The ecoTrain Magazine: See whats trending this week with an amazing collection of posts.

in #writing7 years ago

I'm proud to present a very special list of really amazing posts from our ecoTrain passengers! The ecoTrain is here to support and promote excellent posts that are based on the theme of thing that make the world a better place. There is always something for everyone here, so I encourage you to scroll down and check out the one(s) that you like. One of the great things about ecoTrain is that we try to help each other meet like minded people and gain followers. So, if you like any of our passengers don't forget to Follow Them! It's all too easy to miss posts, and so following is the way to make sure you catch new posts on your Feed.

Happy Reading! ;-)


  • Birding in and around the garden and no more free gifs on Friday.
    First I want to make an announcement that there will be no Free Gif Friday tomorrow. I'm not going to make gifs anymore on a weekly basis. Although I do enjoy making them, they simply take up to much time. I'll only make one if I feel really inspired. It also distracts too much from what Gardenbsquared is all about and I want to focus more on that. GBS is all about the garden, nature and life. It's not just about my own little garden but also our beautiful planet which can and should be a Garden of Eden.

  • Cleaning up the garden to build another compost heap.
    When we just arrived here there was no garden at all. Only a thin layer of sand upon a vast layer of clay. One of the first thing I did was to build this compost heap. Back then it was it was more than big enough to handle all the garden and kitchen waste. But not anymore. The compost heap also doesn’t function that well. I thought it was a good idea back then to make sure that there was enough ventilation because of the heavy rains that we have here. And although that might be true, all the material next to chicken wire doesn’t compost. Another disadvantage of building it like this is that weeds and grasses grow out of it.

  • Birding in Suriname 5 - Pirates of the Caribbean
    Welcome to another episode of Birding in Suriname. Last week was a successful week for spotting birds. I spotted 4 more birds and identified a few that I photographed before. That brings my total number of spotted birds on 54.The bird in the thumbnail is a Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis). Last week a few of them were seen close to our house. I was lucky enough to take this picture the moment it flew off. It starts to show its beautiful breeding outfit with the orange feathers on its head and breast.


  • Steemit Mystical World Series #13: The necessity of Hardship
    In this edition of the Mystic World Series, we're taking a look at something that almost every person has to face sooner or later in his life. The one thing we all have in common, hardship.If things in life came to us granted, if we had everything our mind could create, how would we grow? Many people sooner or later face a wall in their life's path and find themselves asking "Why me?". This wall is called "Hardship" and is composed of things we don't want to deal with.

  • Steemit Mystical World Series #13: Void Meditation and how it helps cleanse the mind and heal the body.
    In this Mystical World Series, we will be having a look at a specific meditation technique, taking a small detour from the recent Mystical Places combo. So let's have a look at the Void meditation and its benefits. The Void. This meditation is named "Void" because it places our consciousness into a "floating" "empty" state. The name is derived due to its mind release properties.

  • Steemit Mystical World Series #14: 5 of the Scariest Places around our planet. + [Small SBD Giveaway]
    In this series of the Mystical World, we set sails on looking at some more forsaken and forgotten places. Or in other words, we will have a look at 5 of the scariest places in the world. 1 The Abandoned Coal-Washing plant. The first place on the list is located in France and is a former coal processing and washing plant. Little is known about the place itself and it doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. The only info regarding this is its location. It is revered that the plant itself had a fire accident back in the days and now the only thing left standing are the metal frames that used to hold the building together.

  • Steemit Mystical World Series #12: 5 Places Forbidden to Society
    Although most people don't do it, due to lack of funds or living conditions, we are mostly free to roam about wherever we feel like it, although there are several places on our planet that one can't really access even if the aforementioned criteria are covered. In this edition of the Mystical World Series, we will take a tour around some of them. 01 The Lascaux Caves. Dating back 17 000 years, the Lascaux Caves contain mysterious paintings of animals, human shapes, and majestical geometry art. Over 600 parietal wall paintings decorate the interior walls and ceilings of the cave.



  • Eco-Build Workshop Challenge Days 7-9: "Build a tiny Earthship in under 2 weeks on a $3,000 budget with 30 unskilled volunteers!"
    Wow, its the end of Week 1 already! Even though every day was so full of activity and progress, the first week went very quickly. The group really jelled, and it was the last day for around 12 volunteers who left with a wealth of experience and valuable eco building knowledge. At the same time, 12 new volunteers arrived for the second week of the build. It was sad to see some faces go, and also very nice to have some fresh blood! This happened on a Sunday, and I gave the day off to those that were staying for the whole two weeks. On that day off I gave the new volunteers their full day lecture so that they would have the same grounding and important knowledge given to them. It was easier to do this a second time, and also nice to spend a day teaching and taking it easy physically after a full week in the sun and dirt.



