Our soul-soothing trip to Upper Austria + tiny things matter the most :)

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)


Summer holiday. The promised week. For the luckier ones, it might be two. I don't agree with this mindest at all...but it's not what this post will be about. Earlier this summer, my parents dropped me a call, where should we go for summer holiday this year. My answer surprised them...

Summer holiday AKA our family reunion

I don't spend much time with my parents. I study/work outside of my country and get back home just for couple of days. That usually means partying with friends and talking with parents just from behind the closed bathroom door, while vomiting the next morning :D No kidding now, they actually already pointed it out to me :D That's why summer holiday is kinda sacred week for us. We choose a destination and basically meet there. They go from Slovakia and I get there from Innsbruck. The destination last 2 years was always some typical beach stuff in Croatia. I never really get the real rest from such destinations..It's jut too crowded, too noisy, too touristic.... That's why my answer to my parent's this year was:

"Let's just meet somewhere half-way and enjoy couple of days in the nature without all that touristic beach stuff...There must be another way how to do summer holiday!"

Upper Austia countryside

The decision was made and "the circle on the map was drawn." We're meeting in Upper Austria. For me it was circa 250 kilometers and for my parents around 500.


First impressions

I took an early train at 5am and closer I was getting to the place, more I knew our decision was right. Everything was green and fresh and was just buzzing with energy. Different energy tho, not the quick coffee energy you get normally. And more than anything, everything was calm :)

Evening walk

Very first day, we haven't really done much and just enjoyed each other's presence. Talked a lot whats new etc and then eventually later in the afternoon, we went for a walk. It felt as if the time stopped there, really.

Ever-present wood and greens without any sign of modern technology was just sooo soothing. And the silence..No cars, no airplanes (suupertypical in Innsbruck btw). It was magical. After walking for a good hour, we arrived to a tiny village. I could't help but wonder what are these kids like compared to their modern city peers. This whole environment they're growing up in has to have nothing but positive effect on both, their physical and mental health.

"Am I in heaven?"

This was my inner question the next day after I woke up. Got on the terrase of our appartment and this is the view I had. And again...silence. I should actually write The Silence. Cuz it was not that typical silence you know. This silence was somehow alive. It was just vibrating with all this natural energy or something. I'm no yogi (altho I practice yoga, but more for its physical than mental/spiritual effects) so I dunno what it was, but that countryside is just different.

And the typical houses nearby were also suuuper beautiful.

Well, it was time to go to water! But before that...

Hah, I didn't say we didn't bath :D I said, there's another way how to do it that just travelling somewhere to sea. But before lying on the "beach", we had to earn it!! Up we go!

I admit we've taken a lift, but it was cuz of my mum's hip problems. And up there we've done a proper 3 hour hike :) So don't judge us! :D As expected, the view from the top was just breath-taking. At this moment, I was sooo happy we weren't lying on the beach eating cooked corn and ice-cream.

We even made one friend up there :) He didn't want to leave by any means.

Eventually, as our legs got heavier, it was time to go....to the LAKEE! One last look at it from top :) Ok, I had circa 5 last looks as it was just too beautiful to have just one :)


It's name is Seeklausalm. Google it - it's beautiful! Sooo blue...and soo refreshing :) It was my first time swimming in the outside water in the whole year and I just really really enjoyed it. I don't have pics from the beach as my mum started complaining about me taking pictures all the time :D

After staying there couple of hours, we've walked around the lake. There were many climbing paths right above the walk.

Milka cows are not purple?!?

Look whom we met :D Cows!! In Alps! Those must be the Milka cows right?? (if you don't know what Milka is - google "Milka chocolate")....But hey, they ain't purple? My whole life till this point was a lie!

After watching these two playing around for good 20 minutes, we've decided to go home as we were hungry and my parents brought over some typical slovakia food which I was craving for already from the day before :D As we were leaving, I couldn't help myself but look back once again and take more pictures altho at this point, it wasn't making any sense as my memory card was "overflowing" :D

Tiny things are sometimes the most valuable ones

Hm, who would say that after such eventful days, the best was just to come :) After the dinner, me and my mother went for a bike ride. I know, sounds normal right? Well, I haven't ridden a bike with my mum since I was probably 6 or 7...And she hasn't ridden a bike in genera for quite some years. Well, let's call her first several hundreds meters a wild style :D But eventually she got it all under controll and I really really REAAALLY enjoyed it. We told our father we'll be back in 20 minutes, but came back after an hour :)

