Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 3 - Stolen Soul - ''Reflejos'' Original Song

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit !

This week has been a busy one , but here is my entry for Week 3 of the Songwriter contest , the theme for this round is "Stolen Soul'' , well , finding lyrics for this particular theme was kind of difficult , since it is not really the kind of thing I write about in my music , but that's the point of the contest i guess! :p hahaha. Once again thanks to my brother @meno and @luzcypher for setting this up!

This song's title translates to ''reflections'' , and builds on the metaphor of being scared of your own reflection and starting to lose your identity , the character of the song then just waits for life to ''steal'' what is left of him .

''Will you take the candle away without saying goodbye ? a voice rises up and fades away''

I hope you like it :)


Un reflejo
que lento se llevó
La risa
que guardo en un cajón
se escondió
Y no ve nada
Un alma asustada

Hay cenizas
Que guardo en un jarrón
De penas
que un dia se perdió
Se escondió
no dijo nada
Será que hoy...

''¿Te llevarás la vela
sin decir adiós?''
Una voz se eleva
Se apagó

''¿Y moverás la tierra
sin pedir perdón?''
Una voz se quiebra
Se apagó

Here's a translation:


A reflection
that slowly took away
The laughter
that I kept in a drawer
It hid away
and doesn't see
a scared soul

There are ashes
That I keep in a vase
of sorrows
that one day got lost
It hid away
without saying anything
will it be that today....

''You'll take the candle away
without saying goodbye?''
A voice rises and fades away

''Will you shake the ground
without saying sorry?''
A voice breaks and fades away

Thanks for listening !

Pechiche Mena

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Me encanta la intro!! ♥
Hermosa! y bueno.. tu voz!! nada que decir... siempre sueno como loca fanática, pero es verdad jaja! me encanta tu voz!
Sabes? una parte de la melodía del coro me hace pensar en que podría ir bien como soundrack de la película Tierra de Osos.

Un abrazo!

Muchas gracias kat por las lindas palabras :) . Esa peli la vi hace tanto tiempo que no me acuerdo mucho de su musica jajaja, tendre que volver a escuchar su soundtrack ! abrazo

Por supuesto amiguito siempre es un placer pasarme por aquí!!! Yo también la vi hace mucho tiempo pero recuerdo que tenía un sound track muy bonito!!!


Hey, Pechiche, I’d first like to mention that I loved the visual you provided of the sneakers in the rain sitting atop the reflective image of a “soul” perhaps “stolen”. I also admire the way in which you explain to us how you went about crafting this story relative to the theme you were presented with.

Finally, I find it also quite admirable and forthcoming of you to go out of your way to mention that you are @meno’s brother, whom we all know is the sponsor of this challenge.

I have come to know Meno rather well over the past month, and I am all but certain that he will use every ounce of his fine character to keep you OUT of any of his Top-5 lists - simply because you are brothers – and that’s a noble and appropriate stance for him to take. I just want to let you know that the fact that you and he are brothers ain’t gonna cloud my judgment in the least.

All the best going forward - in all of life’s directions, my friend!

Hey @passion-ground , thank you so much for your nice comments on the song and the story :) . I really appreciate it . I go my way in explaining the story because i want people to know 'where the song came from' , and since I write in spanish i don't want the meaning to get lost in the translation.

Regarding @meno being my brother , I knew from day 1 that my entrees would be somewhat 'unofficial' since him being the sponsor it would really not be fair to everyone else if he mentioned me in his lists , I actually called him and told him I was doing the challenge just for fun and to push myself into writing new music week by week , not for the prize at all! . That is also why I'm keeping this contest and the open mic separate .

I know my brother too well and I know he will do what is fair for everyone in the contest and I support him 100% in that stance. The whole point in this contest is to listen to new music and discover new songwriters , me being one of them , since this ''songwriter'' part of me i'm just starting to explore and find a lot of joy in doing so.

Thank you so much for your words ! you are one cool dude brother! Cheers!

Wow, Pechiche... It's so nice to hear all that. There's no doubt in my mind that both you and Meno come from a rather fine family of talent, love, compassion, and integrity. It is so refreshing my friend, I can't begin to tell you... Thank you, brother!

:) Thank you my friend

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