Tuning into Feeling 4 - Smelling! What do You Feel when you SMELL things?

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)

How did you get on with your tasting awareness? I hope you had fun and maybe had a few surprises, as well as really feeling the power in fully tasting and enjoying our food and drinks!

Food and drinks can be an amazing 'pick me up' or 'vibration raiser' when we are tuned in and are able to use the enjoyment of the taste to raise our vibration. I do this quite often and if you know me well from my writing and sharing then you will know that dark chocolate is my go to 'pick me up!' Whether I feeling a little overloaded, just needing a break from admin and thinking to feeling emotional about something then I often do feel better after eating some dark chocolate, coupled with a soya hot chocolate if possible! I mean why have just one dose when you can have a double dose! Having said all that, I have to admit that the other day I caught myself drinking my hot chocolate without fully enjoying the taste! 

It is funny because I had similar experiences when I was writing my first book Loving You - Discover Your True Inner Self, that some of what I was writing and suggesting as great exercises to love ourselves, I found I wasn't doing myself! I could probably re-read this book now and still find ways to improve again, so this shows that we all lapse in little ways and if we're not constantly choosing to be aware then we can be on a downward slide into not looking after our selves and working to raise our vibration. 

It is good to make a positive habit of doing certain things, for example, I have a spreadsheet list of energy work that I do on myself each day, my clients and membership group  and also on global issues. This has become such a habit that it would be really hard for me to not work on my energy each day, even without the list, so much so that I find myself doing energy work when walking on the beach and even in my sleep at times! I do have to stop myself from doing it when I driving as that could be unsafe, you never know what is going to happen with the energy or how you're going to feel, light-headed, sleepy or super charged and ready to dance the night away!

                                 We can make every day moments special

We are eating and tasting on and off all day, so why not take time out to really enjoy it?  We can make a point of setting aside 10 minutes where we can really stop and enjoy drinking or eating something and have a break from life and a 'taste retreat' into heaven!

So onto today's awareness:

Smelling and Tuning into Your Soul

Well if you haven't already guessed or picked up intuitively then smelling is also about enjoying the little things and taking time out. 

We can use all these little things to really help us to feel better, to raise our vibration and energy frequency which are all making it easier for us to connect to our souls and have a stronger connection and guidance.

If you were feeling a bit off colour and thinking you might be going down with a cold, you might decide to give your immune system a boost with Vitamin C and Echinacea or Olive Extract and this is feeding your physical body the nutrients it requires to function as well as possible.

Feed Your Soul!

Well we need to feed our souls too! Using our five senses is an amazing way to do this, it's kind of like our invisible soul needs invisible food, so fragrances, tastes, touch, sounds, feelings are all great ways to feed and nourish our souls. The more we nourish our souls the better connection we are going to feel, that makes sense, something that isn't nourished and cared for doesn't flourish so We need to Nourish to Flourish!

Smelling! - What do You Feel when you SMELL things?


Well there will be many smells that we don't even need to smell to know what we feel, especially the bad ones! So you don't need to go there, you can just vaguely have a memory without lowering your vibration by actually doing it!

Have you noticed that smells that you don't like can seem to get stuck up your nose and take ages to go away? Like if you're driving through an area of high pollution or strong manure on the fields and you're wrinkling up your nose and trying not to breath it in! Then even after you've driven out of this area you keep smelling it again, so that is a good reason not to go smelling any smells that you don't like!

My favourite fragrance is . . . . . .? Well those of you who know me will know this, it is roses! Just like chocolate tastes heavenly then roses to me smell heavenly!


So what smells heavenly to you?

  • What fragrances will give you an instant boost?
  • Do you use this is energy healing tool?

If you don't then I recommend that you do because it is so simple to do and so instant! If you're feeling down and love the smell of roses then a quick sniff of a rose scented candle or essential oil will have you smiling! :)

Whenever I'm out shopping with my girls, (which isn't that often!) we will stop and go into any shops that sell scented candles or natural skin care products to have a smell of them all! In fact, some shops like Lush, you don't even need to go in because the smells are all wafting out onto the pavement!

Another smell that seems to waft around is the smell of brewing coffee. Now doesn't that just make you want to have a cup of coffee when you smell it! Other amazing smells that are well known are the smell of freshly cooked bread or cakes - yum!


So do check out some of the ideas below and choose what fun and interesting fragrances you're going to smell and notice how you feel. 

You could feel relaxed, remembering holidays, beaches, feeling uplifted, energised, heavenly, feel love, cosy, Christmassy! What else can you add!

Ideas of what you can smell:

  • Flowers
  • Essential oils
  • Scented candles
  • Your shower products
  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Petrol / Gas
  • Trees
  • The sea / ocean
  • Woods / Forests
  • Freshly brewing coffee!
  • Bread / cookies baking
  • Perfumes / after shaves
  • Soap
  • Hair products
  • De-odourants
  • The air!
  • By the sea / ocean
  • Your office / work place
  • Different rooms in your home


                             (Photo of tulips in a local park)

Feelings that you might experience:

  • Heavenly!
  • Blissful and relaxed
  • Uplifted
  • Energised
  • Happy
  • Peaceful
  • Hungry!
  • Longing!
  • Unpleasant, not good
  • Content
  • Memories – happy, sad, missing someone
  • Disgusted
  • Repulsed
  • Enjoying
  • Fulfilled

Have a really fun time with today's smelling awareness!

(Original images from pixabay.com)

© Copyright Michelle Carter - Original Work

Here is the whole 'Tuning into Feeling' Series

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Really.... Amazing ur pictures 🌹
Good luck @michellecarter😉👍👍

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