Travel Pro Tip #20 : "Pay More Get Less Countries" "Pay Less Get More Countries" and Some Things to Consider. Part Two

in #travel7 years ago

In part one of this four part travel tip series we went into some detail about what is a "Pay More Get Less Country" here in part two we talk about the other side of the spectrum, "Pay Less Get More Countries". These are mostly second and third world countries. In these countries your money goes much further. Being from one of these places means it's much harder to earn a lot of money, that is the challenge and downside. Fortunately for many of these "Pay Less Get More" countries, the economy is set up where everyone can still afford the basic necessities of life.

Most of the developing world lives on $10 dollars a day. That means they "live" on that tiny amount of money often in a similar standard of living people from first world countries do; holding onto cultural values and traditions much more closely, they often keep the problems that we suffer from in the west at bay. I'm talking depression, obesity, high divorce, broken families, drug addiction, suicide, gang violence, etc.

Basic necessities are often met at much lower costs. Public transportation can be as little as 15 cents in places like Nicaragua. Medicine can be just three dollars over the counter compared to the exact same medications in places like the US requiring an expensive doctors visit and the prescription sometimes costing hundreds.

Going off topic a bit but worth sharing. I suffered from Asthma for years and I stopped buying inhalers in the US over a decade ago as they would cost me about $100 dollars to see the doctor with no insurance, then about $50 for each inhaler. Last time I bought one was in Ecuador a few years ago over the counter for $5 dollars, it was the same exact thing I'd get in the US, and there isn't even a "wait" to have your prescription filled. It's like buying a bottle of water. I've bought inhalers like this in Korea, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Thailand, Mexico, Vietnam, Bali....all over the place. Average price $5-10 dollars. Back home, ten times that. Go figure.

I give 100% credit to myself in taking matters into my own hands, I recently did something no western doctor could do, I cured myself of this inflammation related chronic illness called asthma just by changing my diet and taking some herbal supplements. It's inspired me to start a "travel pro" health series which will begin soon. All western doctors have done for me is push drugs to cover the symptoms while making the money go round leaving me sick huffing harmful drugs my entire life, I don't hold them in very high regard.

Back to what makes a good "Pay less Get More" Country.... cheap rent! It can be as little as $50 dollars a month for a lower/mid end apartment here in Thailand in the Capital city of Bangkok. My hippy friends from Argentina rent a rustic two bedroom house in Vilcabamba Ecuador. It's far from fancy with no hot water but they do have electricity and a roof that doesn't leak. They are two couples with three children total.

They have a nice garden, a dog, a lovely patio and and it's in front of a small river too! They've made it cozy and it's their home. They pay $40 a month and split the rent four ways! Their rent is $10 a month per person! Almost hard to believe, but I've spent many hours hanging out at their $10 a month rental home! I asked if he spent over two hundred a month for a family of four, he laughed. Said about $100 dollars a month! He buys raw organic milk from his neighbor at 50 cents a gallon, and so on. Just unreal, yet so normal to so many around the globe. If it wasn't for my Spanish skills I would never have known. He is a good friend to this day, I'm looking forward to meeting up with him in Ecuador next month!

These same friends were spending about $10 dollars a week on local organic groceries for the whole family. I lived in this town Vilcabamba Ecuador for a year too. I was buying grass fed organic filet mignon and pork chops for $3.50 a lb as well as gourmet mushrooms, honey, and chocolate; my x girlfriend and I at the time were spending maybe $30 a week on groceries all together. I had friends up the road with huge avocado trees in the yard. They would give me all the avocados I wanted for free. Some of the best I've ever had too. These are great lifestyle characteristics of "pay less get more" countries that I personally have enjoyed.

To feel pity for people from less wealthy countries I often find backwards as in many cases their money goes so far they often have better more wholesome, happier lives than people living in the west. Something I wouldn't have said 15 years ago, but I've seen it and lived it first hand. This applies to so many countries around the world, from Vietnam to Guatemala, not everyone or every country, but often people are happier and healthier living on $300 dollars a month vs $3,000 back where I am from in the states.

Being American and being taught that the US is the best country in every way, it's often hard to believe what I just stated, but just look at the depression and suicide statistics, or how little quality food you come back with from the grocery vs how much you spent, or just start traveling and see for yourself.

