Tuning into Feeling 9 - How Can We Discern?

in #tutorial7 years ago

Today we are going to chat about:

How Can We Discern?

Well as I'm sure you have gathered by now from this course that discerning happens through feeling, so how do we do this and what do we feel?

The easiest way to discern when you are starting out is to ask questions. These questions do need to be very specific and they need to give a 'Yes or No' answer.One of the biggest areas of people not being able to discern correctly, apart from not knowing how to do it is with the asking of the question and not making it clear enough. The simpler and clearer your question the clearer your answer will be.

So some good questions are:

  • Is my name Michelle?
  • Do I live in Britain?
  • Do I like chocolate?
  • Do I have integrity?
  • Can I be trusted?
  • Do I have 4 children?
  • Am I American?
  • Do I like broad beans?

The photo above will give you a hint to the answer of one of my questions!

You can see that all these questions are short, simple, to the point and the answer is clearly going to be yes or no.

Learning to ask your question in this manner is one of the keys to being able to discern, so it is important to take some time to consider your question and phrase it well.

Once you have your question then you need to clear your mind and feel some peace and stillness in your mind. If you find this difficult to do and so many people do then I have an amazing audio that will really have you feeling some stillness in your mind so you have no thoughts interrupting and messing with the discerning process!

When you are feeling calm and peaceful without lots of mind chatter in your mind, then you can ask your question and notice what you feel.

For an answer that is the 'good' answer or the truthful answer then you will feel a sensation that is light, going up, rising or just feel good and feel yes.

For an answer that is the 'bad or false' answer then you will feel the opposite, a downward, heavy not good feeling or a feeling of no.

It can take a while for some people to tune in and feel this and for others it can take some practice to quieten the mind enough to actually feel a sensation!

Your first aim is to find out what your feeling is for a yes answer and a no answer, this is the key to being able to discern, so do choose some questions that will give a no answer as well as a yes answer, so you can feel both sensations and feel the difference.

I thought a video would be really useful here to show you step by step how to discern, so do click the link and follow along with what I'm doing!

Watch Video!


So now it's time for you to have a go and have some fun! Write yourself some questions first and then ask yourself one question and notice what you feel. It is important to choose some easy light-hearted questions to start with whilst you learn your yes and no feelings and also where you might feel this sensation. For me the feeling is in the stomach, (gut or soul area), but I can also have my head physically nod or shake for the answers too, so visible discernment going on!

I do hope you enjoyed this article, if you've missed previous articles then you can check them out below:

Here is the whole 'Tuning into Feeling' Series

Please do comment below and share your experiences with me & 'Follow' to read the next article!

© Copyright Michelle Carter -  @OriginalWorks


Thanks for sharing. Good post. :) I'm following. Please follow me...

Well as I'm sure you have gathered by now from this course that discerning happens through feeling, so how do we do this and what do we feel?

The video explains easy step by step how to discern and I also tell you what you might feel.
So watch the video to find out!

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