Jungfrau Smile

in #writing6 years ago (edited)



As the desert dust blows
A time long forgotten comes to mind
A time of green forests and quaint villages
I hear the cow bells in the fields
I see and smell the wild flowers that Heidi once gathered.
It seems like a dream since I walked those ways.
I wonder if I will ever
Be there


Summers of snow ball fights on the heights
Are suppressed by headaches and paperwork
Taxes over due tax my patience
Children stare into empty spaces
The harsh reality bites
To continue on a path
We cannot see
With no gaurantee
As for the end
Keep treaking
For a time
Will come
All of life's
Furies and hells
Will too be
Yet today

Smile for the brightness of today
Does not come from the weather.
Smile for the brightness of today
Comes from faith inside.

Smile for the time of mourning is over.
Let your heart relax and enjoy


For the


This is my 41st poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord) All photos here are property of @mineopoly from summer vacation. The cover picture is taken while we were on the train coming down from Jungfrau.

Of course I miss the fresh air but I think it is best to enjoy the place we have while opening opportunity to travel on. I am facing the unexpected but I will not be disappointed that I tried.

I took a while to pray about this and finally decided to apply for a job in a new school. If I'm not hired that is ok but if I never even applied I may regret it.

Verse of the Day/ Mark 6:34

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Mineopoly Quote:

"Get some rest. You deserve it."

Check out my recent post @mineopoly

Old Boots
Apocalyptic Panic
April Showers Haiku
Go Ask Alice
Tattodjay's Isaland
Green School Walls
Smell Me
I am Mineopoly


What do you do when the path gets foggy?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.


I've got my fingers crossed about the new job!

Thanks @debralee. I'm not stressed about it. If I hear anything from them I will write about it. I'm still not sure which way to go but know that I have to at least say I tried. I will know for sure by June.

Beautiful scenery in Jungfrau, Christopher. So true your poetry words -better mixed with honey of the past than regret of things undone.
I’m glad you are taking a chance on a new school.
We tend to relive our past and wish some things were done differently and we had taken a chance.

Thanks. I really don't mind working in my school for the rest of my life but the opportunity came for me to teach in my major. I'm pretty rusty and if they find someone else that's great. I can say I tried. The important thing is to give my heart to where I am now and the people I am with and communicate well in the process.

Really fabulous work today. Love to visit this place too:)

Thanks for your comment @prydefoltz. It's close to Bern Switzerland. It's so quiet its kind of scary. The peak is crowded. We took a train up there. There's not much oxygen at the top. I liked the villages better on the way down. I got of the train at a few stops and walked around. It was really like out of a Heidi movie with fields of wildflowers and cows walking around freely.

I'd like to just jump out of my regular day and enjoy that moment again.

Yep ... do it:)

I always enjoy reading your poetry they take me away to new places and thoughts

Thank you@tattoodjay. For me it is usually the end of my day. For you it is a new morning. I hope the best for you. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

MY Pleasure always tovisit, have a good evening/night :)

I love what you are trying to convey with your poem today, dear @mineopoly. That integral memory that refers not only to memories, but also to aromas, images, sensations, sounds, flavors; They create a very favorable atmosphere for the appreciation of the good moments lived that enrich us internally. The assessment of the present, which focuses us. Good work, my friend!

Thank you @zeleiracordero. I am happy to share with you the taste and sounds and feelings that are with me as much as I am able. I'm glad you are here and I'm glad I could participate in this challenge. Support form others gives me strength to carry on.

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