🚪 "Temptation and Addiction" - Eye to Eye with LucifersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

After showing you the comforting card "XIV - Temperance" last time, today's visit to the "Temple of the Secrets" is going to confront us with some very different aspects.

On our "journey of the fool" sometimes also referred to "the journey of the hero", we have come a long way. In this metaphor of the human life, we saw how a new soul came into this world, a child was born and raised and how this person mastered all the different aspects of this great adventure, our time on this beautiful planet.

But its not over yet, and there are still some challenges and lessons left to be learned...

15_der_teufel -1.jpg

In "XV - The Devil" we are confronted with temptation, dependence and addiction! The devil wants to seduce us to excess and is happy when people literally fall for it, and feel bad when they are prisoners of themselves or their bad habits.

Interesting coincidence seems to be, that @abigail-dantes just wrote a brilliant post on that theme.

As I have told you before, I painted my Tarot cards largely based on intuition. I had a great teacher in the German Tarot expert Hajo Banzhaf, who initially opened a gate for me, to understanding the meanings of the cards. But later on, I more or less "felt" them and interpreted this feeling with a picture.

When I started working on "XV - The Devil", I always had to think of "eye", but I didn't see any connection to the card. The feeling was so strong however, that in the end I just based my approach on that thought. Being so persistent in my head, it had to have some meaning... Years later, I found out, that the representation of this card in the Kabbala means "eye" and so in the end it did make sense after all.



To find out your Personal TAROT Card, just add day, month and year of your date of Birth:

dd + mm + jjjj = xxxx.

Now add the four digits of the resulting number:

x + x + x + x = nn

If the resulting number is greater than 22 please add n + n again.
Any result equal to or smaller than 22 is your personal number with 22 representing 0

If you are interested in the aspects of divination, please make sure to
visit @tarotbyfergus

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

The Temple of the Secrets total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft, unfinished

It was part of the museum I ran for twenty years.


If you'd like to take a look at previous cards, you can use the following links:

"0- The Fool"

"I - The Magician"

"II - The High Priestess"

"III - The Empress"

"IV - The Emperor"

"V - The High Priest"

"VI - The Lovers"

"VII - The Chariot"

"VIII - Justice"

"IX - The Hermit"

"X - The Wheel of Fortune"

"XI - Force"

"XII - The hanged Man"

"XIII - Death"

"XIV" - Temperance"

I enjoy reading your comments!

If you like my work, of course I appreciate your upvotes and resteems



View all my pictures I posted here on steemit!
Viewer discretion advised, nsfw pictures visible without warning!

My tarot cards were done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?


See more of my work on sola
Mehr Bilder von mir auf sola


Journey of the fool always looks so funny until some of them become heroes. I believe that it is sort of the rule that majority of heroes start out as fools as rational people would often avoid that path. By the way, does the numbering of Tarot cards have some specific meaning in their order or is it random?

Absolutely right! Wasn't there a saying like "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win"? LOL.. of course you have to be a little crazy to take certain path. But think of where we would be without that.

The cards are organized in a certain order and the number is really the postition in the deck. Thing is, I didn't necessarily paint them in that order 😎

We would still be cavemen i presume. Everybody loves a bad idea when it works. And that order in the deck does not have any special meaning to it does it?

It depends on how you look at it. Each one by itself has the same value, that's not like in other decks, where the ace is more than the king and such. You only have that in the minor arcana in Tarot. The trump cards are sort of equal, none is higher than the other.

But the numbers form a sort of sequence. If you look at them as a journey through a human life, one follows the other and you can't have "The Devil" before "The Chariot" for instance. Although in some decks "Justice" and "Force" are reversed.

So its more about about one following another... like pointing your camera first and then press the button instead of doing it the other way round...

Ich mag die Menschen-Säule sehr

Freut mich, danke sehr. Sehe eine gewisse Verwandtschaft zu Elementen in Deiner Kunst.
Kommst Du zur Eröffnung von "Magical Dreams" nach Viechtach? Es werden einige sehr interessante Leute da sein!

Danke für das schöne Kompliment. Da ich mit kleinem Kind alleine unterwegs sein werde, kann ich abends leider nicht zur Eröffnung, aber mit Sicherheit die Ausstellung zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt besuchen.

Wir sind sehr Kinderfreundlich, kannst gerne mitbringen :-)

I really like this representation, the eye of the devil? And the damned souls that flow from it, the red of course for hell ...

Yes, that's pretty much it, and of course there was no way to do it without red :-)

the work is beautiful and very professioanl, im glad for that sucess , could you tell me the secret of all thoese upvots thats really impressive , im having a hard start i need some encouragment and i belive in this beautiful community

Thank you for your kind compliments.

In answer to your question, I don't have any secret tricks or strategy, but from what I can see, you have only been here a short time. Keep posting good content and remain real and genuine. With time you will create your own following and the success you wish for!

wow I love this concept of painting your versions of the tarot! I do tarot myself - but use a fairy based deck versus the classic desk, I would love to try making pictures of my cards! Your art is beautiful! :)

Thank you for your kind compliments. Painting your own deck will create a much deeper connection, so you should do it!

@reinhard-schmid I am going to try it out - so glad I stumbled onto your page. I was hoping to hear your interview on the MSP radio show today, super disappointed there were some technical difficulties but it led me to your page anyways ! :-D

Yes, I was depressed, that it didn't work. But I enjoyed all the other speakers tremendously and saw some artists I knew already with different eyes. Very inspiring!

I'm just a part-time, just for fun artist but I was very inspired listening to everyone and visiting all of the pages of the artists on there. I was visiting all your tarot deck links and I just wanted to tell you each one is fantastic! You are an amazing talent!

I shared this on Twitter: https://twitter.com/visionaryartcom/status/970444277712064513
This is a cool image - somewhere here I posted about "Krampus" (around December) - this would have been a fit too........ found it: https://steemit.com/krampus/@thermoplastic/krampus

visionaryartcom Visionary Art tweeted @ 04 Mar 2018 - 23:42 UTC

🚪 "Temptation and Addiction" - Eye to Eye with Lucifer — Steemit

steemit.com/art/@reinhard-… / https://t.co/MaKD38GV3j

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Ah yes, I remember that post! Loved it 🎅 and of course many thanks for the share!

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