'Vintage Tickets' Footer for Steemit (Photoshop)

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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Guess What I've Been Doing With Photoshop?

All above board, I promise.


It's been quite some time since I've used Photoshop on a daily basis. Having worked as a designer in art departments for many years, I've spent countless hours on my computer. Photoshop is my preferred design software and also remains as an industry standard.


Many years ago, my (late) husband, Monty, owned a printing business and during those early years of our relationship, he was a workaholic who spent most of his time at the factory watching over his Heidelberg (a GTO, I think) which was a sheet-fed one colour offset printing press which had suction pads that fed each sheet through the press individually.

Watching Monty mix up colours using only a Pantone Colour Chart and an eyepiece was like watching a wizard at work - he was brilliant at colour matching.


Mind you, this was before the days of digital printing and pc to plate technology which meant we had to develop our own metal plates and manually correct any faults or scratches using a masking fluid.

This is how I was first introduced to Graphic Design as it wasn't too long before I was asked to 'jump on the computer' to make up some artwork for a rush job and it seems that I've never looked back since.

In those days, I worked with various other design packages such as CorelDraw, QuarkExpress and some other software that I won't mention here for fear of 'showing my age'. LOL


Recently, a friend asked if I would make some artwork for him which you can see in my last post and I had so much fun using photoshop again that I decided to refresh my 'chopping' skills with the view of taking on some design work.

So, for the past two days, I've been revisiting some sites that I used to frequent back in 2009/2010 and there are two main sites that I liked to visit, mainly due to the community contests that they ran, with categories in photo manipulation, illustration and photography. After 9 years, I was really surprised to see that some of my entries were still on display online.


These sites also offer many tutorials for photoshop and I find them invaluable for perfecting techniques or purely, for inspiration. Which got me thinking that maybe I should share some of those competitions and tutorials on my blog for other budding artists that may be looking for some direction or like me, just wanting to reassess their skills. You can let me know in the comments if this is something that would be of interest to you.

As an example, the image below is a mock-up of some 'Vintage Tickets' that I created from scratch following a tutorial. After I finished I realised that having three tickets across the page meant it could very easily be adapted into a footer for use on Steemit.


Vintage Ticket Footer (Steemit)

Source Tutorial


Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy viewing my designs as much as I do to create them.

Just quick a note to anyone who would like to use my images for their own blog, I only ask that you please seek my permission and credit my work by linking it to my Steemit profile or my Imgur Gallery

And since I am a nice person (if I must say so myself) it's very likely I'll say YES or possibly even create a new design especially for you. (you only need to ask)


Thanks for stopping by.

If you enjoyed my post, please follow, comment and upvote me.
All photos, stories and graphics are my own original work unless otherwise noted.

Check out some of my previous posts:

Creativity of Life - Contemporary Abstract
Baby Steps - Contemporary Abstract
Steemit Thumbnail with Original Artwork
Wild Horses - Contemporary Abstract

Spring Has Sprung - Blossom of Blackthorn
Backyard Buddies - Caution: Pollen Collectors At Work
Those Puppy Dog Eyes
Moon Home Base
Backyard Buddies - Eastern Blue-Tongued Lizard
Kismet Washed Down With Vodka Lime & Soda
Trying to Make the Bed

Planting Seeds of Love - A Short Story
My Thoughts for Today

Anything for a Smile

My Steemitboard Footer!
My First Steemit Thumbnail
Cassette Tape Graphic

Click here to see my IMGUR Gallery


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