NOTES #57 | Green Tea and Memories

in #writing7 years ago

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NOTES #57 | Green Tea and Memories


I have been a coffee drinker for many years now. Black, no sugar. A simple drink, for simple times. But unfortunately, these are not simple times. These are times calling on me to make changes. Even changes to something as beloved as my morning ritual. I have cut back on the coffee several times. I think there was an addiction at one point, but not now. No daily headaches anymore. I know, because this week I have switched to green tea. I have always liked green tea. But it ain't no coffee. And I think it knows that. It's not like it pretends to be something it isn't.

Switching from coffee to green tea feels like ending a long term relationship with someone and being in two minds. Can I still visit them? Is that how it works? Is that even wise? Coffee isn't a curse, it's just in the way at the moment. With my body in the state it is in most things are in the way. So many foods are inflammatory, or disagreeable with my system. And then there's the dreaded C word (and it has more than four letters).

Everyone has ideas, and advice. So much of it is contradictory. It's okay, but ultimately I found myself having to make my own decisions. So for now, and perhaps for quite some time, no more coffee. I am sorry to see it go. But green tea is a cheerful little fellow. He understands my sorrow. It certainly appears that way. Either that or he is slowly gaining my trust, before cementing his position permanently. One can never be too sure.


I can remember when I first got the coffee bug. I disliked it until my late teens. Maybe even early twenties. Then the cafe scene opened up in Melbourne. Lattes were everywhere. And yes, two sugars. But sugar was the first thing to go. One day I just decided I was having too much sugar, so there was a showdown between coffee and sugar, and this town simply wasn't big enough for the two of them. Sugar had to go. Just like that, cold turkey. Sugar-free coffee. Wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.

Then went milk. That's part of my current health regimen. No dairy, although I don't always get that right. But it was easy with coffee. Coffee, no milk. Oh, you mean black coffee? Indeed I do.

And so over twenty-five years I went through a meandering journey with my beverage of choice. Through thick and thin. It has an understanding ear, a perceptive spirit, a knowing look in it's eye. But goodbyes have been said, and something feels amiss about the whole thing.

You see it's not just a drink. It's twenty-five years of my life. Many memories there. Most have nothing to do with coffee. But coffee was there for the ride. I don't wish to burn out or exorcise any of that. But my body is falling apart, slowly. And when it falls apart completely, I wont have any memories of any sort. So I look to the mantelpiece, see the photo of me, holding a mug of steaming coffee, and reminisce about the days when one didn't have to face such drastic life choices.


Now I am drinking some green tea. It reminds me of my current life. New, refreshing, and quietly unassuming. It slowly introduced itself into my life, and now we are friends. Strange really. And I dream. I dream of a day in the future, say twenty-five years from now. Two framed pictures on the mantelpiece. One of me with the mug of coffee, and next to it, with a cup of green tea. The past and the future.

Images sourced from

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Big step! One day I will do the same :) I can sense you are calmer and at peace with yourself.

I just started drinking coffee 3 years ago. I am a late bloomer, I know! My body is adjusting well and hopefully, It will stay like this for a while.

However, when I feel the addiction is just around the corner, I quit drinking coffee for a few months and just enjoy green or black tea. Green tea makes the coffee withdrawal period a breeze...although I still get those horrid afternoon headaches.

It is a big step. And I think I'm still in some form of protest against it. But slowly the old mental habit of just making coffee by habit is lessening, and now I don't have to be as focused. Green tea to start the day. And at other times. I enjoy the drink, it's just the learning new rituals part that is tiring.

I got the afternoon headaches bad for awhile several years ago. That's when I knew I needed to take control again. Got to a point where I was able to stop, and did for several weeks, but didn't lock in a new habit. That's the only real thing I am doing different this time.

And green tea does have a meditative feel to it. It does make me feel calmer, now that you mention it :)

great post, try to drink a cup of coffee from Aceh, and that's gonna make your mind more strong to make a good story.
have a good day for you my friend :)
Regards @mirfaner

My mind is fine, it's my body that won'y co-operate. One day in the future maybe I will try that Aceh coffee.

Lovely post @naquoya, I enjoy the contrast of your life choices linked to bevys.

I actually went from drinking green tea to coffee. Never got the hang of huge amounts of caffeine in my early years, too many jitters. Now I enjoy morning coffee but I too don't want to become too reliant on it. Thinking a caffeine detox might be in order, with maybe a bit of the green stuff mixed in :)

I first went on a coffee detox 2 years ago. I noticed at the time that when I went without one I'd have the worst headaches by the afternoon. So I worked at sorting that physical addiction out. Took 3 months. Now it is no problem to not have a drink, but it is more of a habitual thing. That's what got me thinking about the memory side of things - perhaps more of a psychological addiction.

I love green tea. Coffee is good but I can live without it. I can't live without tea! Have you tried Taiwan's high mountain tea? It is great.

I haven't tried that tea. Is it available easily?

You can get it at T2 or LUPICIA Gourmet Tea Shop in QV.

I do one cup of coffee per day, never could make the adjustment to tea. Like yourself I like it black, any additions are just too much trouble.

I like green tea. It isn't coffee, but for now it will do. Probably helps that I don't use milk or sugar, as that's how green tea is meant to be drunk, and it's not to most people's liking.

It's amazing how quickly the body can fail us! I have never been kind to mine and now I'm paying the price. Enjoy the green tea! smell the coffee and enjoy the memories it brings :) Good Luck!

Mine has been trying for 15 years, so I am used to the ongoing issues. But still it gives me things on which to reflect, such as in this post. All the best for yourself too, and thanks for the comment :)

I love green tea and you've just reminded me that I've been forgetting to drink it. Best of luck with your health.

It's becoming my drink of choice. Thank you for the well wishes.

I could never tell which I like better, coffee or tea... They are both my loves. Since you are giving up coffee (for now anyway), have you tried decaf or coffee substitutes? When I was having stomach problems I started drinking chicory, It is ok, but nothing like the real thing :)

I did try decaf but not to mu liking. Either full coffee or not at all. But I like green tea. Coffee just has the ability to become a part of life. Out at a cafe, or at friends, etc. So it became like a ritual. Just creating a new ritual now.

Don't mind a good cup of coffee infact i don't mind any source of caffeine is great as long as its not after about 7pm.

Great little nootropic.

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