Tuning into Feeling 1 - Sight & Seeing - What do You Feel when you SEE things?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)

We all see so much every day as we go about our daily lives, but how much of what we see are we conscious of?

How much of what we see are we seeing with awareness?

If we are not seeing with awareness then we are missing out on the experience of fully seeing! If we are not tuning into what we are seeing with conscious awareness then we are most likely not feeling the energy of what we are seeing.

image from pixabay.com

My eldest daughter has done some graphic design artwork and her eye is so tuned into style, fonts, alignments etc. If type something in two different fonts that look similar, she will notice it! What a photographer sees through the lens will be different to the average person too. We can train ourselves to see more or see differntly!

FEELING is the language of our SOULS! 

So if we're not really feeling our daily experiences then we are not fully connecting to our souls . . . which is sadly true of the majority of society today and is the reason why our world is so polluted and we have wars, lack and greed all going on!

Seeing is Believing!

Now this is not a true statement, or at least should not be a true statement, but how many people don't believe:

  • In the power of invisible energy?
  • Intuition and soul guidance?
  • How often have you doubted your own intuition and guidance? 

    I know I have on many occasions and can still give myself a pep talk about trusting and believing on occasions! There is huge society programming to believe what we see and everything is 'woo-woo' or for crazy, out there people! So please do be open to believing in what you can't see and that is what these first seven days are about!

    image from pixabay.com

    So Onto Your Seeing Awareness Activities!

    This is actually experiencing feeling, but we are going to tune in and FEEL what we feel when we are looking at something.

    To do this it is best if you have no expectations and if you take a few deep breaths and clear your mind, or even better still you can listen to my FREE AUDIO - Peace & Stillness before you start this exercise, so you are in a place of peace, calm, stillness and allowing your feelings to be felt rather than being drowned out by mind chatter! 

    Here are some ideas on what to look at and to make a note of how feel

    Ideas of what you can look at:

    * Photos and memories

    * A view out of your window from your home

    * A view out of your window from your work

    * A place or image of nature: beach, woods, etc

    * Images of people, parties, circuses, fairgrounds

    * Candles, crystals

    * Food!

    * Clothes

    * Colours

    Feelings that you might experience:

    * Peaceful

    * Relaxed

    * Happy

    * Excited!

    * Sad

    * Upset

    * Overwhelmed

    * Stressed

    * Love

    * Content

    So to do this exercise, just do the following:

    Look at your first image or object and ask yourself 'What am I feeling?'

    Just notice if you feel anything and jot it down.

    If you don't feel anything then that is ok, just note down nothing. You will tune in as we progress!

    You can then look at your next object / image and repeat.

    If you are having difficulty feeling anything then look at a photo that will bring back some memories and notice what you feel then.

    Try different objects / ideas for a wide variety to help you experience as many images and feelings as possible.

    Writing down what you experience will really help you to tune in and take note of what you were feeling! You can also look back at the end of this course and see how your feelings have changed, become more descriptive etc which will be interesting to notice!

    This is the first post in this series, I will be posting on the following topics below, so please do 'follow me' to see the rest of this series!

    Here is the whole 'Tuning into Feeling' Series

    Tuning into Feeling 2 - Hearing - What do You Feel when you HEAR things?

    Tuning into Feeling 3 - Taste - What do You Feel when you TASTE things?

    Tuning into Feeling 4 -  Smell - What do You Feel when you SMELL things?

    Tuning into Feeling 5 -  Touch & Feeling - What do You Feel when you physically TOUCH things?

    Tuning into Feeling 6 -  Invisible Energies & Feelings - Can You Feel Your Soul & Inner Guidance?

    Tuning into Feeling 7 - Tuning into Your Soul

    Tuning into Feeling 8 - Truth, Integrity and Discernment

    Tuning into Feeling 9 - How Can We Discern?

    Tuning into Feeling 10 - Tips on Tuning into Your Soul!


    Another beautiful post about feelings. You touch upon some thing that most people feel each day but many don't stop to cherish the beautiful moment it brings. We are either too busy or too self absorbed. Your writings are a breath of fresh air and need to be seen are read. I'm trying to resteem these beautiful feeling articles because they will bring joy to who read them. Again thank-you and have a great Tuesday! :D

    Oh bless! You're beautiful comments touched my heart I almost felt like crying! Thank you so much.
    Yes it's so easy to be too busy, self absorbed or even super focused on a good project to not be aware of our feelings. Thank you for re-steeming my articles, most appreciated!
    You're welcome and have a great Tuesday too! :)

    All the religions of the world, while they may differ in other respects, unitedly proclaim that nothing lives in this world but Truth.

    - Mahatma Gandhi

    I've not heard that quote before, interesting.

    My favourite Gandhi quote would be:

    “Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”

    ― Mahatma Gandhi

    And will always remain the truth

    I hope that as Truth spreads and more Pure Love & Light fills our planet that those speaking Truth will no longer be punished and picked on for doing so.

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