Tuning into Feeling 7 - Tuning into Your Soul

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)

How did it go with noticing your thoughts and asking yourself how you're feeling? We can learn so much by asking questions, and especially by talking to ourselves, our inner selves, our soul and really tuning in to what is inside of us.  As we work on how to move forwards from this point, I have some more questions for you!

  • Have these exercises been an enlightening experience for you?
  • Looking back on what you felt, do you feel what you expected?
  • Was this easier or harder than you expected?
  • How much more in tune do you feel now to your feelings and your intuition than 7 days ago before you started this course?
  • How much have you learnt and how much more aware are you?
  • How do you want to live your life now, carrying on as you were before this course, or through tuning in more and more to your feelings and intuition?
  • If your answer is to tune in more to your feelings, (which I hope it is!) then are you willing to work at this, as a new skill to be mastered?

Like any skill and success in life, it takes effort and consistent inspired action to get positive results, along with the right information and tools. I am able to provide you with the right information and tools if you are willing to devote some time, effort and consistent inspired action!

Silence the Mind Chatter!

One of the most important things we need to do to tune into our feelings and intuition is to silence the mind chatter! Now this sounds like a simple little task that should be easy enough to tick off on a to do list, but anyone who has ever tried this will know it's not as simple to achieve as it is to say!

We may be able to silence our minds for a short period time whilst mediating, but what we really need is a stillness in our mind that is there all of the time, when we are doing normal every day tasks, so the mind chatter isn't constantly interfering with our feelings.

I was recently shown how easy it is to create doubt in someone's mind. My eldest daughter asked me to look at one of her web pages for her business, and she had used two colours pink and blue. I commented that I wasn't sure about using both colours, so she texted her sister to see what her sister thought! My comment had made her doubt her choice, and that obviously wasn't my intention, I was just expressing what I was feeling. Now if her feelings had been stronger,(connection to intuition and soul) then any comments from others would not have affected her. This is obviously a very simple example, but it really shows how easily influenced we can be by others, especially when we are not feeling a strong inner connection.

One of the most important first steps to having a strong connection is to:

  • Reduce the mind chatter
  • Feel peace and stillness in your mind
  • Be able to feel your feelings and messages from your soul
  • Raise your vibration so life is just easier!

It is very difficult to feel your soul and Divine guidance communicating with you when someone is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, disorganised or cluttered in the mind or picking up other people's energies. In our current world of social media it is so easy to pick up other people's energies, fears, worries and take them on as our own.

When we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed either from issues in our own life or through global events then this is usually when all of our 'coping mechanisms' get ditched because we feel too busy or stressed to do them! When we feel too busy to take time out, well this is when we most need to take time out! If your schedule is so time filled that you literally have no time to take time out then what you need is little 'mini time out sessions' and my mini I'm mean as simple and short as taking a few deep breaths, focusing on releasing the stress and filling your mind with peace and stillness. 

A Simple Technique to Feel Calmer

Saying this when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed will really help you to feel calmer. You may need to repeat this slowly a few times, whilst taking some deep breaths before you will feel the stillness flowing in:

My mind is filling with Pure Peace & Stillness now. I am feeling Pure Peace. I am feeling Pure Stillness in my mind.

You can use this simple technique:

  •  In your car before starting the engine
  • At traffic lights or in a queue, so great to prevent road rage!
  • After parking your car and continuing your day
  • In a lift on the way to work
  • Walking down the street
  • On the train or in a bus

So basically anywhere! 

The great thing about doing this is that is can take just a few minutes and have a really noticeable calming effect on both your physical body, reducing stress hormones buzzing around your body, as well as your mind and mind chatter, and then all the emotions that are also flying around out of control! So just a few minutes of focus on the the above statement, or words very similar can change the state of your mind, body and emotions - not bad huh!

Your decisions after doing this will be better decisions made from a calmer place.

When we can feel peace and stillness in our mind then we are reclaiming our power and control over ourselves, our thoughts and our future, instead of being in a reaction mode to the rest of the world!

Your life will feel different when you feel peace and stillness in your mind. The feeling of no mind chatter is almost surreal! If you haven't already downloaded my Free Audio to Still Your Mind then do try it out! To go deeper with feeling even more Pure Peace and Stillness I have some truly amazing audios that will not just calm your mind but will raise your frequency and have you feeling really light, spacey and well pretty carefree! 

Floating into Being and Floating into Realms of Pure Stillness are two of my favourites, I can almost feel spacey talking about them!

Tuning into Your Soul

Talk to your soul like it's your best friend or a wise sage

I know this might sound a little weird or crazy but it does really work! I talk to my soul all the time, and to the Angels and I feel or hear answers back.