  • What You Should Do when you Feel Stuck and Your Stress Levels Exacerbate
    You are working on your thesis, but somehow don’t get a certain concept. Or you are creating a project report and feel stuck at one point. Or you are trying to learn how to use a certain software but one tool seems extremely tricky. Or imagine yourself in any other situation where you are trying to do something, but get stuck in a rut. What do you then? From all the different experiences I have had in life and from my observation of others, I have seen mostly people continue trying to do what they feel stuck at.

  • When Living for Yourself Becomes a Death Sentence
    When Sarah turned 21, her parents became concerned about her marriage and began seriously looking for some good proposals for her. While she wasn’t yet ready for this new chapter, her parents did not really think her sentiments matter and made no efforts to take them into account either. She didn’t have any liking for any guy her age and wasn’t involved in a relationship with someone either. She just wanted some more time to explore herself and pursue her passion of painting. While she didn’t have any big goals like becoming the Da Vinci of her country, who knew she could have been amazing if she were given the chance to explore and nurture her skill.

  • Day 135- Steemiteducation Homework- Share Your Whacky Story from a Class
    I recently joined @steemiteducation and have been really impressed by the work it is doing. Each week, @steemiteducation gives a little homework to everyone wherein we are supposed to answer a particular question. This week, we were asked to share our whackiest experience from a class we took or our teaching experience. I’d like to share one of my most amusing and favorite experiences from my school days.


  • A tiny house in Berlin
    Isn´t the internet great? I don´t eat meat, I don´t drink, I don´t smoke, I don´t use drugs (legal or illegal) and medication, but since you need at least one addiction to be able to call yourself a modern man, I chose the internet. So today I came across a youtube video about Jan Körbes, a Dutch architect, who transformed an old grain silo into a tiny house with the help of his colleagues from Refunc, a Dutch company which does a lot of different, amazing projects involving upcycling and reusing materials in very innovative ways.


  • Search engine that plants trees while you're surfing the internet!
    'Search the web to plant trees' is Ecosia's slogan. You can set it to be your default search engine on I love trees, they provide oxygen, friendship, coolness, shade, timbre, fruits and nuts, warmth, they make sure the soil doesn't erode and nourish it, they provide medicine and they harmonise our energy when we are amongst them. The chemical proces of them breathing/transforming carbon dioxide in to oxygen, the stuff that we breath, still is visible proof of our synergetic connection on many levels of our being. We neeeed trees. It should be included in our basic needs: Food, shelter, sex, sleep, oxygen water and trees. Oops I thought sex was one of them, well I guess we should include that one too. ;-)

  • Who do you think you are? Is identification with gender helpful?
    Welcome and happy tuesday! :-) This morning in the shower washing my female body I was thinking about being a woman. 'Do I see myself as a woman?' I asked myself. I thought of all the womb awakening work I have done lately and how there is so much pain going around in these womb work circles about not being respected a s a woman because of total identification with womanhood. I thought I see myself as more of a 'being' having come to this earth to have a human experience in a female body, but I do not totally identify with being a woman. I mean I accept my role as a woman in life but don't identify with it that much. Does that make sense?


  • Old faces beauty: a UK based Russian artist introduces amazing edge-glued paper technique “paintings” to the world
    Jane looks in the mirror and smiles. At 63 she looks fantastic. Smooth skin, no wrinkles, well, maybe few of them in the corners of the lips, but it's only because she likes to smile. Well-groomed and neat look, shiny eyes, a little makeup giving freshness to the face… Looking at her, no one will give her as many years as she really is. For her, as well as for thousands of women around the world, the beauty industry has created the opportunity to extend their youth indefinitely. And although Jane got the look of amazing beauty, perhaps she lost the very special beauty of her old face as it would have been without all these newfangled creams and operations.


  • Squeezing your own Juices - ORANGE IS THE NEW BREAKFAST
    Today I have something special and light for you all – fresh squeezed juices of the orange tree fruit! If that sounds strange to you - try speaking another language once in a while - it'll scramble your brain in bilingual ways! ;p Hello to all my friends, family and fantastic followers!


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Be sure to let us know in the comments if you are enjoying the ecoTrain posts or if there is something you would like to see that we have not writen about.

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