A Terrific Tree Tuesday!


Hiya Friends

Ready For

A Terrific Tree Tuesday


Sadly this is all that remains of one of my favorite trees. I was a fixture at the park for as long as I could remember, just standing proudly on the knoll. We discovered this trunk just downhill from where they cut the old tree, so we are pretty sure they rolled the trunk down into the woods.


Feel free to leave your links in my comments! We need to get out and support each other. The votes are not worth what they were, but its still better than Farcebook!


I guess I can understand why they did cut it with so much of the center eaten out. I am sure it would have come down on its own soon enough.


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.



There is nothing sadder than to see the demise of such an old-timer, but, I can see that it was well beyond prime, so it was her time.

I am glad you took pictures of her so that we could see her in all her glory. I don't have quite the imagination that you do, so I appreciate it.

Here is my link: https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@dswigle/3zuqjk-tree-tuesday

Upped and Steemed Tip!

I wondered when you were going to get up. LOl. The coffee has been flowin' and Tree Tuesday a'bloomin. Funning thing ... I just used the word knoll with molometer ... word of the day:)

I send my condolences on the lost tree. These old ones are hard to lose. I seems every wind storm here in the westend sees the end to a hollow giant. Hopefully they will plant his replacement soon.

Here is my Tree Tuesday contribution ...https://steemit.com/poetry/@prydefoltz/beneath-fuji-san-a-tanka-couplet-for-tree-tuesday-old-guy-photos-and-100-days-of-poetry-day-14-d-pend

Yes apparently I am running on west coast time! I blame the recent time change as well. Not to mention, it seems I am always behind. I am still working on MonochromeMonday after all.

A lad of leisure ... that's all. Somebody must do lunch:):):)

I tease. You know I am actually on West Coast time:)

That tree is absolutely stunning. You got really good pictures of it. It is sad that it had to go but like you said it's probably for the best. Better for it to fall in a controlled manner then to potentially get somebody hurt. Plus now that it's on the ground it can provide homes for little animals. I love your work! Keep it up. And you're so right about us needing to support each other. I try to take time to upvote and leave meaningful comments for everybody who seems to be putting their heart into what they do. All of my love to you and to all of yours.

Thank you for the great comment! Yes I think with the decline in the value of Steem, we are seeing some of the folks that are only interested in money jumping off. I love the money but I also love the interaction with kind souls as yourself!

Good to hear from you brother. Since I am new to the community all I know of it is what it is now. I believe it is 90% good. But just like my physical community that I live in I always look for ways to improve. Whether it's simple interactions with people I can tell are having a bad day. Or taking the time to thank an officer for a firefighter from what they do. It can be as simple as picking up a bubble gum wrapper from the ground. Or spending a weekend repairing someone's car who can't afford to have it done, yet NEEDS their vehicle.Every tiny small thing adds up. We all have in us something that is special and unique that we can use to better the lives of people around us, and in doing so we better our lives.

Well this is just like your real life community. There are many fine folk and a few bad apples. Some seem to find it a game to try to trick people to enter their passwords in and steal their funds. So be vary cautious. Take some time to learn the difference between your posting key and your active key. A good practice is to only use the posting key for normal posting. That way even if you are tricked, they cannot move your funds.

It is a wonderful community and can be very addictive in a good way :)

Is there any reason I should ever give anyone any of my passwords? I don't get why I would do that? Is there something I'm missing or haven't come across that's a normal part of Steemit where I would give someone even my posting key? Thank you so much though for the words of caution. Just please help me understand better.

No never, but they have links that take you to a page like "stemit" (spelled wrong but made to look close) and ask for your login and steal your money.
Here is a post about it.

Wow. That's definitely some good information. The links people go to just to take advantage of another person. It's not surprising I guess, I just don't get it. But I do truly appreciate you looking out for me brother.

But it wouldn't have come down in a controlled manner and someone might have gotten hurt. The shades of a lawsuit...

That thing is/was a Behemoth! I always like seeing what's on the inside! That tree had a lot of heart!

Ironically, my post is also about a stump with a story too! I really appreciate Tree Tuesday and thank you for helping make each Tuesday terrific! Y'all can check out my contribution by clicking anything below.
Keep On Steemin On My Friends!

Thanks for the link. Im heading over!

Poor old tree! When I drive past places where favorite old trees once stood I still remember them fondly and mourn their loss. https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@melinda010100/cottonwood-trees-22d55291dc8fc

Yes that is exactly it! Thanks for taking part in #TreeTuesday

It looks like a giant could use that tree for a straw! Sorry to see the mighty has fallen. Here is my #TreeTuesday post. I hope you enjoy your Terrific Tree Tuesday.

Thanks for taking part in #TreeTuesday

Wow, such a huge tree stump!

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