Nathanmars ZAP - 20180612t062422844z

in #zappl6 years ago

Question: Why are you paying for upvoting bots ?

Would you pay fucking-bot to fuck your girl friend? When you're away from home, you can pay for delivery-bot to deliver flowers to her.

Love your followers like your girl friend


Hello @nathanmars

For me the bidbots are a scam, that's why I never used them. With the exception of the "minowsupport project" that is free. I understand that I do it because when I started at steemit, I was interested in getting information about everything on the platform.

I think that is the big problem, many new stemians are just looking for easy money, and do not seek to know and strive a bit more to know everything about the platform, and that makes them an easy prey for these scammers.

With regard to love for followers, the best way to show love is with education about the duties, rights, benefits, dangers, good practices, and bad practices inside and outside the Steem platform.

Thanks for sharing your post my friend.

PD: I was in debt to you with a video of Dlive and Dtube.

I'm trying to upload a video of Dtube (my presentation) subtitled, but I still can not. (when I upload it, I'll share it with you)

For now I share my first video of Dlive, where I had fun with my family singing a song:

“best way to show love is with education about the duties, rights, benefits, dangers, good practices, and bad practices inside and outside the Steem platform”

100% agree.

Love is the answer for every problems in the world :)

John 13:34 say:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

@nathanmars, Finally you can engage with me after tried lot of time I uploaded Dlive introducing post.

Love your followers like your girl friend

Absolutely such a great thinking by You. I using bit bots lot of times before. But currently I decided already stop using them. Now I don't use bit bots at all and love to followers always.

Hey man! Thank you so much for sharing your Dlive self introduction. I really appreciate it :)

Thanks for being honest and always love your followers!!

I’m happy to see up voted my comment.

When you learn to give the Steem universe will give you 10 times more in the long term:)

Wow. I see how much you treasure your followers @nathanmars. Thanks for love you have for us. We love you more even. I personally never used a bid bot because most times you are never sure if you are going to gain or lose. It's more of betting and I don't believe in such quick get rich systems. I believe people should work hard and write helpful content and get rewarded by genuine people. Honestly the joy I get when I get a juicy upvote from a genuine person gives me all the courage to push on and write better content than just getting an upvote from a bid bot that's just after making more money. Steemit is much more than just making money. We need to make genuine friends who upvote good quality content. Thanks @nathanmars for sharing and I agree with you on this one.

I get joy when I read comments from my real followers like yourself!

Even though I'm up-voting so many of my followers (also non followers ) contents from the day one and I want to do more and I'm thinking and trying tirelessly to remove my fake followers at the moment, so I can make sure that my upvote goes to good steemian who will stick around years to come.

Am glad you believe in me. Like I said you inspire me a lot and am here to follow you forever. Thanks once again @nathanmars

Wait for my next post and you’ll see how much I believe in my followers...

I try never to buy bots, I want to post interesting and creative content. I think if we buy upvote bots, then we never succeed here.

Hello My friend @nathanmars ... I have made an introduction vlog today through Dlive, I hope you see it :)

If you want your post get noticed then, what do you think you should do instead of using bot ??

if my post does not get attention, then what I think is make a new post by creating the quality of posts to be better than before. basically I will keep trying and trying, and never complain.

If my post gets attention, then I am grateful and also keep trying to create better quality content in the future

Okay. What are your favourite YouTube channels?

I like the channel from Dallas Rushing, because there's a lot of learning about the future of blockchain, especially EOS, eos is now again buming in my country. and many people talk about it.

But I get a new channel from your comments. of course I will watch it for my knowledge.

How about you my friend ;)

Basically what I’m saying is look at some of the YouTubers journey and see how you can find what kind of content you want to create and go deeper. Only if you’re planning to create content with Steem

yes, that's right, the youtube address above all gives a lesson about STEEM, I usually look for channels like this. to analyze when I want to do crypto coin trending in the market.

we shouldn't to pay the bots for upvoting. we should have to love our followers and earn our reputation . we should have to help us by our self . At first I was very frustrated and relied on others. Over time, I learned a lot. To rely on others means that the life of one's lover is made in the hands of others.
i love my girlfriend more than anything.
thank u brother.
soon i will give another dlive video.

