🎶 Open Mic Songwriters Week 3 - Theme: Stolen Soul - My Top 5 Judges Selection 🎶

in #openmic7 years ago

Ok so before we jump into things this week, I just wanted to take a moment to explain my rather obvious absence the last couple of weeks.

Firstly my time and priorities shift on holidays to caring full time for my two special needs children, when they are out of their normal routine (school etc.) they tend to require a lot more attention to cope with the stress this causes them - plus it's Christmas holidays and it's time for family.

Now normally this would be enough to see my posting on steemit reduced and cause me to appear as though I have disappeared, but on top of the usual holiday shenanigans I have had to move house - the Australian housing market is insane and it took us a long time to secure new housing, then for extra fun it took almost a week to have the internet connected!

I've been struggling to even communicate with the other open mic judges let alone watch entries and post, so here I am finally back online and ready to play some serious catch up.

I hope you can all understand I do take my role as an open mic judge very seriously and I apologise for not being here to write my top fives, whilst with the main open mic contest the other judges took up the slack and kept their posts going - but with songwriters we only have three judges, so it was agreed I should get my top fives up as soon as possible.

So here it is, my very late top five selection for the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge - and I must say yet again after listening to all the entries, you guys are killing it in this challenge and making it very difficult to make our selections!

Without further delays here is my top fives selections for Songwriters Challenge week 3.

This week's top 5:

1st Place - @chrisroberts - Stolen Soul

Just wow, I absolutely loved this amazing story - such a creative and interesting take on this week's theme.

With an infectious tune, upbeat tempo and intuitive melody that just works perfectly - not to mention the incorporation of a 3 part harmony.

I love the structure of the song, having both female and male vocals both sets of lyrics contributing to the storytelling overall - and best of all the story is compelling and keeps the listener hooked to the very end of the song.

The guitar uke combo worked beautifully to give this song a feel of a country/folk/anthem style of sound and I honestly can't get enough.

The guitar has such beautiful moments enlaced throughout the song, the harmonies over the verses were beautiful and filled out the sound perfectly - then with the chorus having the three part rolling harmonies were just brilliant.

Overall the structure, presentation and composition are perfection, I could see this song taking flight in the mainstream without a doubt - it's catchy and fun to sing along with and best of all again tells an amazing story.

That being said I have to just say the writing is phenomenal, I just love this story so much - as a writer I have to say your song has all the must have elements of a brilliant story, you take the listener on a magical journey in only 5 minutes!

What you have here is a song that sounds polished and rehearsed countless times, knowing that there was only a few days to write, compose, arrange and perform - I am absolutely amazed, this is by far the best entry I have ever heard from you and you smashed it out hard.

I have now listened to this song about 20 times in a row, I am still yet to get bored with the tune or the song in general - in fact I now find myself singing along with you all, anyone who reads my top fives posts will know to me this means a great deal.

There's an almost haunting tone threaded throughout, it stands out most with the beautiful harmonies - coupled with a hopeful energy from the uke.

I absolutely love the little embellishments the guitarist does throughout the chorus, it adds so much texture to an already plentiful song - but it just works so beautifully, I love all the layers that come together to make this song the masterpiece it is.

Congratulations on creating this beauty for us, I absolutely loved every moment of it and can see me listening to it again and again in the future - keep it up and can't wait to hear what you have for us next time.

2nd Place - @basilmarples - You DIRTY, SOUL-SUCKING THIEVES!

Firstly I just love the energy you bring to each week of the challenge, you have a very creative and intriguing personality that spills into your music - that results in absolutely brilliant and unique sounding songs.

With this song you yet again took another interesting take on the theme, but you make it work to perfect effect - most of all you appear to have fun with the challenge and allow it to bring out the best in you and your creative energy.

The humour you have intertwined throughout, I am coming to learn is all part of your amazing style - I love the lyrics you choose, the stories you tell and the way the song make me feel.

You have the ability to write compelling stories with interesting and complex melodies, you have some amazing vocal ability just splashed throughout - like you don't need to focus on the clear ability you have, you'd rather perform the song the way it works best (sliding vocals, super high falsetto, general vocal power).

You make the listener feel as though you are there to perform for them, your not here just to present your work - but you perform your songs, you put in passion and energy that is just so infectious.

