Ulog #4 Headaches are a pain in the neck! And isn't Steemit such a beehive of fear?

in #ulog6 years ago

The weather shifted today. Let's blame it! The headache has had me edgy edgy. The window unit AC roars. The fan sounds like a small airplane. Everything makes the floor vibrate. Everything that could be turned off, did get turned off.

Have I mentioned
I live in a farm house that is nearly 100 years old?
Have I mentioned that I turn 60 years old in a little bit?
Have you gotten the impression that I feel like I'm 100 years old today?
You should definitely have that impression.

So I've been playing with fractals all day. They are very quiet and generally don't make sudden, undirected, unexpected changes.

And, like, I've figured out
the whole reason @Ned is powering down.

@Ned is probably being blackmailed
along with half of Steemit.
He's going Christmas Shopping
for shoes for the entire city of Austin.
Possibly both.
he's hiring someone
via the Brixton group in Austin
... who is also being blackmailed.

You go have fun figuring it out. But ...

I just would like to point out
that it's pretty obvious,
within 2 weeks of arrival,
that Steemit is a game.
It's a game we all choose
to stay and play or
choose to leave.

You gotta know when to hold 'em
know when to fold 'em
and know when to walk away.
~~ The Gambler
(Probably not an exact quote.
I'll let you research that, too.)

This means ...

You gotta know when you are not enjoying the game any more.

You gotta know that what you're putting in
may not return back to you monetarily.

And You gotta know when your friends are moving on and
if you want to stay on their path,
or go on your own path,
or wait for the next batch of friends
to come down the current path.

Frankly, I've seen so many things come and go on the Internet. And ...

I've learned to
hold all these games gently in my open hands.
Let the game present as it presents.

I hold my ideas of reality firmly in my mind.

I keep fully aware of
when their hand is truly and carelessly tipped.

If I can see clearly,
a harm intended,
or negotiations ended,
I fold the game.

So where does that leave me with Steemit?

The same.
I enjoy the people.
I'm surprised I have an account worth anything.
Right now, It is living up to its end of the agreement.

If I write,
If I promote,
If I visit others,
If I make friends,
If I am social,
I see a reward.

It is up to me,
the same as with Ned,
to decide when I want to power down
some or all
of these fancifully gotten gains.

Yes, Fanciful.
How else do you describe nothing becoming something?


It's highly inconvenient to the nosy
that one is allowed to have free control
over one's own STEEM.
And it's great fodder for the cannons of
those who love to cry over the sky falling.

One more thing to remember about powering down.
It is done in increments and can be stopped at any moment.

But anyway ... here's the thing.
What do you get out of Steemit?

Why do you keep hanging around?

Oh and before we start the long roll through the supporting credits ...

Please know that I am indeed still playing with the index cards. I have about 15 so far. Also, I have completed day 5 of the @steemitmama 's De-cluttering Program. It has had some very excellent results in my head and in my home. I Highly recommend it!

Okay ... let's roll them credits !!

If you are a random visitor, if you don't leave a comment, I won't know you're real. It doesn't matter if you can't upvote. Don't fall for that BS. Please, Leave a comment. I don't follow anyone who doesn't leave a comment.

If you are a member of @SteemitMamas, @SteemUSA OR if you are participating in @Ulogs OR DYICAD2018 ...

  1. Feel free to leave a comment telling me how inspirational my writing is (or isn't) ;-)

  2. AND THEN you can also tell me what you've written about lately. LEAVE a LINK. Live large, break the "rules" (here).

  3. And who knows, then I might like what you write and follow you around, too.

  • Plus!!! Do you know that I reward good comments?

On this post, I will not upvote any commenter who does NOT leave a link to their current work OR to a current favorite post

But Wait! There's more! Check out these great groups!

@ulogs: Member Posts, Discord


@SteemitMamas: Member Posts, Discord

footer SteemUSA & Isle of Write

@SteemUSA: Member Posts, Discord, logo by @BearOne Arly

@IsleofWrite: Member Posts, Discord, logo by @PegasusPhysics

8th Annual ICAD Challenge

If you don't leave a comment I won't know you're real

Above all, seriously, cut through the bot line and let me know you're real. And remember : On this post, I will not upvote any commenter who does NOT leave a link to their own current work OR to a current favorite post by someone else ! !


