NOTES #58 | The Angry Chair That Brought me Here

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

NOTES #58 | The Angry Chair That Brought Me Here


One thing that defines my late teenage years, and into early adulthood, was a profound sense of anger. I think this is typical of a lot of people as they go through these years. Trying to break free from a cage not of one's own creation, or feeling suffocated, and trying to come to terms with being a separate and defined individual can send the emotions into a tailspin. It certainly was that way for me.

One thing that clearly defines those late teenage years for me was music. Particularly a darker, angrier style of music. A type I rarely listen to these days (although I do revisit from time to time, but from a completely different perspective). There was one rock group that seemed to walk right into my life just at a time that I was failing to express my emotions the most. And anger is a difficult one to express, yet unexpressed it turns nasty, like an emotional cancer. I was always taught to never express anger, and about how wrong that is. So I held it close, and became afraid to let it out of my sight, in case it should break free and hurt someone. Perhaps even the people who planted the anger seed in the first place.

The band that reached through, and gave me an outlet was Alice In Chains. Their album Dirt was my bible for those days. Mostly hard, driving rock, one song in particular invited me in, and taught me, in a unspoken insular manner, just how to make peace with the anger. It was a song called Angry Chair.


But ultimately the anger never had the opportunity to be thoroughly and religiously expunged. It never went anywhere. Music would be a therapeutic aid for periods of time, but I couldn't isolate myself from reality for every waking moment, and just soak up the sounds all day. So eventually it just became a stop gap fix. A band aid over the wound. And one day that band aid was ripped off completely. Was it when I was first told I had cancer? Probably not. I think I went into shock then. As much as it sounds too bizarre, I actually think I went into shock for five years from that point. Until the cancer treatment lead to a heart attack, and I found myself emerging from an emotional numbness. I got angry. I even expressed it. The problem that I woke to, was just who could I be angry at? Well I blamed certain people and cut contact for many years, but eventually that isolation hurt more than it helped, so I restored contact.

I actually don't know what changed over the years. But somehow my anger became more manageable. Perhaps it was because I learned to express it. Not very well, but that still beats not at all. My musical tastes changed over time. The Angry Chair became less inviting, although I still listen to more melodic songs from Alice In Chains that seem to match my emotions in a more useful manner.

I guess ultimately I got sick of the destruction that anger causes. I think it has a usefulness, but I wouldn't want to live my whole life there. I think I have already paid a price for living there as much as I have.


My mindset has altered. Perhaps that is just what happens as you get over the teenage years and early adulthood. I'm not as frustrated by the seemingly pointlessness of so many things around me. When once things had to have meaning, now I have reached a point where the search for meaning takes more energy that I am willing to spend. I'd rather just live life, than try to find the hidden meaning or purpose in it. And as I come through this tunnel and emerge out the other side, I find my musical tastes also changing. I haven't ditched the old songs that inspired me, but perhaps incorporated new sounds and energies, such as this one that popped up one day several years ago on my Facebook feed. I was hooked instantly. It was honest, raw, energetic, passionate, hopeful, and a new antidote to my emotional roller coaster. If I was no longer going to sit on that angry chair, then I'd be more than happy to stand around the canals of some European city and soak in the French ambience.

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Links to earlier works

- Fiction
My Fiction Writing Collection
Writing Myself Out of Existence
When the Levee Breaks
Reality Fading
Lessons Learned From a Dying Man - includes audio version.

Book Reviews
Ubik - Philip K Dick
The Switch - Elmore Leonard
A Glitch In The World - Alex Drozd
All The Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr
Where Epics Fail - Yahia Lababidi
Hellbent - Gregg Hurwitz
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
Soon - Lois Murphy
The Girl Who Played With Fire - Stieg Larsson
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Crooked God Machine - Autumn Christian

Audio Poetry
The Dance of Destiny and Fate
One Day, Just Not Today


The present moment is all we really have. But this is both the easiest and most difficult realisation of our lives.

It's almost the journey of our lives.

Though I just turned 22, I feel like anger is always present in my life. I am always angry. I am a person who always sees the positive but it's hard, just hard when your heart always has a space for anger.

I get you. Story of my life, I suppose. But I've changed in ways that I have tried to put into words here. Anger exists for a reason, and that realisation was part of my path. Don't deny it, but talk to it. Something like that.

I think everything changes over time. Anger can be the cause of many things, but especially when living life more and more as living, in the moment rather than in the past or in the future, I think we get some kind of pease in us, taking away anger and other negative emotions. BTW, my music taste also changed over time, not in abandoning music I listen to in the past, well some of it, but most I still listen to, but I discovered so much more different genre music and my favourite genres changed over time.

Yes, I agree. Living more in the moment has changed the intensity of the emotions, and their impact. This is what I have experienced. I think evolving musically is healthy, and for me music seems to mark milestones along life's path, so it seems only natural for new music to appear at important points now, just as it did in the past. But we aren't who we were in the past, so naturally even our musical interests will evolve.

as a teen I had anger issues just thinking about it still scares me, somehow and I honestly dont know how around when I turned 18 I realised I needed to make changes and since then I have been able to keep my anger at Bay through a new mindset

It's a powerful emotion, and losing control of it never feels good. Glad to know you were able evolve through it. Similar story here, I suppose. Looking at it from this new viewpoint changes its power somewhat.

I came to realize when I brought my anger under control I dfound I was more fun o be around and I enjoyed life a lot more so thats was a powerful Motivator not to go back to my old ways

This is a great realisation to make. It's similar for me also. I guess we just have to see it for ourselves, with our own eyes, and make a decision that only we can make.

Yes only when we can see it can we change

Emotions are a riddle only solved by pure heart and clear mind. When we're young our mind wanders and our emotions are big, so controlling them is not easy.

As we grow we need to take responsibility and take control of yourself in order to grow...

It's funny 'cause I also listened to darkish music back then, but now I prefer reggae, ...

Emotions are a riddle only solved by pure heart and clear mind.

I like how you've worded that. And I agree. Learning to take responsibility, softening our viewpoint, gaining more understanding, becoming more patient - all these things help.

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Thanks for the resteem.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light

Indeed, those are the moments. Thank you.

Thank you for the meaningful post. Its very informative and pleasure to read :)

Thank you.

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