On top of all of this you never fail to bring a smile to my face, your amusing lyrics come to life with your larger than life performances - I can seriously see you playing to packed concert, just you, your piano and a mic!

As I was reading through the comments, I couldn't help but notice @pechichemena comparing your work to that of Tim Minchin and I have to say I absolutely agree - only I think you have a larger vocal range and a lot more energy when performing.

Your lyrics work so well and the songs structure is brilliant, each week you amaze me with your entries - I am fast becoming a fan of your amazing music, keep it up!

3rd Place - @onetruebrother - Stolen Souls

Oh man I just love the way the guitar sounds when you play it, it's a full sound on its own - you need no other musical back up and I just think that shows how brilliant your work really is.

Your lyrics as always heartfelt, deep and create an emotional attachment with the listener - you have captured this weeks theme beautifully.

I love the structure of your song, it works so well - you have the perfect balance of a catchy sound, with actual meaning and amazing skills.

You have an amazing voice and it sounds so perfect with the beautiful strong guitar sound you've created - I find myself bopping along with it every listen through.

Your guitar playing is breathtaking and creates the whole sound foundation for the song, your melody fits perfectly and accentuates the song as a whole.

I have really been enjoying your entries into this challenge, you have amazing skills and each week your songs just amaze - keep it up and I can't wait to hear more from you soon.

4th Place - @tarotbyfergus - The Bonnie Whitetail

I love me a good sea shanty and this was just brilliant, such a catchy tune that tells a great story too boot - as your listening you can't help but join in chorus.

You have not just created a song, you've told a story and created a new reality - one which I have to say I am a big fan, I love compelling stories and this is just that a brilliant song and compelling story rolled up in one!

You can't help but get into this song, it makes you feel the emotions the crew must feel - there's a sorrow coupled with hopefulness that just makes the song feel perfect.

I could see this song being the theme for a tv or movie, it honestly captures the feel you want for a sea shanty and perfectly encapsulates a brilliant story I want to hear more of!

This week the lyrics are what sold me on this song, but its really how all elements worked so well together with the music - I just loved the story and the way you chose to tell it.

I can't wait to hear more and I think I might just go and give it another listen for fun, I really enjoyed this and can't wait to hear more from you soon.

5th Place - @luisferchav - This time

This song has such a distinctive sound and feel, a little sad but hopeful in it's overall effect - the staccato guitar used throughout the verses creates a compelling feel and upbeat tempo.

Coupling of the guitar and vocals works so well together, the flowing sound of the melody - the sliding notes coupled with the juxtaposition of the jaggard guitar at first, then slipping in the smoother music to end was a great effect.

I love ending on the minor tone, it gave connection to both the beginning and the end of the song - the musical journey if you will.

The lyrics are great, they are used well to progress the story and the theme hits with the undertones of the song.

I really enjoyed this entry, you have beautiful voice with fantastic range and control - you have created a lovely sound and a brilliant song, congratulations I can't wait to hear more.

Honourable Mentions:

@wilins - No perderemos nuestras almas

Again this week was amazing, I think I wanted to put you all in my special mentions - but it's already getting a bit ridiculous as it is.

So I will settle for saying you are all creating such amazing work, you should all be so proud of what you are contributing to not only open mic and steemit but the world in general.

Music has such a power to move people and inspire greatness, I am so honoured to be a part of this amazing and supportive community - I can't believe I get to listen to all this brilliant music and tell the world all about it.

You guys are putting in some serious work, to pull of the amazingly high quality of entries we are gathering - and the best part of all of this, is that you the creators are getting inspired and creating amazing work to add to your existing catalogues of work.

It has been such a pleasure and as always a big thank you to @luzcypher the host and OG of Open Mic your amazing and without you none of would be here today.

@meno for not only being a kick ass ninja judge, but also being super generous with donating the amazing prize you're all working so hard to win!

As well as fellow judge @passion-ground, for all you do for this challenge, open mic and the musicians on steemit in general.

I will hopefully get my next songwriters post up soon, I'm looking forward to my marathon of open mic songwriters - so far it's been an absolute pleasure, until next time...

Which was your favourite entry this week?

