🚪 "Temperance" and the guardian AngelsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

The last two visits to my "Temple of the Secrets" we were dealing with two Tarot cards, most people perceive as dark or scary. For me they are simply two chapters in a human life. They describe situations and experiences, everyone goes through sooner or later and as a rule, they help us evolve and grow.

This next card is located right between "Death" and the "Devil" and to me it always felt like we get to see "XIV - Temperance" here, our guardian angel, so we don't have to be so scared of the other two.


Our guardian angel accompanies and guides us and is supposed to protect us from dangers. For me, he/she also represents the "right amount" or finding the right balance... Within a religious context, one is sometimes led to believe, that renunciation is good and makes one a better person. Particularly the fun stuff is often labeled "evil".

In the Temple of the secrets, I placed this card above the chapter of my underlying story, where Jesus comes in.


Sorry for the lousy photo, but its the best I have to give an idea of what it looks like.

Now, I believe, Jesus wanted life for us humans to be good. He wanted us to enjoy life. However, this is often the case only if we find the right balance. The right mix of "not to much" and "not too little"!

My figure is holding two cups, pouring the contents at each other. Water and fire (light). If there is too much water, it extinguishes the fire. If there is too much fire, the water evaporates. But if you have the right amount of either one, it creates a rainbow...



With permission of @sukhasanasister, I'm adding the text from the comment below, since it is too valuable to be missed:

Maꞵ is a great name for this card, with connotations of the Egyptian goddess Maat (weigher of truth) and the Buddhist principle of Mahat (great). At No.14 we learn about good measure and keeping our balance between heaven and earth by means of our “winged” - non-materialist - thinking (third-eye perception, or soul reading and hearing, i.e. imagination and intuition). The quintessence (5=1+4) becomes a stream of consciousness that runs between the realities of substance and spirit. A rainbow is also a bridge between the visible and the invisible. Man becomes co-creator under the guidance of the Christ Consciousness.
After having come to terms with death, accepting that our physical self is mortal and temporary, we are able to eminate (outpour) in a more eternally radiant form as the Christ in me. Inspired by the Lord of the Elements we return all that has become manifest (in colour, in the space between light and darkness) by respiritualising everything through "worship" and understanding (wisdom). What has been divided is poured back into the All.
At this step on the path of the Tarot, we deepen our insight of the spiritual underlying all reality.

To find out your Personal TAROT Card, just add day, month and year of your date of Birth:

dd + mm + jjjj = xxxx.

Now add the four digits of the resulting number:

x + x + x + x = nn

If the resulting number is greater than 22 please add n + n again.
Any result equal to or smaller than 22 is your personal number with 22 representing 0

If you are interested in the aspects of divination, please make sure to
visit @tarotbyfergus

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

The Temple of the Secrets total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft, unfinished

It was part of the museum I ran for twenty years.


If you'd like to take a look at previous cards, you can use the following links:

"0- The Fool"

"I - The Magician"

"II - The High Priestess"

"III - The Empress"

"IV - The Emperor"

"V - The High Priest"

"VI - The Lovers"

"VII - The Chariot"

"VIII - Justice"

"IX - The Hermit"

"X - The Wheel of Fortune"

"XI - Force"

"XII - The hanged Man"

"XIII - Death"

I enjoy reading your comments!

If you like my work, of course I appreciate your upvotes and resteems



View all my pictures I posted here on steemit!
Viewer discretion advised, nsfw pictures visible without warning!

My tarot cards were done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?


View more of my work on sola


Last Judgment, Memling, 1467

Maꞵ is a great name for this card, with connotations of the Egyptian goddess Maat (weigher of truth) and the Buddhist principle of Mahat (great). At No.14 we learn about good measure and keeping our balance between heaven and earth by means of our “winged” - non-materialist - thinking (third-eye perception, or soul reading and hearing, i.e. imagination and intuition). The quintessence (5=1+4) becomes a stream of consciousness that runs between the realities of substance and spirit. A rainbow is also a bridge between the visible and the invisible. Man becomes co-creator under the guidance of the Christ Consciousness.
After having come to terms with death, accepting that our physical self is mortal and temporary, we are able to eminate (outpour) in a more eternally radiant form as the Christ in me. Inspired by the Lord of the Elements we return all that has become manifest (in colour, in the space between light and darkness) by respiritualising everything through "worship" and understanding (wisdom). What has been divided is poured back into the All.
At this step on the path of the Tarot, we deepen our insight of the spiritual underlying all reality.

