Tuning into Feeling 5 - Touch & Feeling! Why is Touch so Important?

in #tutorial7 years ago

How was your smelling awareness? Were you feeling the high vibes, beach smells or zangy oranges? I hope so and I hope you had lots of fun with your experiences!

What has Touch got to do with Tuning into Your Soul?

When we touch something we will experience a physical sensation, which could be:

  • Hot or cold
  • Rough or Smooth
  • Soothing and Loving or Harsh and Repelling

As with the other awareness exercises that we have done, the more we tune into what we are feeling then the more connected we become to our soul, inner self or inner guidance. All of our senses are feeding our soul the nourishment it needs to be awake and alive! 

When we're not aware of our feelings then we are only really existing and not fully living and we feel cut off from our soul, because we're not talking to it, feeding it feelings and connecting to it.

Feelings are the Language of Our Souls!

The more we notice, feel and connect to our feelings, the more we are connecting to our souls and the able we are to communicate with our souls. If you know someone who is deaf and cannot hear then to communicate with that person you will need to learn sign language or to write down everything you want to say.

If we want to communicate with our souls then we need to learn the language that our soul uses, which is feelings! In a world that is so mind programmed this tuning into feelings can be hard for some people to do and that is why we have been doing these exercises each day, to tune into feeling so we can communicate with our souls.

Today we will be working on Touch & Feeling.

What do You Feel when you physically TOUCH things?

There are so many different sensations that we can feel through physical touch. We can tough something warm and it can feel comforting and cosy, but when it gets a bit hotter it feels uncomfortable and then hotter still is burning and pain, so there are many different sensations that come from a similar experience that has varying intensities. The same is of course true of something that is cool, cold and ice like!

It is also true for physical touch when someone is gently stroking our hand or hair it feels loving, gentle and good, when it gets a bit firmer as in a massage then it can feel releasing and therapeutic, then harder still can start to feel abusive and not good and being beaten up is obviously really painful and not what we want to experience at all. Notice how similar they all are but on a scale of different intensities and somewhere there is a cut off line between pleasure and pain that we don't want to cross into!

Touch is Therapeutic

There are so many physical therapies because touch is so healing. It has been shown the regular stroking of a pet will reduce stress levels which is good for our health. Not only is there the health benefit of reducing stress though, there is also the benefit of connection with another living being and the feeling of love and connection.

A study was done in an orphanage where the careers were so busy that they only had time to do the basics for the babies, so changing nappies and feeding was all the human contact that the babies received. It was shown that those babies were more likely to have a troubled life because they didn't have the human connection and love that we all need.

We know that we need food and water to survive physically, but we also need love to survive emotionally, so those babies and small children that are deprived of love will have a harder life than those that are brought up in loving families or surroundings and are soaking up all those love energies.

When we get back to our real true core desires then what we all desire is to be loved and feel loved. Society has us on this crazy 'rat race' of doing to feel good enough, when our core desire is to feel loved and then we will feel good enough.

Sometimes we need to love ourselves before we will feel this love from others, and all of these exercises are great ways to do that, spending time on you, noticing your feelings and nurturing your soul with all the sensations that have you feeling good!

So what can you feel today?

Well you can feel textures that are soft, fluffy, cosy and nurturing. Heat we have already discussed, but what can you feel that is hot, like a steering wheel that has been in the sun can get really hot! Sand on a hot day can be too hot to stand on! Then the sea will feel blissfully cool and relieving!

You can feel silky textures, smooth textures and rough ones for comparison. You can feel with fingers and hands or stroke your face, walk on different surfaces and feel with your feet!

Ideas of what you can touch or feel:  

  • Soft & fluffy fabric 
  • Silky fabric 
  • Water 
  • Something warm 
  • Something cool 
  • The sun on your face / skin 
  • The wind in your hair 
  • Stroking your hand or foot
  • Gently massage your head and then slowly increase the pressure 
  • Brushing your hair 
  • Walking bare foot on grass, sand, concrete, carpet 
  • The shower water on your back 
  • Your teeth after you’ve cleaned them 
  • Wood / veneer 
  • Canvas 
  • Shoes 
  • Crystals  

Feelings that you might experience:

  • Cosy
  • Loved
  • Warm and snuggling
  • Blissed out!
  • Pampered
  • Nurtured
  • Peaceful
  • Relaxed
  • Surprised!
  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Lonely
  • Joy
  • Happy
  • Excited!
  • Upset
  • Content

Have an imaginative day and go 'Feel Away' and see what amazing textures you can discover!

Here is the whole 'Tuning into Feeling' Series

Please do comment below and share your experiences with me & 'Follow' to read the next article!

(Original images from pixabay.com)

© Copyright Michelle Carter - Original Work


One thing that was strange about living in japan (I didn't realize until I left) was the lack of physical contact. I was shy to begin with so without any physical contact I never made much of an effort either. Now I look back and I feel confused about who my true friends were, especially since people don't always share their true feelings, even with close friends, in order to avoid conflict. Two friends stood out and I can remember distinctly that they were more touchy than typical Japanese people.

Since then I've become much touchier as well. I'm still very sensitive to personal space but I always try to use he hand on the shoulder with anyone who I think won't feel uncomfortable by it because it adds a new dimension to friendships, a feeling of safety and closeness. With my closest friends we regularly give massages and it's totally platonic, which feels really nice.

Wow that is such an interesting comment. We all know that each culture is different in it's beliefs but I never really considered that a whole country would not have much physical contact, and that is a way of stopping personal connection and unity.

I'm sure it was a bit out of your comfort zone to become more open to touch, but so great that you have done this and now enjoy sharing massages and putting your hand on someone's shoulder. Touch is powerful, hugs have been known to reduce stress and heal.

Thank you for sharing your experiences.

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