myself every day for self-educating myself about my health. One thing is for sure. Prevention before the intervention. Eat healthily, stay active, and eat a plant-based diet. 99% of meat today on the market, especially in big supermarkets, is old, full of steroids, chemicals, and who knows what.

I am not surprised with your results. I had allergies for about 4 years ago. I stopped eating meat and guess what happened? NO allergy problems for 4 years. Coincidence? I think not. :)

Thank you for a great comment. Love to speak to people about this stuff :)

Great post! I also agree with using natural meds for the most part (although the migraine that kept me awake last night could only be dealt with by a major dose of migraine medicine).

Unfortunately, today I believe these big pharmaceutical companies have more focus on creating more customers, rather than developing cures.

This, my friend, is quite a true statement. Of course there are cures to many of the diseases out there, but it is more profitable to sell one cure or 20 treatments for the disease? It is crazy. Have you seen how many natural doctors have died recently. It was something like 85 (my friend on facebook shares each one). Usually it is something weird like a murder/suicide of a strong Christian couple who the family members said would never do something like that or even just a mysterious death. Something fishy is going on, that's for sure. You get to close to figuring out the answers and you're outta here.
We, at times, use essential oils to treat various ailments. We will usually research what the problem might be and how to fix it before going to a doctor - garlic drops for an ear infection, etc. It's amazing that you were able to get over your cold so quickly! Hope your roommate recovers soon.

Thank you, my amazing friend for such an amazing comment.

Where does it hurt when your head hurts? If it is an area above the sinuses maybe you should try with Ginger. Usually, headaches there start because the canals of the sinuses get smaller and clogged up with inflammation. So what I do is take ginger in powder on tip of my finger and I inhale into my nose. Both ways. Amount of about half of grain of rice. And inhale again thru the nose harder to make it go deeper. It burns a bit but it clears the inflammation after 5 minutes. Maybe it helps you.

I have seen those doctors are dropping like flies. Always an accident or suicide. Sure most of them killed their entire families and himself all of the sudden. Not believing it for a second. Same as people getting sick all over the world at the same time.

The answer, in my opinion, is that they are cutting into the profits of people who make people sick and then make a "cure" for it. So they had to go. Because there is nothing more important than money. It is incredible what some people would do for money.

The reason why I got over the cold fast is simple. I do my best every day to keep my immune system on a high level. I try to limit my consumption of chemicals and artificial stuff our body can't even recognize and in reality, can't even digest. I am vegetarian, or probably 95% vegan. Vegetables are on my plate every day. I constantly supply my body with what it needs to build strong immune system. Plus I am very active with basketball.

This is what I used to get over my cold. In the morning I used little extra lemon and orange in my shakes. I did the nose thing again with ginger 2-3 times a day. And, I also added a teaspoon of ginger to water(2oz cup) and gargled my throat with it for about 20 sec with it. Don't swallow of course. Always spit out.I do it as many times I can do it from a water in a cup. It will give an immediate relief. You will start spitting out the the "cold" literally right away after. I mean right away. Especially for strep throat and closed sinuses from cold. Is it pleasant doing this? No. But it works every time for me. And, that is all it matters to me. Again how fast you are going to get over it depends on how strong your immune system is, to begin with. I hope this helps a bit. :)

Now I use it as prevention before I go to sleep, especially in the cold and flu season. Prevention before the intervention. lol

Have an amazing day. :)

Wow, such great advice! I'll have to look into it. Fresh ginger or you buy the powder at the store? My headaches start above my eyebrow, but I'm pretty sure they're hormones and not sinuses. Life is funny that way. ;) Lol. Sounds like you do have a healthy lifestyle and those shakes that Enchanted Spirit likes for you to post about... ;) Next time we get a cold, I'm having everyone snort and gargle some ginger! I'll tell them Duro said we have to! Have a super day!