That's funny, many get annoyed when I call it a game, but of course, it is, and the actions we see are those that optimise the game - in the eyes of the players ;-)

Upvoted (by @rycharde), resteemed (by @accelerator) and has been added to the latest MAP Upvotes post.

= Quality Content Creators can request to join MAP = see the Benefits = Free Membership =

Hey Rycharde! Thanks for the upvote/resteem. Yes. Absolutely agree. We can play within the official rules, or we can forfeit social points for quick monetary gain. It's a bit of a gamble. Those social points convert into monetary gain, also. And if we upset the social scale too much, the punishment is swift.

Only one before-Steemit friend made it here and has pretty much given up on Steemit. I'm in this for the long haul. I don't much let the ups and downs get to me...

Here's my latest good Steemit post
and here's my first ulog

oops I broke the rules and left 2 links haha

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!

Hey Friend, for some reason your comment coding is all broken up. Thank you for all the resteems. :-)

Hmm I’m playing games to create content to post inside of a game. Game inspection!

When the markets are down build! When people want give up build! When things are not going great build! I’ve been a very busy cat these days. While it is heartbreaking so many are really struggling and giving up I’m so busy these days I can’t even keep up with it.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Hey! You forgot to leave a link!

You know I'm thinking ... Down-turns are when new whales are made. The people who can gobble up the STEEM right now are going to be in much better shape.

Oh and you are right. It is easy to become discouraged and easy to discourage.

I think we owe it to each other to be honest. But it is a disservice to be fear mongers. It's messing with other people's money and courage.

And excellent game assess btw.

Well said. The social aspect of Steemit is the big's for me. I love the interaction. Though I've always been into that sort of thing. Loved email.
And the writing part, the site has given me a place to put out things that I create, which is a first for me. And it has been very rewarding. Not necessarily in cash, though that is always nice too, but more in people actually reading something I've electro-penned, beyond my Christmas letters and one letter to the editor about our city needing our own blimp. (They didn't print it, imagine that ( :

I like your take on all of this though. One takes out and makes of the site what they want. And are always free to leave. Though I would hate to see the site go away, it is a nice place to hang out and mess about within. But I'm pretty clueless on a lot of the politics. Plus, I'm still a minner, and minners don't have much power to do much anyway. So stay out of it and enjoy the social aspect. And what a ride it has been for the last almost two years. Yee haa, and pass the bisquits.

I don't usually leave links to my 'stuff', as some folks see it as spam, but you asked for it , so here goes ( :
[The Day I Got Eaten ? by a Cougar In Hollywood]

I am still real LOL
Always fun to read your thoughts. And today, this is the second post talking about living in a 100 year old house.

Well it's not quite 100 years old but it knows that it is nearly 100. How can I be sure?

Well, coincidently, It was built the same year as my dad. I'm sure he'd be quick to confirm he's nearly 100 years old and feels it (although he's in fairly good health).

I'm glad you laughed.

I'd love to give you an upvote on your comment but you didn't follow instructions.

Please come back and leave a link to what you are talking about these days.

You are so strict!!!! 😳
This is what i got from the latest prompt LOL


And I know that our house I grew up in was well over 100 years old. But in Europe, that is not a big deal. My great-grandpa bought it when it was first built and my mom was born there, lived in it all her life and passed away at home when she was 89.
We sold it after her passing since none of us could afford to keep it... We were 5 kids - probably still are kids - definitely still are 5. Which is amazing since we are all getting old. My oldest brother is 71 now.
And just thinking about that makes me a bit crazy...

You're getting off light. You should ask my children. ;-p

I feel your crazy feelings all the way over here.

I barely looked at FB for a year. The other day I logged in just to discover my whole family had aged 10 years in the last 12 months. They all look like old relatives I knew as a kid and can barely remember. Truthfully, that's about as well as I know my family now, too. But that's another story I didn't see coming. To be told another time.

The house my grandparents built left our family a few years back. My uncle and aunt felt too old to care for it. They wanted to make a sweet deal for me but we just have no intention of living in Dallas again.

It's really weird how old houses feel so alive. Even when people take over an old house and rebuild it, they often talk about the house like it's a creature with bones and personality and some need to breathe a certain way.

Your kids comment spawned an entire upcoming post. I'll tag you when it goes up.

Thanks for leaving the link!

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