I'm not going to say to be from one place is better than another, I'm very proud and happy to carry a US passport and be American, it's been my ticket to ride and boy have I done so. One should understand that people from second and third world countries are not in a constant state of suffering like many believe. Sure there are some hell-hole countries on this planet, where people are suffering, but those are not what I'd consider "Pay Less Get More Countries" but we'll get into that a bit more in the next post.

In part three of this now four part travel tip series, we'll go into more detail about "Pay Less Get More Countries", review one of my favorite "Pay Less Get More Countries", I'll list some of the best of these countries I've found around the globe. I'll touch on some budget strategies when traveling these countries and more. If you enjoyed this article please take a look at some my other work and consider following. Thank you! -Dan "World Travel Pro"

Not To be Missed!

Travel Pro Tip #20 : "Pay More Get Less Countries" "Pay Less Get More Countries" and Some Things to Consider. Part One

Travel Super Foods #5: Passion Fruit in Laos

Travel Eats #3: Pad Krapao Moo

Travel Pro Hang Out Hot-Spot #2 :Hom Coffee in Chiang Mai Thailand

With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a video just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!


I want to travel more, and posts like this always motivates me to do so! Thank you!

Thanks buddy. Check out my new real life captured for a taste of some crazy market in Thailand. I'm sure you'll enjoy!

Awesome article!!! I agree with, well, every sentence of it!! ;) Many people don't realise how liberating it is to travel, to be able to do so much with money which at home (Netherlands, for me) doesn't take you that far. Me and my husband have been traveling around Asia a lot, we rent out our apartment at home (which we built as two seperate small apartments, so even when we live there that rental income easily covers our mortgage, when we travel there's a double income from the rent). And just that income from rent has been enough for us to travel, even between countries. If you spend your money smart so much is possible! I love what you describe about the family and their rental home and their organic groceries. Yes, what a life that is - and what a superb opportunity we have to go and enjoy parts of that lifestyle also! It's just possible. You just need to fall in love with the idea of travel and doing something different and new in life and you'll find ways to do it.
Lol really loved your post. Giving you a follow!

Wow. What a great comment. You guys really understand me. I too lived on rental income. But I found the responsibility of maintaining the place from afar and dealing with the tenants to be too much of a pain. Now I get about 10% interest in the banks in Ecuador. But seems like you guys have a great thing going with your rental income, My next article will list a bunch of places you could live comfortably on your rental income alone. Only problem is, what are you going to do with all that free time? That was my issue, so I just travel at a pretty slow pace and do my blog now. Quite a fun, exciting yet, relaxing life. It's so good to meet like minded people who see value in travel and the life experiences that comes with it. Have a great day! -Dan

Cool! :) Always fun meeting like minded people! I understand that renting out your place from afar is sometimes a hassle. Even just legislation and tax things become quite complex when you do these kind of things. But 10% interest really doesn't sound so bad either. And yes, so much time on hand!! Haha lol. Gives the opportunity of really finding out what your passion is, what you enjoy doing just for the sake of doing! But it's an interesting challenge, and it would be cool to read about how you manage that in future blogs :). See you around, and have a beautiful day too!

Thank you for your writing such a interesting info. I'm sure they are places that people suffer and it is so sad :(

Absolutely. Every country has a population of people suffering. Some countries are just a total mess. It is sad. So glad to see so much of you lately. Really means a lot that you and others enjoy my work. Thank you :) -Dan

Good to know that you are getting over your Asthma. The western medicine fails to cure a few illnesses and your Asthma would be one of them. For the same reason here in India we have different Alternative pathies to help people. Many people get cured by different Alternative medicines (not all of them though)of the illness which western doctors deem not curable.I myself had fallen ill at the age of 14(fourteen) and the allopathy doctors were not able cure me. Finally we shifted to Ayurveda and I got completely cured. Now I a 40(forty years) of age and the problem has not occurred. Same is said about Chinese Medicine as well and we in India believe in that medicine as well. We always believed that our ancestors were intelligent people and studied our nature in a minute way to know about the natural cure for every illness. Any way nice to know how you have been frank to let people know how the medicines are cheaper in developing nations and also good to know that you are having herbal supplements, the herbal supplements don't have much side effects in the long run and I hope that you will be totally cured some day (God Willing). Well for the rest may your "Health Series" be successful as well and best of luck for your other ventures.