This is extraordinary!! You should write the text to my Tarot cards. Such profound knowledge presented in an understandable and interesting way. I really would like to edit my post and add your comment as a quote, so people (who might not read the comments) won't miss it. Would that be alright with you?

That is perfectly fine. You might like to know where my inspiration came from. My sources are diverse, but a recurring one is definitely the (late) yoga teacher (poet-philosopher - in the vein of Saswitha - and conoisseur of Jazz), Hans Wesseling. My way of interpreting the Tarot has been strongly influenced by his interpretation of the Rider-Waite deck (written in bits in 1980, eventually, posthumously complied by his wife and printed privately in a limited publication, 2001).

He knew how to read the imagery of Tarot like no other and especially how to convey the interpretation of that deck in very accessible, straightforward, yet living language, always drawing from Ur-language and playing with words.
He had a private collection of over 5000 esoteric books (modern, old, rare, common) but Tarot was his first love, he had around a thousand decks from all around the world. He passed away in 1998. It's not like he needs any mention, for the rest. He always gave of his knowledge freely.

lots of good information in this post - resteemed.
My card is The Moon - hope that is good, lol
your updated page in the VAG:
a number of friends done, about 500 more to do

OMG Otto! You are crazy!! That "page" is more elaborate than my website. When do you find the time to do all that??? Do you ever sleep, I wonder?

Well, absolutely amazing job, thank you so much for doing that! I see, there are some pictures with a white background... if you want the png files of those with transparent background, just let me know what size you want them.

Big big compliment for taking on this major challenge and your accomplishment! 😵

Since 2009 and the infamous JoJo Marengo art scam on Facebook and other social networks, this VAG is my baby, a labor of love to show that artists should not be ripped off by scams taking their hard-earned money for dubious services. The private network and embedded slide shows from it worked well until now, when Ning eliminated Flash (which will be history period by 2020, not supported by OS anymore), so I found myself with the task of down- and then uploading our artists images to the public site. Since I am doing that for each page anyway, I thought I go to a new template I happen to find a while ago on Weebly (not offered by them anymore, so it is sort of an exclusive to our website). I am stubborn, where others may have just chucked it after Ning became practically useless, I was not going to give up that easily. So far, I did some of my friends pages, the rest I will have to get to when time permits. Only 500 more to go 🤯 😵 - hoping to have it done by this summer. What I do with Ning I have not decided yet, but I really don't feel like paying for a costly network that is of limited use to me now.
Oh yes, while I am at it, I am also adding a Facebook comment plug-in to the updated pages.

About PNG files: If you feel I should change those images that have white borders, by all means, send them to me via email. They don't need to be much larger than the original images I used.

And than, what is the right amount, or how to manage it...
Looks like it's life race @reinhard-schmid that you painted here.

what is the right amount? Well, may be the big secret ;-)

Interesting take on angels - balance! And a beautiful illustration :D

The right amount of water and fire makes a rainbow, so true for life, moderation of good and bad makes for an interesting life. Another wonderful piece!

Thank you 😁. Yes, you need a little bit of everything to make life interesting. Like driving my motorcycle... too daring, you end up in the ditch. Too "careful" makes for a boring ride...

Exactly. I have a doctor friend who is an ER/A & E physician and they (the doctors) call them "doner cycles" not sure if that English will translate well, but yes...be careful on it!

Hehe.. makes cigar smoking look real harmless too ;-)

Ing and Yang, black and white, cold and hot, sweet and sour. It is an interesting way our universe or a place as we know is it set up. There is always two extremes, or there might be something that does knot have an opposite? Am i missing something here? Would like to know if there is such a thing as unique one pole position? And i like the calmness in the face on an angel. Everything is going to be all right :)

I have always been very interested in all this, one of my daughters too, she has a set of tarots, but only interpretations for the family. It is very interesting to learn more about this subject. I'm glad to have discovered you by the way!

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