Charlotte Morgan and the Great Big Math Problem--Chapter 25 Let's Play

in #writing7 years ago

  This is my next book.  

It is currently being copy edited, (so there will be the occasional typo in this version) and I am having a few illustrations done.I am including the tag #steemiteducation because I wrote this thinking like a teacher.  The characters use math and describe their math thinking as they work through problems.  I am a former 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade teacher, so I used my experience and background from those years as I wrote this.

Update: The book is now available for preorder on Amazon.  Click here to get it on Kindle.

Click here for chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23

Summary: The kids decide to take a break before the big dauy

Chapter 25 Let's Play

“Here ye!  Here ye!” I shouted and then pounded on the floor of the tree house.

“Is this the new introduction to our meetings?” Marcus asked.

“What do you think?” I smiled.

“Whatever makes her happy,” replied Sally.

“I think it’s funny,” replied Aaron.

Marcus just shook his head, and he lifted his box of Magnix over head, “I brought the Magnix for us tonight.  I don’t feel like word problems.  I’ve had enough getting  ready for the math bee.”

I agreed with Marcus, “I was hoping someone would say that, although we still have several of the other problems that we didn’t finish yesterday.”

“Let’s play!” Sally and Aaron shouted over top of each other.

Marcus dumped the Magnix onto the floor, and we started building different things.

“So who is going to win tomorrow?” Marcus asked.

“Probably some fifth grader,” Sally replied.  “It’s probably going to be Sanjey, he won the fourth grade last year.”

“Oh, yeah I remember him,” said Aaron.

“I think he’s in Mr. Thompson’s class this year,” said Sally.

“Who wants to bet on who is going to win the third grade this year?” Aaron ventured, his smiled was a mile wide.

The tree house went silent.

“What?” Aaron asked.

“Since we’re all in it tomorrow, I don’t want to add more pressure to trying to win,” I said.

“I agree with Charlotte, we don’t need to be competing with each other.  I don’t want any hurt feelings among us.”

“Agreed,” Marcus replied.

Aaron nodded his head, “Okay, I agree.”

“Let’s put it this way, one of us is going to win the third grade group,” I said.

“I’m nervous enough to be getting in front of the whole school anyway,” Marcus replied.

I felt a big weight come off of me, “I am so glad you said that!”

Aaron smiled, “Yeah, I’m nervous too!”

Sally raised her hand, “Me too!”

“My dad told me this morning to remember that everyone up there is going to be nervous,” I told my friends.

“I hope he’s right,” replied Aaron.

“Let’s finish working on these and not think about tomorrow,” said Marcus.  He held up what looked to be a car.

Went spent the rest of the evening building cars, houses, rockets, and random shapes.  There was no mention of the math bee.

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İt is wonderful. You are awesome @mctillerDQmdFrxBBT1R2CaAWR3AhX4mrv68Jdr6bUVCnMv9QPGr1tZ.gif

in the early age and first time everyone is nervious for facing a competetion.

@mctiller,,,,,,,, nice all of student just discuss their mathe bee,,,,,and just guese,,,,who will be the wish for them............

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