Great addition to my article. Thank you for sharing. The good news is I am totally cured. As long as I don't eat processed foods or sugary foods. All I had to do was eat real food the way nature and god intended. Meat, fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices makes up 95% of my diet. It's cured me. A normal healthy diet. It's like rocket science, but totally not. Sometimes I feel like the west is just so backwards, and all about money over the good of the people. Especially when I was sick, puffing the inhaler all day, the doctors wouldn't even ask about my diet. I'd go home and eat three bowls of sugary cereal and milk, and wheeze all night. Was just so stupid, but nobody could connect the dots. Glad you enjoyed my article. Have a great day! -Dan

Great to know that you are cured. Stay healthy and take care. I always enjoy your Articles and hope the same trend will continue. My intention was not to call anybody backward, but just to say that every therapy is good as long as it cures a person, whether Indian or Foreign. And that is something most people i.e. most rational people in our country believe in. Thank you, for your prompt and detailed response.

I totally gt what you're saying but I wouldn't hesitate to say some things in this world are completely ass-backwards lol. Thank you for following along and enjoying my work! Much more to come. -Dan

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Im jealous you have been to so many countries. I need to travel more Dan!

But you seem so happy and comfortable in Cancun. To just permanently travel like I do living out of a bag. It's not for everyone, but maybe it's for you, for a while. Fortunately I've gotten so good at it, I'm more comfortable living like this than having my own pad. Heck, my laundry is being done for me as we speak. I have no need for a vehicle and ate at a great bufet restaurant for 6 dollars tonight!

Did you get that Tank yet? So good to see you around on here. After all we spent a day together in the real world. A lot of fun we had. Me you and Mike were big time newbies on steemit. How is he doing by the way. Looks like my blog is finally starting to take off just a bit. I've got some pretty serious follows and can count on about 15 bucks a post at the moment. I'm happy with that especially compared to when we met I was averaging about 20 cents! Have great day! -Dan

Haha! Yes your doing very well on here! Glad to see so! You'll be a steemit millionaire soon staying in the swanky 5*places like @sweetsssj soon! Haha 😁

Well I was MIA from Steemit for about 3months. Just got back into posting again so my posts are only in the $1-$5 range! Did have one last week at $27! Ooooh progress! Haha

Consider yourself fortunate. Steemit got hit with some sort of cyber attack and was so slow and practically unusable for two weeks. everyone here was very frustrated. Thanks for encouragement and compliment on my blog. Best of luck to you as well!

Awesome post as usual @world-travel-pro ! Great tips for me to keep in mind if I ever get a chance to travel again ! Thanks for all the awesome information ! And I certainly need to check more into herbal supliments !! Steem On my friend !👍👍👍💕
Im Still stuck on the moon waiting for the price of steem to go up !

Thanks for the compliment. Wait until I start posting about all the herbal supliment I put my in capsuls myself. I A bag of tumeric for example about 200 capsules.....30 cents! In Chiang Mai Thailand. Just unreal. So glad yo are enjoying y blog and info I share. Get back from the moon safely! Steem $$$ should rise with the tide of cryptos in general. At least I think so.

great post, eye opening! and so true, struggle with the question more and more here in the west

Yes, the western countries are not was they once were. Just after WWII in the US. A janitor could support a stay at home wife and two kids, house owned in full after 7 years, and have a car. That gave rise to the baby boom generation who had it good as well. Now my/our generation comes out of college 100k in debt often struggling to find a job once they do it's endless bills, debt payback, and so hard to save for the future. Modern day slavery how I see it. If one were to be a janitor now a days they'd live in their parents basement or darn close.

Here is another fun fact. The US dollar has lost 98% of it's purchasing power since the Federal reserve was instates 100 years ago. It's been a slow burn to the middles class for decades now creating more and more separation from the haves and have nots.

So glad yo find my work interesting and eye opening. It's good to be appreciated. Have a great day Haas!

Congrats on the new adventure!!

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