It can take a while to get the answers, bit like learning a new instrument or sport, we have to put in the practice before we get to see of hear the good results!

Not only do you get some good guidance by talking to your soul and asking questions, but you also feel more supported, with a feeling that you are not alone, that there is Divine support for you that we can't see but doesn't exist.

Trust in what we can't see!

I do hope that the exercises that we've been doing have helped you to have more trust in what we can't see! We know that flowers and many things have a smell or fragrance because we can smell it and we know that sounds exists because we can hear it. We can't see any of these smells or noises but we know with solid knowing that they exist.

Love is something that we can't see, in fact we can't see any emotions, we feel them. There is no mistaking that some emotions exist when they feel intense and powerful, so again we know that this invisible energy exists without any doubt.

Why then do so many people have doubts around feeling their soul, intuition or Divine guidance?

The reason for this is that we are programmed to be in our minds and there is huge programming going on to only believe what we see! 

In fact, what humans can see is the frequency of visible light, this is only a small percentage of what exists in the universe! The programming from society not only doesn't want us to believe that energy exists outside of what we can see, but we are also programmed to be afraid of what might be there. When what is 'out there' is Pure Source Energy which is the most beautiful, Pure and amazing feeling that we can experience! There is also lots of invisible energy that we can tune into such as Universal Truth and Universal Wisdom to guide us and give us amazing inspiration. I mean this how all our amazing inventors discovered what they did, they were tuning into Universal Wisdom. You can do this too for simple everyday life or for some incredible creativity and inspiration to change your life! 

Take A Walk!

I have found that inspiration, Angelic guidance and soul connection is most powerful for me when I take a walk, especially along a beach and I particularly love walking in the sea, so much so that I will do this in winter wearing my pink wellies! 

Some people love trees and woods and others might like moors and commons, or if you live in a city then a park. Talking a walk is connecting us to nature more and allowing your mind to wander a bit and if you do some Filling with Pure Peace and Stillness then your mind will allow some creativity to flow in!

Experiment - We are All Different!

There is no right and wrong with how you tune into your soul and inner guidance, we are all unique souls and have our own preferences, so experiment and try different ways to feel more connected. 

The main point to succeed is to have a quite mind! 

Receiving Your Answers!

When you ask questions you need to be open to seeing, hearing or feeling the answers in unusual ways. 

You might hear a song on the radio in a shop and the words have the answer to your question, or you may see a picture or image that answers your questions. Sometimes I've overhead a conversation as I've walked by and that his given me an answer to my question!

The universal is creative in how it replies, so be aware, be tuned in and notice what is happening around you!

I do hope you enjoyed this article, if you've missed previous articles then you can check them out below:

Here is the whole 'Tuning into Feeling' Series

Please do comment below and share your experiences with me & 'Follow' to read the next article!

(Original images from pixabay.com)

© Copyright Michelle Carter - Original Work


some VERy wise worse and advice here.. IM certain that if we took the time to clear our minds and reduce our chatter that we would save SO much time, because we would make better decisions. I've witnesses this on many an occasion when i was about to spend the day doing something, but then i manage to centre and clear and realise i didnt need to do any of it at all as a much better and easier solution was there! I just didn;t see it, until my mind was calmer and more open.

lovely post and great series! thanks @michellecarter !

Thank you @eco-alex for your lovely comments about this article and the series, most appreciated! :)

Yes mind chatter is so damaging and feeling peace in our minds is so freeing and allows us to function so much better. As you say, often our to do list is full of things that we don't really need to do or could do in a better way!

Definitely another very relevant post! Thank you again :)

I am truly glad to have met you on Steemit (I can't even remember how I stumbled upon your account), as I feel like you were sent by the universe to aid me in my journey. You have given so much value to my life, your posts have been acting as uplifting reminders and reaffirmations, and they are very much appreciated, especially during these few intense months in my life.

Thank you for doing what you do! Much love <3

I'm so pleased that my posts and work are helping you so much! :)

Yes it's funny how the universe can work and bring us people and information we need, especially during intense times, so great my posts have given you value and assistance. You're most welcome! Love to you <3

Thanks so much @michellecarter! This is a huge hang-up for me. Programming has told me to think a certain way and the negative self-talk always seems to sneak up on me. Then repeated conversations in my head about this and that. I am definitely going to try this and see if I can get this to clear 100% of the time not just during a meditative state.

You're welcome @kimmydee2!
I'm so pleased my article has helped you. Programming and negative self-talk is so destructive and most people have issues with it until they learn ways to stop this happening.
Do let me know how you get on with the suggestions and the audio download for peace and stillness.

I will let you know for sure!!! Can't wait to take a listen ;)

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