Arrogant Bastard Ale - An Amateurish Beer Review

in #beer7 years ago (edited)

This beer insults you before you even buy it. "You're not worthy," says the can or bottle immediately beneath the sneer of a demonic mascot and a provocative title. But the label continues with this blurb:

This is an aggressive beer. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory—maybe something with a multimillion-dollar ad campaign aimed at convincing you it’s made in a little brewery, or one that implies that their tasteless fizzy yellow beer will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multimillion-dollar ad campaigns make a beer taste better. Perhaps you’re mouthing your words as you read this.

Image courtesy of Arrogant Brewing

In fact, in small print at the bottom of the back label, it even says,

QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? If you don't like this beer, keep it to yourself—we don't want to hear from any sniveling yellow-beer-drinkin' wimps, 'cause this beer wasn't made for you!

Well, it's plain that Arrogant Bastard Ale intends to live up to its name.

So, what is it like?

It's brewed and bottled in Escondido, California by Stone Brewing Company. It's listed on BeerAdvocate as an "American Strong Ale." It's 7.2% ABV.

Cracking the crown cap off the bottle releases a strong beery-malty scent. Taste is slightly sweet up front with a very bitter aftertaste, and lots of aggressive flavors in the malt and hops. While I can't find bitterness info, it's definitely up there with properly bitter IPAs. The mouthfeel isn't watery or over-carbonated.

All told, I like this beer. I don't like bitterness for the sake of bitterness, but this seems well-balanced despite its attitude. I wouldn't recommend it to a novice, though. It's a bit like a combination of Guinness and a strong IPA, for lack of a better comparison. Give it a try of you're looking for something different. Of course, you'd better make sure you're not a wuss first.

Amateurish Beer Review Archive

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I must admit the first time I had Arrogant Bastard, about 6 years ago in a bar in New York I wasn't a fan, I though it was bitter for bitter sake, but revisiting a few year later (It took a while before we got these in Australia) I had grown to like it. Maybe I wasn't worthy all those years ago, and over the course of many beers I eventually got there.

I was not a fan the first time I drank it either, but I decided it was worth checking out again now that I have this series running. It was worth it.

I actually quite like the stuff. I'm still pondering whether it "means something" that my wife brought several bottles to one of the first getaways we went on together....

Nice post - haven't seen this before, will be keeping an eye out for it now!



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