Oh, and btw..my mum is wearing 12 years old WU-TANG tanktop!! Who's got as cool mum as mine? Easy...Noone! If you have problem with her socks in sandals, meet me in Innsbruck and tell it to me straight in the face! :D My mum is the most savage mum out there! Period! Love u mum! 💗

These were just first two days. But the post is already now too long and I feel noone will read it anyway....So what is the main point of the post? Well, the first one is that** you don't have to fly to freaking Dubai to have nice summer holiday and boost your Insta with gr8 pictures :P ** In my homecountry, we have a saying:

"The darkest place is usually straight under the lamp.."

Means, sometimes the thing you're looking for is right in front of your eyes. Well, for me, it was 200 kilometers, but it's still kinda the same :D

Thanks for reading!


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    - [They say that dogs copy owner's character, now I BELIEVE this (+ 2 totally CUTE DOG pics :) )](https://steemit.com/family/@matkodurko/they-say-that-dogs-copy-owner-s-character-now-i-believe-this-2-totally-cute-dog-pics)


    I've had this post open for a day now and keep coming to look at your very inspiring mother. I'm much older than her and always wear socks and sandals :)

    What a wonderful trip you had and such a great idea to keep it so low key. I wonder if the people living there know what a paradise they have.

    Oh yeah they know.. Austrians are super proud of their country, almost xenophobic-like..."we're the best,who are u?" Kind of mentality

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    Ouyeah :) I have 3 hours of train ahead of me so will sure do :)

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    Hey guys, ofcourse you can include the post wherever u need..also use the pics for whatever u want :) I'm not "closed policy" fan... I can change one of the tags for #archisteem if u want

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    Cool @matkodurko! We will include your story then :)
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    Thx thx thx :D

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    And the best thing is spending quality time with your parents, away from modern technology (camera excluded otherwise we wouldn't be able to see these great photos from you).

    And....... you shattered my purple Milka Cow image!!!!

    Haha :D and yepp, u r totally right about the quality time :)

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    Love these typical Austrian views. I only visit Austria in Winter and it looks so different in the summer, but still so beautiful!

    You come to ski right? :)

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    Yes! Most of the time in the Tirol area.

    Hah well I'm based in Innsbruck..but I'm more of a gym rat, especially since my knee got fucked for 3 months this January on Stubai.. anyway, if u r here and have some time and lust, drop me a message and I can take you to some boxing or jiu jitsu classes if u want:D

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    Viewing these photos are quite soothing, I can only imagine how soothing it was being there and experiencing all of that natural goodness. I love how serene, peaceful and calm the place is, its just so green everywhere and that is really beautiful and refreshing... This is a summer with a twist, a beautiful twist, definitely a better way to enjoy summer!

    I love the houses there, they are really unique and beautiful. I love the view of the lake, its just fascinating. Everything there looks magical, your visit there was definitely worth it.

    Your Mum is beautiful and energetic, and well, she does seem like a cool Mum.. Hahahah! The socks ain't too bad, just let her be!!

    Great photos, and you related your experience there so well. Well, the long post wasn't too much of a waste, at least I read through it!!

    Hah it really really really was relaxing there.. especially early mornings on the terrase were pure magic :) thxx for reading the post!

    Posted using Partiko Android

    Wow! That's definitely a place to be!

    Most of my holidays are the exciting party variety but you can often come back from them just as tired as when you left. They are great fun but i can appreciate the fact that you need some time to rest and relax. It looks so peaceful and calm in your photos that it makes me want to try one of those trips. i'm sure that you all had a great time out there.

    Makes me feel old tho :D that I enjoyed this instead of wild parties :D

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    I think everybody reaches that point at some stage. Luckily for me its not quite there yet. Maybe in a few more years.

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    Not so long ago I had a family weekend myself, and I see them more regular than you do I think. But I still do understand your feelings. Cool that you guys went into nature and found each other there. Really enjoyed reading your story, brought back my memories to my last trip with the family. Great post I like it!

    Oh and btw that sock thing, my dad does the same! 🤘


    I'm wondering what our kids will be pointing out on our way we dress :D I'm not getting rid of them beautiful Vans shoes :D

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    Oh you just wear fancy Vans 😎
    Think my kids will walk miles apart from me while wearing my fivefingers 🤣

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