Look what @ntowl Made me Do - Write an Introduction Post!!!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)


Yes, look what @ntowl made me do! I actually want to write something for a contest that @mermaidvampire is hosting at the moment, which if I am going to do, I will have to use #steemitmademedo as the first tag. However, as a result of a productive writing class with @ntowl one morning on @dynamicsteemians Discord room, I am motivated to write my new #introduceyourself post. So, in effect, this is what Steemit made me do.

Now, I am going to attempt to introduce myself in a way that will make people at least get to know me a little bit. Bear with me. This is going to be long. But since, you have already started, maybe you want to continue reading and hopefully, will interest you to read until the end of this post.

Okay, so I am originally from the Philippines but my current location is Australia. I was born in Manila almost 40 years ago (you got that right! I always tell people when I am being asked how old I am, “It doesn’t matter how old I am, it’s irrelevant, and besides, it’s something you don’t ask any woman.” Let me borrow @ntowl’s phrase “unwritten rule”. Oh, I love that phrase in her reply to my question regarding the use of #introduceyourself tag – in case you’re wondering “what is she talking about?” Check @ntowl’s post: Introduction Post Contest! 3 sbi shares for the winner. Anyway, there is just this “unwritten rule” in the "unpublished" book of social manners and etiquettes that people should not ask how old someone is, especially when the person being asked is a woman.) I don’t know if anyone of you has come across this “unwritten rule”, or maybe I am just making that up. So, you must ask me then, “why did you even bother telling us you were born some thirty-odd years ago?” Well, because…


I am happily married to my sweet, loving and devoted husband. I love him so much with all my heart and soul. He is the love of my life, my soul mate and my best friend. We have been together for eight years already, but until now, we are still waiting for a baby. The clock is ticking away, leaving only a few years for me to conceive. You all know how a woman’s biological clock works. We have done everything that we could, like check-ups and scans, and everything seems quite normal and perfect. It has probably something to do with the timing, or maybe I am always under so much stress, which is not helpful. But I am not losing hope and faith. I put all my trust and hope in God, and I know that in His perfect time, He will bless us with a baby. Everything happens according to His will and His purpose.

my cats.jpg

Kimmy and Miki, oh my babies!!! They relieve my stress and fatigue every day. (By the way, I am a cat-person. In fact, I love all feline animals!!!) Coming home from work, I will be greeted by my cats. Miki, the younger one, is just full of affection. She loves to snuggle up against me and keeps me company, whether I’m watching TV, or doing my work on the computer, or cooking. Even when I sleep in, Miki just stays beside me until it's finally time for me to get out of bed. Kimmy is the independent one, always has been since I got her. She will only shower me with her affection when she wants something, like when she wants to be let out at 5 in the morning or be fed anytime of the day. When she doesn’t get her way, she becomes a grumpy cat, the spoilt cat that she is, she will create a big mess in the house by dropping things on the floor or by scratching our furniture. So I have no choice but to let her out, and give her what she wants. (Promise, I will not be a kind of parent like this to my future “human” baby.)


I love my job, and blessed to be part of a Christian school community. I adore all the children under my care. It can be challenging at times but I find self-fulfilment and purpose in what I do. I love teaching, and I am very passionate about it. I am so thankful to God that He blessed me with a job that I love and He placed me in a school where I have the liberty to share with the children who God is and that they are special in His eyes. Back when I was in the Philippines, I was a high school teacher. Then, when I started my teaching career in Australia, I taught in high school and primary school levels as a relief teacher initially, but later on I found my joy and passion in teaching the younger children (in the early childhood years). I strive to learn more about child development and to be more effective in my teaching practice, because for me, learning is always a continuous and an ongoing process and it does not stop the moment I finish high school or university.


"I am created with beautiful lips to speak words of life to others; reflective eyes to see God and His glory in everything; productive hands to build myself up and not be idle and to help others in need. God has uniquely designed me and equipped me with all I need to create an impact on the lives of the people around me."
"In my line of work, I have the privilege to minister to the lives of the children. I have every opportunity to make the children know about God and Jesus. Some families in our centre do not believe in the Bible, or are not Christians. But because I work in a Christian school, where there are no policies against teaching Christian values and faith, I have the liberty and freedom to be able to instil in the hearts and minds of our little ones who Jesus is and how much God loves them."

