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RE: 🚪 "Temperance" and the guardian Angel

in #art6 years ago

Last Judgment, Memling, 1467

Maꞵ is a great name for this card, with connotations of the Egyptian goddess Maat (weigher of truth) and the Buddhist principle of Mahat (great). At No.14 we learn about good measure and keeping our balance between heaven and earth by means of our “winged” - non-materialist - thinking (third-eye perception, or soul reading and hearing, i.e. imagination and intuition). The quintessence (5=1+4) becomes a stream of consciousness that runs between the realities of substance and spirit. A rainbow is also a bridge between the visible and the invisible. Man becomes co-creator under the guidance of the Christ Consciousness.
After having come to terms with death, accepting that our physical self is mortal and temporary, we are able to eminate (outpour) in a more eternally radiant form as the Christ in me. Inspired by the Lord of the Elements we return all that has become manifest (in colour, in the space between light and darkness) by respiritualising everything through "worship" and understanding (wisdom). What has been divided is poured back into the All.
At this step on the path of the Tarot, we deepen our insight of the spiritual underlying all reality.


This is extraordinary!! You should write the text to my Tarot cards. Such profound knowledge presented in an understandable and interesting way. I really would like to edit my post and add your comment as a quote, so people (who might not read the comments) won't miss it. Would that be alright with you?

That is perfectly fine. You might like to know where my inspiration came from. My sources are diverse, but a recurring one is definitely the (late) yoga teacher (poet-philosopher - in the vein of Saswitha - and conoisseur of Jazz), Hans Wesseling. My way of interpreting the Tarot has been strongly influenced by his interpretation of the Rider-Waite deck (written in bits in 1980, eventually, posthumously complied by his wife and printed privately in a limited publication, 2001).

He knew how to read the imagery of Tarot like no other and especially how to convey the interpretation of that deck in very accessible, straightforward, yet living language, always drawing from Ur-language and playing with words.
He had a private collection of over 5000 esoteric books (modern, old, rare, common) but Tarot was his first love, he had around a thousand decks from all around the world. He passed away in 1998. It's not like he needs any mention, for the rest. He always gave of his knowledge freely.

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