Old faces beauty: a UK based Russian artist introduces amazing edge-glued paper technique “paintings” to the world

in #creativity7 years ago

Jane looks in the mirror and smiles. At 63 she looks fantastic. Smooth skin, no wrinkles, well, maybe few of them in the corners of the lips, but it's only because she likes to smile. Well-groomed and neat look, shiny eyes, a little makeup giving freshness to the face… Looking at her, no one will give her as many years as she really is.

For her, as well as for thousands of women around the world, the beauty industry has created the opportunity to extend their youth indefinitely. And although Jane got the look of amazing beauty, perhaps she lost the very special beauty of her old face as it would have been without all these newfangled creams and operations.

“Forever young" is a new paradigm of our society. Woman make a lot of efforts to stay young even in their old age. It is difficult to get acceptance of old faces and their own specific charm, they become rather something unpleasant, something that should be avoided. However, the Russian artist and illustrator Yulia Brodskaya, who lives and works in London with her cheerful works proves that the old face is not an object for shame, but rather one for admiration.

“Old Hat" by Yulia Brodskaya Image Source

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“Old Hat" by Yulia Brodskaya. From an angle. Image Source

Julia calls her technique of work edge-glued paper technique, which is very similar to well-known technique quilling. The essence of it is very simple - the artist consistently glues together pieces of paper, gradually turning the trimming parts into another masterpiece. You can check a video of the process with an example of creating one of her works “Jade” at the end of this article.

"Flowers" by Yulia Brodskaya Image Source

I don't always call it quilling because I have actually discovered a new way of using the basic technique - as if I'm drawing with paper instead of on it (traditional quilling often uses a number of basic shapes, so it is a bit different).
Yulia Brodskaya

"Babushka" by Yulia Brodskaya
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"Babushka" by Yulia Brodskaya. The process of creation. Image Source

For many people Julia became not only the pioneer of this direction, but also transformed the traditional technique of quilling into cool, modern trend. To date, her works belongs to a huge number of private collectors. Among the famous owners of the original works of the artist you can meet such famous names as Oprah Winfrey, Ferrero, Hermés, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and others.

But I would like to draw attention to another aspect of its success. For me, Julia is an example of the person who selflessly loves what she does and success is just an companion of this love.

I love paper, and I want to bring some more joy into the world through colour, tactile feel of paper, all those intricate details which are there in my work because I care and readily spend so much time making them.
Yulia Brodskaya

Pure Heart (before stamp) made for USPS by Yulia Brodskaya . It took her 7 full working days to create it. Image Source

”Paper always held a special fascination for me. I've tried many deferent methods and techniques of working with it, until I found the way that has turned out to be 'the one' for me: now I draw with paper instead of on it".
Yulia Brodskaya

To draw with paper Julia started in 2006. Over the years, she managed to create more than 200 works. Many of her works are commercial works for the biggest brands, but my favourite is a special collection of “Old faces”.

Loves Doves by Yulia Brodskaya .
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Love Doves by Yulia Brodskaya . Light and shades creation. Image Source

This paper craft technique is quite a slow process: I take a strip of paper, shape it, place onto the marked surface to adjust the shape and see how it looks, then dip into glue, place back onto the surface and hold it in place until the glue can hold the paper strip on its own, then take another strip of paper, repeat all the manipulations and so on....and on....and on...
Yulia Brodskaya

Most of the time ordinary people become objects for her inspiration. From a gypsy woman, a saleswoman in the textile market to her own grandmother - people are looking at us from this absolutely stunning portraits. In my opinion, in absolutely every work, you can feel the incredible beauty and amazing quality of each person, whose image seems to “come to life” in front of you.

"Gypsy" by Yulia Brodskaya
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"Textile market" by Yulia Brodskaya Image Source

The reason why I focus on aging and older people is related to the theme of death and mortality: my personal interest is not about what happens after, but in the aspect of old age. I'm fascinated by how person’s whole life gets written on his/her face… There’s also an added bonus: quilled paper is an excellent medium for creating wrinkles.
Yulia Brodskaya

"My Grandmother" by Yulia Brodskaya . Image Source

A way of 'painting with paper’*

*(c) Yulia Brodskaya .

On her website, Julia notes that the beginning of the portrait series was her personal interest in the development of her technique. For her, “Old Faces” series - became the site of a personal experiment "to find ways to bring this type of artworks to the new level in terms of their ability to convey meaning and emotions."

In 2016, Julia created 3 incredible works that have been unified into a certain sub-series with names of precious stones. In my opinion “Topaz”, “Amethyst” and “Jade” and real gems of this collection. According to Julia herself, through numerous experiments, in this short sub-series she managed to move from the state of "drawing with a paper" to “painting with paper”.

“I mix strips of paper as I would mix paints on a palette. These artworks are all about color and the unique, tactile feel that paper strips add to it. The portraits resemble oil and acrylic painting (especially from a distance), but with a textured paper twist.”
Yulia Brodskaya

You can see it yourself.