You may want to visit my other posts to know more about me:


I joined the Steemit community in January 2018 just because my sister @sarahdandridge invited me. She knew that I loved writing, and thought that maybe I could contribute on this platform. Oxford Dictionary defines DYNAMIC (of a person) as "positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas". Using that definition, I must say I am dynamic because despite the demands of my work, studies, sports, church and personal life, I still try to submit blog posts every now and then, if and when I get the chance, and when I am charged with new ideas and have the urge to write on some days. Only in the last two or three weeks that I began to be more visible after learning how to use the Discord app, where I have a greater opportunity to reach out to and interact with a lot of people (talking about the dynamics of this community). Through Steemit, I am able to share what I know and inspire the readers/audience with my message. When one of my posts got recognised by @curie and @pharesim and the others, I was elated and it felt really good inside. I told @dynamicgreentk that he was my "lucky gem" because he was the first to comment on that post, and boom! My reputation score increased by +4 and my post garnered 349 upvotes in total (that's a first and hopefully not the last). Just the same way I am happy to belong in my Christian school community, I am also glad to be part of #DynamicSteemians... plus I really love that word "DYNAMIC" - it perfectly describes all the talented and creative people behind the scenes.

I hope you enjoy reading my introduction post and thank you for patiently reading. If you have any question or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment on the bottom part of this page.

Don't forget to vote for witnesses, too, and let them know that you support their work. I added @curie, @utopian-io, @ocd-witness, @steemed, @liberosist and @patrice to my list of witnesses because I believe they will contribute greatly to the success of the whole Steemit community.

I am also part of #SteemBulls Discord group. It is a great platform especially for new Steemians. We are a community of people who help one another in having our posts get noticed, read and appreciated. So, come and join, and be inspired!!!
Check out posts by @sarahdandridge, @ryl, @dangerousangel, @socialreformer, @puregrace, @pkalra and many more!!!

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Hello from the Philippines! It would be my pleasure to add this piece as an entry to my contest! Thank you so much for the mention and I hope you make more good content posts such as this. Keep inspiring and keep steeming! Upvoted, followed, commented and resteemed. Welcome to Steemit and I'll see you around. All the best. Cheers!

Oh wow!!! Thank you so much for including my post to your contest, too. I really appreciate that. I apologise that I can't make #steemitmademedo as my first tag. So, thank you for your consideration. I'm glad that you liked my post as well. I will be around, that's for sure. I am definitely in it for the long haul, haha!!! Cheers, kabayan!

Wonderfully written. Thank you for sharing yourself with us in such an open and heartfelt way.

I love your kitties. I always enjoy seeing the pictures of the cats that decide they need to sleep on keyboards or notepads when people are writing. Do you have that problem? If you do, please share some of those cute pictures as I'm terribly allergic and have to appreciate cats vicariously through others.

It's so wonderful you've found your calling and are able to share your passion with the little ones you teach.

Regarding the contest, you've followed the rules very well. I like that you made your own banners as headers for each section. The only thing I'd say about that approach is to make sure the text is big enough, and the font is easy to read. I have trouble making them out, but I'm running a super high resolution screen so they may be just fine and I'm the problem not your banners.

You've done a great job!

Thank you so much for your feedback. I have lots of photos of my cats sleeping right in front of me on top of the keyboard or my books or my notepad whenever I am busy. They always seek my attention in a very irresistibly cute way. Here's one example:20180113_065920.jpg.

About the banners as headings, I agree. The font size is not too big and the banners came out blurry. It is not your eyes. Even on my computer and my phone, they are not sharp and clear. I am really sorry about that.

Thank you once again for all your inputs. I love the interaction we all have with each other in your class.

Amazing work @evlachsblog :) Glad to see you making waves out here! You are a more than welcomed addition to this community and extremely talented, so keep up the amazing work!!!

Thank you very much, @terminallyill. Glad to be here.

