Suffer in Silence - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

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Suffer in Silence

"Why is she making such a fuss?" he said with his eyebrows raised so high that they might have reached the ceiling. "Doesn't she know that this is unbecoming? Our class suffers in silence!"

Fuck that!!!

That is how problems never get to see the light of the day and we all can be quiet about it. And that is how perpetrators get away with what they have done in silence, under the cover of the night.

How many little girls weren't believed when they were brave enough to say something. Most just suffered in silence - just how they saw that their moms were doing. Taking the noble route out - the way so many women have left the situation that was so unbearable. They died.

Oh, yes. There was always that cause or that.
Some were probably outright killed by the abuse they suffered.

But many more ate their fear, their hurt, their sense of injustice and got that thing, that way out of so many sad, sad stories.

Cancer is the silent killer - or is it the killer of those that were silent.
The ones that kept the smiling face while they were dying inside.
The ones who had husbands who told them what to do.
The ones who had husbands who wouldn't take them on a trip to that place they wanted to see all their lives. But he might have taken the younger model instead.
Or even the ones that suffered their physical pain in silence.
Don't make a fuss. It is your nerves. We all know that women are a bit sensitive. It's all in her imagination.
If she dared to say something.
Oh, she died?
Hmm, maybe it was something after all.

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This brought tears to my eyes. ❤ It was such a powerful piece.

Thank you so much!!!

Cancer is the silent killer - or is it the killer of those that were silent.

I've always believed this. It seems sadly true.

Of course, there are many more reasons like environmental crazy stuff. but I truly feel that so many woman - and men for that matter - have not been able to live their truth. And that has an impact.

Not sure whether to cry or be angry.

Both. That is my pendulum. And reading so many freewrites where childhood abuse is being worked through makes me realize how much this is happening.
And as to women being dismissed and not heard - maybe it is getting a bit better but we still have a long ways to go.
I am very happy that you are such a defender and supporter of women.

Most welcome hun. Awfful some of the things I've read and even seen. I used to be a silent 'rescue' for abused women I knew. Got them out of their situations and helped them be strong on their own two feet so I have much more personal experience than some.

You are an exceptional human being and I am so glad to be part of your online family!

That's really heavy, but also really valuable. The silent killer... Makes you think.

Thank you for stopping by. Yes, I do think that women have suffered in silence for a long time and many have chosen the only way out they knew - probably not consciously. But we are learning so much about how our subconscious can influence everything in our body...

Yes, it truly feels like we've arrived at the 'era of healing' - I see it everywhere around me, not just on social media, although that's a strong accelerator :-)

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