Like what you've read so far?
Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines
Please consider voting @ausbitbank for witness here


@Krystle... I appreciate your write-up more than I know how to say. More than anything, I'm in this for the support and feedback. I'm blown away that you picked me as first, against so many amazing musicians. Especially Basil... I've had Dirty Soul-Sucking Thieves stuck in my head for weeks now.

Glad you're getting settled in to your new house! Hopefully more relaxing times ahead :)

Thank you so much for helping with this amazing Challenge. Means a lot to me.

oh man! I only just heard your stolen soul song chris! That was amazing! Damn....its hard enough for me to get a song to a stage where Im half happy with it on my own, let alone with 3 of you! You guys did a really great job :D Massive respect x And thankyou to you and @krystle and @tarotbyfergus for giving me such lovely supportive plugs here, its a real honour to be jamming with all you guys ;) x merry crissmuss all x

No worries mate, always happy to share and promote brilliant music - I just love your energy, your voice and the songs your write, so yeah the honour is all mine!

Merry Christmas :D

No worries at all, it's one of my favourite parts of the job - of course the listening is pretty high up there too.

Your entry was absolutely brilliant and I really enjoyed every moment, your really nailed it this week.

I'm looking forward to catching up on week four entries next and can't wait to see what you submitted.

P.S. and yes basil's entry was bloody brilliant, I love his work so much!

Hey @krystle!,

Thank you very much for your kind words!! , I'm really happy you liked it :)

I'm glad you found a house, I live in Argentina and dread the idea of moving for the same reason, the market is insane here as well.

Also, I'm really far from knowing what it's like to have two children, let alone two special needs children, the time, dedication, energy and responsibility it must take boggles my mind, that seems to me like a herculean task by itself! For that alone, anyone who manages, should have a medal!

But on top of that you are a judge on open mic and songwriters challenge, and you not only manage, you do it well,and so you have my utmost respect!

Thank you very much for all your dedication and hard work!
You rock! :)

Oh wow, thank you so much for all your kind words - I try my best but life gets crazy, my kids whilst a lot of work are such amazing little treasures I couldn't have asked for more!

I am also extremely lucky to have an amazing and supportive partner @ausbitbank, he does so much for not only me and the kids but steemit and Open Mic - without him I don't think I'd be on here to be honest, he's also a kick arse witness to boot :P

Open Mic and now Songwriters is a lot of work and time but it is so worth the effort, each week I am blessed with such brilliance as not only your work but all the entrants of Open Mic - you guys all do such amazing entries you make the job a challenge for sure, but its always an honour and a privilege first and foremost.

Oh! I didn't know that @ausbitbank was your husband! Talk about a power couple!
I voted for him as witness as soon a I read how much help he extends to open mic!! :)

Haha yeah a lot of people miss that, I think it's cause we have super different focuses on steemit in general.

But each week he listens along to all the entries with me, his like my co-judge and if I ever get really stuck making a selection or he hears something he really enjoys he weighs in - and maybe drops by to up his level of support on the entrant :P

Thank you @krystle!
I'm glad you got the song.(I also love shantys) I want to find out more about the captain and the ship as well. I'm sure her ship is sometimes attacked by whatever lives in the abyss...

My favorite was the @basilmarples song:)

Oh well I look forward to the rest of the story as soon as you can, no pressure lol!

It was just such fun to hear and join in with, you really sold this one perfectly - I also loved basils entry for this week, he has been entering such gold for the challenge.

MIL gracias!

No worries at all, it really was a beautiful entry!

Thank you @krystle your encouragement means a lot to me! Peace

I'm glad you got to see this, sorry it's so late - but your entry was perfection and I truly enjoyed it!

Congratulations to the winners! I don't know how you can pick! @lucybanks entry really spoke to me. All are amazing musicians!

Yeah it gets harder and harder each and every week, I loved her entry as well she was definitely up there in my book!

I can't imagine how hard it is! There is tremendous talent here!


Thanks so much Luz, Merry Christmas!

Wow good song good post thank you

considering the natural phenomenon at this time, you need time off for the holidays, because it celebrates your great day of Christmas, next to you celebrating Christmas, if there is a chance you can use steemit in your holiday space gap ..

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