I knew you'd love it here Ate @evlachsblog. 😊 i love reading your blogs, how your mind/thoughts work. Wish I had a brain like yours Ate so I can study and blog at the same time haha... nonetheless, you make me feel refreshed with your posts as I get excited to check out and read when you have a new one. Keep on steeming, Ate. I'm glad you enjoy being here. 😍💕🤗

What I also love about Steemit is that I am learning new things. I love using my own photos, as well, instead of constantly looking for images on Google. I enjoy cropping and editing my photos. I am learning how to use the codes, as well as other programs on the computer.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. You're always my #1 supporter! And hey, don't undermine your own capabilities and strengths. I have always believed in you, and I love your writing, too.

Am already loving your blog, nice postings with superb titles

Thank you for your feedback, @adorablechi! I'm glad that I have entertained you with my blog posts, somehow. Cheers, love!

Me alegra tenerte con nosotros, espero que disfutes tus actividades en esta red social.

Muchas gracias!!!

Its a Nice re-intro but introduce yourself blogs ate only meant to be used When you enter the platform. Just letting you know before you get flagged! Have a sunny day

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I am aware of that. I even raised this concern to the contest host, @ntowl, but I still used the tag to my discretion.

But its not done. You are here already and the introduce yourself is to introduce. So maybe discretion but not fair.

Hi @brittandjosie. When I created the contest I investigated if using the introduceyourself tag more than once was an issue. I was told by multiple people who are "in the know" that it was not as long as you don't do it frequently.

The point of the contest too, is to give people the opportunity to re-introduce themselves using writing skills they have learned in my class. The hope is that the new version will be a better introduction given that most are written first thing before people really get to know the platform, markdown, or perhaps even how to write well (not the case here. @evlachsblog is an amazing writer).

My hope is that the new posts open more doors and get under-appreciated talent attention they deserve.

That said, if anyone has an issue with the entrants to my contest reposting with the tag I ask they take it up with me - flag my contest post if they must and not punish those trying to share their personal story and show off their skill.

The intro tag makes alot off money most off the times , so teach your students to use the tag

re-introduce yourself Thats clear and fair for other people. And i am not flagging anyone just saying. And your vontest works she Made a good RE-intro 😊

Thank you, @ntowl. It's an honour to receive the compliments from you.

I guess, you can say it's not fair, because I have been on the platform for 3 months. But the purpose of my post is to introduce myself. @ntowl even told me if I was nervous to use the tag, she would still accept it, but I used the tag for the reason that it was stipulated in the contest rule. Those who will enter the contest may or may not use the tag, it's up to them. But I did, and now it's the only tag that I can't change anymore.

I know, I was just saying because I saw people Being flagged but I must say the contest works this is a goood re-introduction good luck on the way further here on the platform

Thank you for the warning, and thank you for the well wishes. All the best to you, too!

I have yet to see flags for introduceyourself tags being used more than once can please give an example? @brittandjosie even somewhere in the rules and guidelines. Please and thank you.

Its sais in the tag introduce yourself but I was just saying

So your just saying without any evidence or examples. Sounds like fear mongering please stop fear mongering and trolling especially on well-written posts that add value to the platform please and thank you!

Thank you @dynamicgreentk. Hey, I'm a stickler to the rule, too. That's why I had to raise that concern, but then when I read the mention of the "unwritten rule", I thought, there's nothing wrong with using the introduceyourself tag, provided that I don't abuse the tag from this point forward. But there is the "written contest rule" to use that tag, so I used it, again, to my discretion, bearing in mind that there might be people who would not be pleased to see the tag used by someone who has been on the platform for long.

No No No , @dynamicgreentk look at comment from bots about using this tag more than once and they now!
I never told the content wasnt good!! So dont say I am mongering Thank you very much!! And I didnt adress you I refered to @evslachsblog again have a Nice day!

Stop trolling and spreading misinformation. Go back to facebook where misinformed negative people belong!

I dont have FB and this is not Nice. I Will search which bot gave the info so you can take back your words

Show us where someone has been flagged! If you can find said bot that warns of flags even. I asked that yesterday!

Im always blown away by your writing! Such talent deserves a curie vote! I somehow missed or forgot about your curie vote!

It was the post where you commented for the first time. https://steemit.com/steemiteducation/@evlachsblog/how-do-you-help-your-children-build-a-rich-vocabulary-day-by-day. Yes, I got a curie vote for that.

Very well written, welcome once again and keep steeming :)

You are great my dear

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