Don’t get frustrated anything. But get frustrated about yourself and continuously learn and improve yourself.

Blame yourself for everything and get better!!!

thanks for giving me a strong inspiration again brother. i must have to improve myself. ill do anything good for my steemit. i wont leave my girlfriend never.
i will never dissapoint you. in 2018 , you will see my success ..

I definitely feel your positive energy!

Let’s do it my friend and our life is in our hand:)

i will definitely proud you..i will never give up.

Hello @nathanmars . I have noticed that many people use bots and once I wanted to try it, I paid one and it was not productive. Then I would say that I would not pay for it, I have also noticed that many people pass by our post leaving comments without even reading what we wrote, just to vote for themselves in your comment. I recognize that you are different from many users, you are really dedicated to reading what we publish, that few d.

Thank you so much and we’re learning about Steemit. There are so many things to learn by own experiences.

Yes I’m 100% dedicated to my followers:)

I'm going to tell you about my experiences with bots, I was a fool for all the farce that I sold myself that if I bothered bots I would get good results, but everything was a COMPLETE FARSA.

I love the sky and the stars and then drop you in the worst way.

You speak without fear and that's the best thing I would not pay a bot for a vote, like your master to my followers and how real they are and what they contribute to the proper functioning of steem.

Fear is the enemy of our progress.

Be fearless!!

I think it's spending your SBD or STEEM because it usually happens that the price goes down like in these moments and instead of your publication going up and up what it does is go down and down and you're losing

The idea is to make your people your followers who give you little rewards but it is something exciting to see those few rewards means that they truly appreciate what you are doing

I usually use a bots but the only investment you make is to transfer them 0.001 SBD and every 48 hours you have your vote and never send them a rewards again. I practically think that you are not paying for the

I agree 100%

Rewards you get from your true followers gets you excited :)

Thank you so much and Happy Steeming!

A ridiculous questions yet very thought provoking. I think a lot of steemers are used to bot-upvotes because lots of other users do it. We all need to be each others helper. We need to support ourselves through upvotes, resteem and comments. Funny enough, I think bots are already f*cking lots of our GFs.... I mean Vibrators and Dildos are bots so...😂

lol. Two problems here.

Steemians can’t think long term
Steemians never blame themselves

So they deserve to loose.

Important one is they take thier followers for granted.

Human resources are Indeed more valuable than robots. After all, humans created robots. So it is certainly essential that we pay much respect to our followers ( the humans I mean) and help one another rise.

So many people need heart implant surgery.

We need less . GREED AND FEAR

We need more . LOVE AND PEACE

I think they need a renewal of their minds. The heart's primary function is to only pump blood. Emotions are formed in the brain. They therefore need new perspective, mindset, and directions on how to treat others in every aspect of life including the various STEEM platforms. I'm not perfect tho, but I still try to do my best regularly.

A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought - they must be earned

No body is perfect and all I want to do is be better human person than yesterday.

Some people don’t respect themselves so they can’t respect others.

Let’s be the change we want to see in the world.

You have said it all. Until we change ourselves, we won't be able to change the world.

Well i will agree with you that it is not idle to be buying upvote. Personally i buy upvote not to promote my post put to grow my account here for long term. Now this is my logic
If i use 4SBD to power up i will get 2.88SP
But if i use 4SBD to buy vote i will get 2.50SP and return of $2.5SBD. In the end i am not buying vote to earn but to grow my steem power

Other ways to grow your SP.

  1. Build organic relationship with your followers
  2. Teach others how to use Steemit
  3. Spend time and create unique content
  4. Think outside the box
  5. May be open up a steem

Okay. Thanks very much for the idea I will work on it.
I had an incident yesterday I got mugged and my phone was stolen. I may not actively be posting for now. I have to sort myself out. Really down but will be fine

Everything happens for a reason.
Don’t lose faith my friend:)

Yea I can't let that make me lose my vision. I must continue to steem

Good attitude my friend!!

I can't let it slow me down. I will blog anytime I have access to internet until I can afford to buy because currently my coin is not enough to buy me phone

I’m sure the universe will buy you a brand new phone!

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