I thought I wrote ginger in powder? Yes, ginger in powder. I get sloppy when having a lot to say and want to write it fast. lol

Yes, above the eyebrows. That is usually a problem with the clogged sinus canals. At least, for me it was. Even though I have not had a headache in about 5 years. I do a lot of prevention stuff and do my best to keep a healthy vegetarian-vegan diet routine. It works amazing for me.

"Prevention before INTERVENTION."

The reason why I singled this out is because you should do it every couple days as prevention before a headache comes. Preventing it before it happens. We can prevent things from happening by having simple routines such as fun ginger gargeling. lol

It would be amazing to see a video of your entire family gargling and snorting ginger. hahah It burns a bit in the beginning but you get used to it as you go along. Man, I would love to see that video. LOL

Thank you for amazing comments. I truly enjoyed replying. Have the best ginger day ever. :)

It would b

The "fun ginger gargling" doesn't sound so fun there... Yes, ginger powder. Okay, gotta see if I can find some around here somewhere. Sadly, I doubt there will be a ginger snorting video. Although it would be quite funny I'm sure. ;) You're so crazy. Ha.

I am pretty sure you should be able to find it. And, they don't cost much at all. :)

I bet that video post would earn a good amount here on Steemit. lol I already have a title for you as well. It goes like this: It BURNSSSSS. lolol :)

I don't know if you follow Bing Bang Theory Tv Show but character Sheldon would say this on the show:

"I am not crazy, my mother had me tested."

hahaha :)

Lol - well, if that's the title, I'm pretty sure that won't happen around this house. ;) At least not the kids. Ha

Hmm no idea which disease or which drug you're talking about. But for sure, every drug has it's side effect. None of drugs out in market is perfect. That's why doctors are there to measure how much doses you should take. DYOR before taking any drugs! And yes pharmaceutical company wants to keep you sick so you'll buy more of their products.. That sadly is the reality.

I can't remember the names but most of them have these types of side-effects. The same doctors which make money and commission for selling this drug my friend? Think about how bad that can be? Do you really think care about the dose you drink or even read the side-effects of the drug? They just read what big pharmaceutical companies write as recommended dose and take their commission. Not all of course, but the majority of them.

Doctors are in most cases just facilitators. They don't create the drug. They only sell it to earn a commission bonus. That is a sad reality. A sad reality that doctors have lost moral compass and sell "poison" sometimes to earn little extra money. Even sadder thing is that they are not the only ones.

This is just my opinion on it. I have seen it so many times in my life happening in front of my eyes. But, everybody creates their own truth according to their experiences and create their own truth. I prefer my natural way of living, and keeping the cures in the forms nature created them. :)

Thank you for a great comment. Have a great day :)

I believe we should integrate natural medicine more than ever. I think it should be our 90% way to go. Chemicals are for the 10% that we can't fully find a cure for, or in times of desperation. Type 1 diabetes needs insulin. Pain killers even though are bad in the long run, can give acute relief .
But true health comes from prevention which comes from natural remedies.

Having said that, we all can have different ideas of what's natural.

One thing is for sure and I agree with you 100%. We all do have different ideas about what is natural. For me, it is everything unprocessed which comes from nature as is. The way we prepare our food is another issue. Even the healthiest food in the world prepared the wrong way losses all its benefits.

Painkillers are terrible for your body. They only mask the problem. Not solve it. As a pro basketball player, we sometimes need pain relief and until I knew better I use chemicals. I destroyed my stomach and intestines, and my immune system with it. Now I use small doses of ginger every single morning and it works like a charm for me. :)

There are modern medicines which are great. Not all are bad of course. It would be stupid to say, but like I said in the post:

"Not saying there are no great modern natural medicines out there on the market, but they are covered up with the sea of chemically poisoned pharmaceutical companies call "cure".

This is why we all need to educate ourselves on ingredients we take in our bodies. It can be a huge difference.

Thank you for an amazing comment. Have a great day. :)

Your work is awesome, sir. Thank you!

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