"Topaz" by Yulia Brodskaya. The size of the painting is A2 although it took Julia weeks to create it. Image Source

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"Ametist" by Yulia Brodskaya Image Source

"Jade" by Yulia Brodskaya Image Source

Depending on the size and complexity of the work it may take the artist from several days to several weeks to create a ready piece. However, Julia herself prefers not to know the exact time of work she puts in her creations to avoid the state of depression from the fact that there is no end, so during the work she entertains herself with music, audio books or films.

There are hardly any short-cuts – if you want to create something beautiful and intricate you have to spend long hours working on the piece.
Yulia Brodskaya

You can see the time-lapsed video for creation of “Jade” below:

Back to “forever young” paradigm

Let'sget back to Jane. In her 63 she looks great and causes admiration of another kind - admiration for the beauty of pretty, smooth skin on her face despite of the old age. However, like many elderly people, there are times when she fears the future. A young beautiful woman is looking at her from the mirror, but somewhere inside there is still a feeling that old age is already here. And let it not be visible on the body, Jane still feels it. And sometimes she even thinks if she is trying to deceive herself, to escape from the fear of the unknown, to hide behind the mask of a beautiful face? Fear of getting lost in eternity is the same for her and for the elderly people who do not disguise their real age.

“Suction” by Yulia BrodskayaImage Source

She still embraces the fear of the unknown future and it seems that despite everything (including her external beauty) her life slowly melting down.

“Melting” by Yulia Brodskaya Image Source

And then another question arises: “What is more important - to leave behind yourself a memory as a beautiful human in old age or to perpetuate yourself in an incredibly emotional portrait with wrinkles of colorful paper?”

With love,




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I love Art with all of my heart so I write all my articles illustrating them with different types of art. For me most important is that Art "speaks" on itsown and I can stress my thoughs with it more than I can do with words. If you like good articles and good art please feel free to check my other article:

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(c) Paul Villinski

New York City, The City That Never Sleeps is busy as always. It is indeed an urban wanderer’s delight. You can lose yourself in the crowds of Manhattan, enticing boutiques and coffee-tasting among the craft-minded scenesters, or delve into festive night parties and the cutting-edge art galleries. Everyone finds something for themselves. Read more


Another superb post. Loved it. I am in love with the artistic expression of Soviet artists. You guys are so talented. The fine nuances, poetry, melody and melancholy in Yulia's art is awesome. Old age is such an interesting muse. There is beauty in everything. Old age too Yulia Brodskaya so beautifully portrays the poignant beauty of old age. And the technique and tools are so unique .My favourites are "Babushka" , "Jade" and "Melting". Thank you for bringing such an awesome artist and artwork for us, @sashagenji :)

Yep, Soviet people rule%) I love the creativity of Russian and post Soviet people and to be honest I also like promoting my culture to the world. I do not think it is widely known especially the modern one. I agree with you re "Babushka" and "Melting" - they are something special.

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I have just got a new theory of eternity.

- Albert Einstein

I like those artsy posts of yours.
Visual arts play almost no part in my life. Music and writing yes, but paintings and stuff no. So it´s always a pleasure to delve into this world with you. Thanks.

Thank you, dear @likedeeler. I guess we all learn new things from each other. I still can't really forget your post Always look at the Briteside of life as well as your latest Lumeric Contest post entry (the one of last week). So I too delve with you in the different aspects of this wonderful journey and I am very happy to share it with you.

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These are all so beautiful, amazing talent. we wear our wisdom and our life stories on our faces and bodies, we would be alot happier if we all embraced that. In general elders are rarely given the respect they deserve. Thanks so much @sashagenji for sharing all this beautiful art, you continue to brighten up my days with your posts, resteemed.

Thank you, @trucklife-family. I really enjoy doing this post - they are somehow "resonates" with who I am very well. I am so happy your days are brightened up with my posts - it makes me feel very happy. I am also very happy that we share such much in common with you and reading your post and comments to my post is always giving me a sense of being a part of a great community of women, mothers, nature lovers. I think it means a world to me so I thank you for my turn to bring such strong emotions to me!

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Wow, I agree with @likedeeler that your artsy posts are wonderful! Whenever I see amazing artwork like this, I just think of one thing: there is no limit to what the human mind can think of and create and the same comes to my mind when I see people being involved in heinous acts. The work of this artist Julia is brilliant and I like her ideology about getting old too. While I do believe, one should exercise, meditate and eat healthy to look fresh and young, I don't approve of getting Botox and going under the knife to stay young.

Yep, I agree dear:) Beauty can be found at any age%)) Botox is not a solution at all, rather just a social trend%(( I meet so many different women in different ages I think they are all beautiful! One beutiful women I know - she is @sharoonyasir %)) I just love reading your comments to my posts as well as reading your blog. Much love to you!

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You definitely know how to cheer someone up <3

Wow I had not seen this technique before, this artist is amazing! Really enjoyed this, great job weaving in the narrative of the woman looking in the mirror - the art worked perfectly with your words. Loved this :) Cheers - Carl

Carl, thank you for stopping by and commenting. I love reading your comments. They make me smile. Knowing that you have quite a big standards to posts makes each of your comments is even more precious so I am on the right track! Thank you%)

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