Notes From An Amateur Writer #1 - The Search For Inspiration

in #writing7 years ago (edited)



When life takes you off course, and you find yourself wandering around, with no idea as to where you actually are – both physically and mentally/emotionally – it can often call for drastic action. It can require a decision, such as to embrace that new place and stop fighting desperately to return to the way things were. Or not. Who really knows, I'm just thinking out loud here.

I speak of things on a personal level. I refer to my own life of late. I was heading in one direction, but life sent me hurtling away in another. C'est la vie. It is what it is. Or is it? Again I don't really know. But I have to start from somewhere. So I am starting here. Where I am now. Not where I was. Maybe I will get back there. I will wait and see. Maybe I will end up somewhere else altogether. And perhaps for the best.

My writing dried up. My desire to write disappeared. My energies vanished. So I read more and sought out the creativity that others were providing. This involved a recent return to Steemit. I want to see if this osmosis thing actually works.

I am still finding it energetically difficult to get back into the stories I was writing. I think they are good stories, for first drafts that is. Rough but likeable. Worth pursuing. So I will, in time.

But what do I do in the meantime? How do I turn the creativity tap back on? Even if it is only a slow trickle at first. Well the trick to being a writer is to write. I know – what a shocker, hey? Who would have thought it? Reading is the other side of the coin. And I turned to that to get me through. It helped. I remained inspired, if not internally drained. But what to write, as I find my way back to purpose, back to the stories screaming to be told?

How about a journal? How about notes of my journey, what I learn from studying the art of writing? What I learn from observing others in their pursuit of writing? It's a start. And it's as good a place as any to start. To reinvigorate the creative juices. You see I just sat down to type up some thoughts, and in 5 minutes these words flowed. That felt good. This can be a healing journey, through the pursuit of the written word.

Anyway, this is where I start back on the road to being a writer. These are my thoughts, about a slow jog along the path of writerdom. And a slow jog is better than walking backwards. At least it is in the right direction.

"That it is." I hear the voices from inside of me. I can feel the suppressed murmurings returning. Aidan, Alicia, Taylor, Ruby and Emma speaking as one. "We've been waiting patiently for your return."


Some of my previous works.

Bang Bang You're Dead

The Memoirs of a Forgotten Man (part 1) This story is currently unfinished, awaiting further inspiration.

Bad Trip (part 1) Also unfinished. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

My Sister's Keeper (part 1) This one is finished OMG! In need of a 2nd draft, but readable as it is.

Images sourced from

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you liked it then please like, comment, and follow.


Hey man. I hadn't read from you before. But now I definetely will. I like how your style seems uncomplicated and very human, sorry I don't have a better word for it.

I can tell you that, at least for me, Steem definitely helped become more productive with my writing. Even if a short piece makes 0.01c, that cent may do nothing in real life, but it does wonders for motivation, specially when it goes up. XD

In case you're interested we're are running a short story contest, maybe it'd be a great excuse to write?

Thank you for sharing! You got a new follower, and if you enjoy fantasy short stories, I invite you to check out my work and follow. ^^

Good luck.

Thanks for the vote of confidence and sharing your thoughts with me. I try to write in free flowing, real way (human, as you say, which is a fine way to put it). To know that has been received in that manner is reassuring.

And yes, i will most certainly take a look at your blog and your writing. I am very happy to follow other writers here at Steemit.

And the short story contest has my attention! Perhaps you will see me there.

thought you may appreciate this older post I wrote about a TED talk that may inspire you with some ideas on "finding that inspiration" once again...

Link: Managing Your Elusive Creative Genius Before you go NUTS

Thank you, I will take a look at that when I get a moment. Always appreciative of suggestions such as these from others in this field.

Life is marathon, not a sprint, and I know that you, of all people, fully know that, mate. It's not about getting to the goal first, but getting there in one piece. Having a fresh start provides you with a fresh perspective on things. I just know that you're going to bounce back better than you have before! You're on a different path now, but I'm sure that it's for the best.

Get inspiration from wherever you find it. Be it a trickle or a torrential stream, just let the creative juices flow whenever you can. I know that you have tons to offer on this platform, you just need to warm up a bit before you dash back to greatness :D

Yes, I found this out. If I didn't know it then I certainly am learning it now! Slow down, breath, smell the roses; the Way of the Turtle :)

I feel like, creatively at least, I had to go backwards, lose some ground, but regain a deeper sense of purpose, which has its own momentum. So slowly, more deliberate, but from a deeper well. If that makes sense.

The Way of the Turtle!! Hahaha! That's an ongoing title I'm writing actually haha! Well, I put it off for a while during my writer's block but yeah.. That's a title I'm working on haha Dibs! :D

That totally makes sense. I do the same thing from time to time. It's a case to case basis, so I constantly shift and find a new momentum every time. While it's not the optimal strategy to get ahead, I'm thinking more of the long term, and how I could make things more sustainable for me. I'm glad we share the same sentiments regarding that, mate :)

Shhhh, I said nothing. What Turtle? I know nothing!

Keep learning, expressing, writing, one step at a time. A strategy for life and writing.

Life is full of dry spells and empty holes, but as you say keep moving forward. As I have followed you I have always enjoyed your work keep it coming.

As always, thanks for your comment. It is appreciated. I was accepting of the dry spells at first, then they started to get to me. But like you say, they are what life presents some times. So I sought out other avenues of creativity, as I didn't want to fall into a black whole of despair. Creativity is so important to the human spirit, so I am glad to have persevered. And thanks for joining on this journey.

I am fortunate to have multiple outlets for my creativity which helps when I have a dry spell in one. When I'm not writing I'm creating visual art and when I'm not creating visual art or writing I'm trying to play my guitar I say trying because well you know..

Haha, I hear ya. Wise plan of action too, I would say. I like photography also, so I had that to fall back on to some degree.

Believe it or not. By writing this, you're already halfway there. Keep going 👍 You're a great writer.

Thank you, reading that is inspiration in itself :)

Will definitely keep going. One word at a time, if need be.

Writers block can suck but I've realised it is a lot deeper than what it is on face value. What helps me is a lot of introspective time, instrumental music (post-rock is great for writing) and a change if environment.

Hope those can help you too :)

Thanks for your comment. I agree that it is a somewhat complex issue. For me it wasn't so much feeling blocked creatively but that I almost felt stuck in a sense of apathy. These tips you suggest are all useful, I agree. For me I just had to get to a point where I energetically had the strength to move past apathy, even just by a small amount. Put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and write something. Anything at all, and start a flow going. It is happening :)

That's all it takes sometimes. Pen to paper and let the words flow!

Like writing a story. A first draft is just words flowing onto paper. Editing comes later. Unless self-criticism gets in the way. The joys of being a writer.

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